
It Was Cut By A Piece Of Bowl Debris

Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

He Xiyan was delighted for one moment, thinking that it was Ye Hao who called back. Taking a look at the phone, she found it was not from him but a strange number, of a landline specifically.

"Hello, is that Mrs. Ye?" A girl's voice came out of the phone.

He Xiyan was stunned a little. For the first time, someone called her Mrs. Ye, and she was almost surprised out of response.

"Yes. Who is that, please?"

The girl continued, "I'm a nurse at Ye City Central Hospital. Well, your husband got a neck injury and was in surgery. He asked me to call you so that you don't have to worry. He'll call you back later." The voice of the nurse was very sweet, but sounded like a thunderbolt out of the sky in the ear of He Xiyan.

Neck injury?

At once she opened her eyes wide, a sudden coldness striking her back. Her hands began to sweat immediately.

How could a good person get hurt, neck injury especially. Should it be...