
105、In that year, the old times people

An ominous presentiment quickly occupied his consciousness. Ivy Aretha had a daughter, which he learned of today for the first time. But who was the child's father...?

"Ivy, since you're alright, there's something I want to talk to you about. Can you come outside with me for a bit?"

"Alright, I'll – "

"Say it here! My woman isn't on loan!"

Michael Gordon abruptly interrupted Ivy's words before she could finish, and pulled her back just as she tried to step out.

My woman isn't on loan!

Everyone in the room was stunned by this bold and domineering statement. Bianca's eyes, wrapped in the gauze on her head, seemed even brighter and clear, resting on Michael's hands that encircled Ivy like a pair of transparent pearls.

The next moment, support for her father broke through her throat!

"Uncle Gordon, I support you. Take my mom as your wife!"

The doctor holding the little one was dumbfounded, realizing that this child did not know that this man was her father!