
Search for a Daughter-In-Law (2)

Dịch giả: Larbre Studio Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

She had never seen Mo Yixuan in person and had only seen several photographs but those photographs alone were enough to make her heart race.

When she saw a man of this quality, she would fall for his looks even if she wasn't the type to initially be attracted to someone because of their looks.

"Do you think Yixuan…" Li Qin pursed her lips and embarrassment flashed past her eyes but she quickly recovered and said, "Yumo, Yixuan will be home after work. Men tend to put their career before anything else and moreover, his company has started work on several new projects, so he's gotten busier. If he doesn't seem to take the initiative, please don't feel offended or get mad."

Li Qin talked to Yumo as though she was her own daughter. She believed that as long as those two young people interacted more with each other, Yixuan would definitely accept this young lady.

She would force him to do accept this young lady even if he refused to do so.