
Because I Can’t Bear to Let You Go

Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

Xia Yuwei widened her eyes to glare at him and threw the phone in her hand on the ground with a loud thud.

She was already angry so when she heard that man utter that woman's name, this was the last straw. Her beautiful face twisted angrily in rage.

She rushed over and stepped on his stomach, then bent down to look at him.

"Mo Yixuan…" She reached out to slap his face. "Open your eyes right now. Open them up." He had to open his eyes wide to see who he was talking to.

If he continued to call that woman's name, she would immediately pour a pail of cold water all over him.

He suddenly gripped her hand in his and he gripped her so tightly that she was surprised to find that she couldn't break free of his grip.