
Does Your Father Have A Girlfriend?

Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

He Xiyan had not seen Yuanyuan's father for a long time. The last time she saw him seemed to be at the birthday party of the mayor of Ye City.

At that time, she saw him alone with no female companion.

Over the years, she hadn't heard any news about his marriage.

Mo Ling frowned suddenly, somewhat surprised that mom would ask about dad. After all, for so many years, mom seldom asked about his father.

"He's still like that..." Mo Ling replied lightly.

He Xiyan was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Yuanyuan meant actually. She thought for a moment, then spoke out the doubts in her mind.

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend now?"

What He Xiyan wanted to know most was Mo Yixuan's current emotional state. After all these years, she did not know if he had let go.

She really hoped that he could find his own happiness again and find another lover who really belonged to him.