
I Hope That We'll Meet Again in Our Next Life

Dịch giả: Larbre Studio Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

She paused for a moment before she said softly, "It's alright, Jiahang. I'll head home myself." 

Her voice was very hoarse and Ye Hao's face immediately flushed red when he heard the hoarseness in her voice because he was jealous of Chen Jiahang.

He could tell that Yan Yan was breaking up with Chen Jiahang but her hoarse voice made his heart clench in pain. 

"Did you hear that? She doesn't need you to send her home. You should just stay here and continue rearing pigs and chickens," Ye Hao said sarcastically. He felt better after insulting Chen Jiahang but more importantly, he felt comforted when he saw that Yan Yan didn't seem to want to have anything to do with Chen Jiahang. He had also seen the worry and concern in Yan Yan's eyes when he crashed onto the ground earlier.

She still cared about him. 

He was no longer as emotional nor as angry as before at that thought and the corners of his lips even curled into a small smile.