
The Celestial Phoenix's Ascent

"Queens and concubines are merely pawns in a game of Court," the Crown Prince stared me down, chin high. I returned him a smile, though my cheeks were stiff and reluctant to accommodate my lips. "Then why would a mere woman like me be your only tool to turn the tide?" - As the daughter of General Yan of the great country of Yin Shang, Yan Qing's duty lies with the royal Pan clan, whose sole orders hold her and her family's lives. When Yan Qing turned 19, the Crown Prince of Yin Shang decreed for her to enter the Palace. There, she received her mission: Go undercover as a Palace servant in their nemesis' territory, Jin Tang. Alone and afraid, she must brave through a precarious task. Only by succeeding in seducing the future King of Jin Tang of the royal Li clan would she survive her predicament. But things get messy in a hurry when she enters Shen Li Gong, Palace of the 18th Prince of Jin Tang. He was the downtrodden Prince, target of everyone's ridicule. But Yan Qing recognised the power that exuded from him. Would she be able to weave her way past the Prince's eagle eyes? The fate of her country, and more importantly, her family, lies in her hands. **Warning: Quite the slow burn** Book cover credits (background image): Jingyi Lyu https://unsplash.com/photos/lgCjARMlnjg

Chaslin_Xines · Lịch sử
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138 Chs

A Servant's Ploy

The East Palace was at least three times the size of Shen Li Gong. There were four maidens at the entrance - one of them being Wen Ling, the girl who was assigned to the East Palace after giving the Matron a nice ring.

"Announce me," the 18th Prince said. One of the maidens announced his arrival.

A few steps before the East Palace's gates, Yi Liang had picked the Prince off the palanquin seat and placed him back onto the wheelchair. It was inappropriate to be lifted into Dong Gong if one wasn't the Crown Prince.

There was even a ramp up the gates; one that was likely installed just recently for the 18th Prince, seeing how pristine and white the ramp was against the old flooring around it.

"Only one of you bring the dumplings in. The rest can stay outside."

The 18th Prince gestured for Eunuch Cui to push his wheelchair in just as the six servants at the entrance of the main hall bowed and slid open the doors.

I opened the container lid to check that the dumplings were still plated well. To my surprise, the dumplings had red petals on them. I hadn't decorated anything I cooked; I remember that clearly.

Mei stepped up to me, grabbing the handle of the container. "Don't try to take this from me, new girl. I'm the one who made this thing look good," she hissed, her face twisted into a horrible expression.

I refused to let go, horrified that she had done something like this. "Which flower did you use?" I asked, lowering my voice. The East Palace's servants all raised their heads, intrigued by how we were both clutching onto the container.

It was one thing to try and decorate steamed dumplings with flower petals. It was another to use something inedible.

"It's the flower growing by the West side entrance. Now, give it here!" Mei tugged hard, but I didn't let go.

My mind worked furiously, trying to remember why these flower petals were sending alarm through me.

"Oleander..." I whispered, eyes widening. A flower I had once picked for Grandmother, only for my hands to grow a rash that tormented me for a week just from holding the stem.

I stared at Mei's hands in horror at the amount of red from the Oleander flower had got on her skin.

"You idiot!" I hissed, unable to help it as I took a step back. "Oleander is poi-" I stopped speaking, realising that the Crown Prince's people were staring.

What would they think if they realised that the food from the 18th Prince's kitchen was poisonous? I couldn't kill off my one link to the Crown Prince with some servant's stupid ploy to get favour!

Yi Liang came up the steps, having just finished speaking to the seat-bearers who were outside. "Maiden Mei? Maiden Lan Ying? What is happening?" Yi Liang asked, a frown crossing his face.

I took another step back, thinking about what to do before Yi Liang came close enough to stop me.

"Get back here-" Mei made a grab for the container. Gritting my teeth, I swung myself away from her and pretended to trip, dropping the container of food.

The plates shattered, dumplings strewn all over the floor.

There was an audible gasp from everyone.

Yi Liang's eyes widened as I landed on my butt, wincing in pain. Everyone stood frozen. Mei had her hands covering her mouth in shock. "You wench!" Mei said aloud.

"What is the meaning of all of this noise?" A deep voice boomed from within the hall. Out came a man in red silk robes, a full moon embroidered onto his chest.

The Imperial Li clan was known to be the clan of Wolves, like how the Pans were the clan of Carps. But it was the first time I had ever seen the Li clan's symbol.

He was a big and burly man, facial hair on his chin and above his lips. Unlike the 18th Prince, whose eyes resembled the eyes of a relaxed wolf, the Crown Prince's eyes were perpetually narrowed as though always on the hunt.

He stepped out of the Palace, nostrils flaring as he took in the mess I had made.

He opened his mouth, and I scrambled onto my knees. To my surprise, the heir of Jin Tang called out for my Master. "Zheng'er, what is the meaning of this?" My ears pricked at finally knowing the 18th Prince's name.

"What do you mean, royal brother?" The 18th Prince sounded bored, as though this was a normal occurence. He was rolled out of the hall by Eunuch Cui.

He pressed his lips into a thin line at the sight of the mess, the only betrayal of any sign of emotion.

"This wench -" Mei began, kneeling as well, but I beat her to it. I had watched her expression change the moment the Crown Prince stepped out. Favour wasn't the only thing she was trying to earn.

"Your servant begs for forgiveness! Your servant is new and did not hold the container right. Your servant has wasted the 18th Prince's wishes to fill Your Highness' stomach. Please forgive your servant!"

The Crown Prince stared down at me with barely contained irritation. He shifted his legs.

