
She Had to Have a Cesarean Section in Advance

Dịch giả: Larbre Studio Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

At Ye City's women and children hospital, He Xiyan's forehead was full of sweat after she completed her routine examination. She held her fingers tightly, her entire body had tensed up,and her face was as white as a sheet from fright. 

She was already 37 weeks pregnant and during her routine examination, there was turbidity detected in her amniotic fluid and she was informed that her fetus was in an environment where it was lacking in oxygen, so the doctor had suggested that she undergo an immediate c-section in 30 minutes, otherwise, her fetus' health might be affected.

Qin Xiaoyu and Wang Lan who had accompanied her to the hospital quickly supported her since she was so heavily pregnant that she found walking difficult. 

"Quick…" He Xiyan found her breath quickening, "Call my husband and tell him to drop everything and rush to the hospital immediately. Be quick…"