
She Is Inside

Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

He Qingguo happily accepted the thick wad of cash. This was money that he had earned without much effort. His niece was truly very lucky and had married rich men on both occasions. He thought that it was a pity that he didn't foster this niece of his. If he had done so, his family's fortunes would have been on the rise.

He Qingguo was filled with regret at that thought.

Mo Yixuan stared at the door that was shut tightly. He raised his hand and knocked on the door several times.

There was no response and he couldn't hear anything inside either.

He knocked a few more times and there was still no response.

He Qingguo waved his hand and said, "I guess she's still sleeping since it's only 4 AM in the morning. Why don't you wait a while longer? You could also head down to the chess room to have some supper," He Qingguo said, wanting to be on closer terms with Mo Yixuan.