
Please Give Me Some Time, Yan Yan

Dịch giả: Larbre Studio Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

She could not accept this gift, so she planned to send it back to Ye Hao via mail tomorrow.

When night fell, she leaned against her bed frame and played with the phone in her hand.

She frowned as she racked her brains to come up with the right words to say so that both her ex-husbands would leave her alone.

She couldn't stop them from visiting the children and she was forced to have occasional contact with them but she realized that they would often use visiting the children as an excuse to constantly interfere in her life. 

This was especially so for Ye Hao who treated the castle as his own property. He would often show up without even letting her know in advance.

She didn't want to get involved with either of her ex-husbands again. She neither loved or hated them and all she wanted was for them to lead their own separate lives. She wanted to live peacefully and she hoped that they'd be able to find someone else who'd be a better match.