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Now that Alex was willing to listen to her, Vanessa realized that she didn't even know where to start from or what to ask first.

Should she ask him why he had come to her house, first? Or why he had been so drunk? Or maybe why he was willing to risk it all just to bring her here knowing the situation surrounding them.

Or should she ask why he had kissed her? Vanessa didn't know which of these questions to ask first.

She lowered her eyes to his lips, and they narrowed on the small cut that tainted his lips.

"Give me a moment, I will be back." She said and rose up from the couch, with Alex's eyes following after her with confusion.

"Where are you—" he let the rest of his words trail off when she walked to the shelf at the east-end of the living room and pulled out the first-aid kit.

His mind reeled back to the cut he had sustained, and the brusies on his knuckles.

Were they going to do this now? He thought she wanted to talk?