
The central lord

Kain, a former Army General becomes a victim of political subterfuge, his creed is to prove himself and avenge those he once held dear.

Sam5in_basil · Kỳ huyễn
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Page 1

It was dark, too dark it would make one wonder if even an owl would be capable of sight. But he did, by Theiris he was able to see it, the massacre, the blood, black as discarded oil, he could almost see the dark blue long garbs these people wore, a blue that stood as a symbol of damnation.

He knew that it was he who they had come for, they had taken it too far though,

would all these innocent lives spend on account of a single man?

Unforgivable! he thought, not under his watch, not whilst air remained in his lungs, not while his place as General Majoris had yet to be revoked.

He vowed inwardly to stand and fight even to a bitter end.

He clenched the hilt of his sword resolutely, his eyes steady and his face albeit contorted, lacked fear. He was a man who knew himself all too well.

'Clank', 'Klink' sound of steel blades reverberated around and across the courtyard, smoke went up in clouds and huts went up in flames. Nobody was coming out of his hut, nobody cared to extinguish the fire,

why? nobody wanted to risk having a rather unfortunate encounter with the Royal Executioners.

The dark blue of their garb was a forbidden hue, any eye that saw it saw its last, and any throat that voiced as much as a word of it at night would be found by day with a gash left in it. A rough and generous gash it'd be to assure the public that to man, woman, and child, ignorance likened to a tonic, as bitter as it is, saves life and as such should be gratefully taken.

While things and tantrums were being thrown up and down, Kain ran in gallantly to the courtyard, his courtyard. It was in a poor state of disrepair and damage, blood was smeared around, and holes and cracks in and about the floor and walls. One would wonder 'is this the work of men?' but nobody would be too surprised if these said men were to be those in long blue garbs.

Their nature was destruction, True. While this might be the case though, Kain felt he had better grounds for confidence, who was he? he was the only General Majoris, of the whole army battalion of Palās, these so-called Royal Executioners should be the ones watching their toes instead. He would do with them what no one had ever read of in history.