
Mom, You Must Come

Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

"Mom is over there!" Yuan Yuan said as he adjusted the camera.

Soon, Mo Yixuan saw the familiar figure of his ex-wife. She was currently clad in a white leisure outfit and she was blow-drying her hair in front of a mirror at her vanity table. He could even hear the faint sounds of blow drying in the background.

"Dad, do you want to speak to mom?" Yuan Yuan asked. He could tell that his father had missed his mom dearly for each time they'd speak over a video call, he'd ask what his mother was doing.

Mo Yixuan smiled bitterly. He shook his head because he knew that she would refuse to speak to him even if he wanted to speak to her.

He Xiyan dried her hair before she walked toward her two children. She quickly moved away when she saw that Yuan Yuan was on the phone with his father since she didn't want Mo Yixuan to spot her.

Xi XI happily tugged on her hand.