"Well? Clean it up then." He stood there, waiting for me to move. Despite knowing that he was trying to make a show out of humiliating Shen Li Gong's people, I bowed my head.

Staying on my hands and knees, I used my bare hands to pick up the shattered pieces of ceramic and dirty dumplings. I wanted to laugh at how similar this was to my first day with the 18th Prince.

But I stayed silent, even when one of the shards sliced my left index finger open.

When every bit had been placed into the container, my every move watched by the numerous eyes of the people of Dong Gong, I crawled back to the Crown Prince's feet.

There's no room for shame, I berated myself as my neck heated up with a flush. The cold knife of fear was stabbing me in the chest. It was the time for the punishment.

"Well, little brother Zheng (didi), what do you plan to do with the wench who ruined my food?" The Crown Prince was amused by the entertainment that fell unexpectedly into his lap. Prince Zheng let out a huff.

"Well, royal brother, new servants are always clumsy. Luckily for you, I stored an extra plate of those steamed dumplings for you beforehand. They are a little cold now, but it will be better than the ones on the floor." My master let out a laugh, and the Crown Prince soon followed suit.

"Come in then, let's eat!" The mock cheery tone the heir took on made my hair stand.

The two masters reentered the main hall, and everyone let out an audible sigh of relief.

"Maiden Lan Ying," Yi Liang murmured. I raised my head to look right into Yun's eyes. I blinked hard and looked away. This wasn't Yun. Yun's voice was different; slightly higher, accent softer.

"You can get up. Sire will deal with this when we return to Shen Li Gong." He reached out a hand for me to take, but I got up on my own, wincing as I used my wounded hand to touch the ground.

"You went back to get that plate, didn't you?" There was no accusation in my voice, but it dawned on me that this whole thing may have been planned.

It didn't make sense for Shen Li Gong to be so empty when the Prince was about to leave for Dong Gong.

Yi Liang nodded without any hesitation. He turned to Mei, his eyes narrowing. "Don't try anything funny. I'm watching you."

Mei gulped visibly and stood aside, head bowed. "Here," Yi Liang turned back to me, giving me a pale blue handkerchief he plucked from his robes. "Use it. The blood cannot spill onto the floor."

I stared at it, unable to stop myself from thinking about Yun's handkerchief pressed against my chest in my robes.

With a sigh, Yi Liang took my hand and tied the cloth around my wounded finger before blood dripped onto my robes.

Without another word, he stood right next to Mei, keeping his eye on her like he said. I could only stand aside and wait.


"The second time. The second time the Crown Prince has tried this. I can't believe it." The rage was obvious in Prince Zheng's voice.

I had been summoned into his room the moment we returned. Mei kneeled beside me as I stood, sobbing quietly to herself.

Yi Liang dropped the container of broken plates on the floor, squatting down in front of the inconsolable maiden.

"You did this before, didn't you? At the Summer Palace. When the wretch that made steamed dumplings was caught putting peanuts on them. She must have gotten such an expensive ingredient from somewhere. Shen Li Gong has no power to request such a thing."

Yi Liang gripped the girl's chin and forced her to look up at him. I felt my heart race at the look of infuriation. He bared his teeth, glowering at Mei.

"We had suspicions that you were the Crown Prince's people. He gave you the peanuts, even though he has a great allergy to it. All so that he can accuse Shen Li Gong again. He even called Matron Ji and Xiang away, exactly like he did a month ago. You were the one who told him of the new servant in the kitchen." Yi Liang's jaw tightened as he glared.

"My brother loves to make shows out of things. Especially to humiliate me. But you forget, Mei. No one who betrays me goes unpunished." The 18th Prince rolled over, Yi Liang stepping away.

Whack! The blow from the Prince's hand to Mei's cheek made me flinch, and I stepped back. My hands clenched into fists as I looked away.

"You chose a side that only used you a tool. Your existence is only to serve as a way to accuse me of trying to kill the heir. I am almost sorry for you. I banish you from the Palace, never to return."

"No!" Mei cried, but Yi Liang grabbed her by the arm and lugged her out of the main hall like she was a sack of potatos.

The room descended into silence. My breaths sounded too loud in my ears.

"Lan Ying," the Prince said. I gulped and walked over, terrified. What if he assumed I was part of Mei's plan?

Funny, I know, since I was a spy from Yin Shang.

"Give me your hand." His face was slightly flushed, but he gestured to my wounded hand without emotion. I obeyed, jumping out of my skin when he took it.

He ignored my reaction, gingerly untying the handkerchief still tied to my finger.

My finger had stopped bleeding, but the wound was quite deep. "Come." He rolled himself towards his desk, pulling a drawer open.

"Bring it in," he called out. Xiang came in with a small bowl and a clean rag. She placed it on the table and backed away as quickly as she came, shutting the doors.

There was silence as he dipped the clean white cloth into the water, wiping at my hand. He popped open the small bottle stoppered with a small cotton cloth, and a strong smell of medicine wafted to my nose.

"This will sting," he said. Before I could react, he pressed the stopper soaked with medicine onto my wound.

I flinched, but the Prince held onto my hand when I tried to pull back, not letting go.

"Why did you do that?" He pulled me close, making me lean forward so that he could stare into my eyes.

"D- Do what?" I muttered, avoiding his gaze. He scrutinised me. "Throw yourself into danger. You could have just let Mei accuse me."

My chest constricted. How was I to explain that I needed him alive? I lowered my eyes. "I..."

"I don't need pity. Tell me the truth. Were you sent here by someone?" His grip on me had tightened to the point of pain. I let out a soft yelp, trying to tug my arm out of his grip.

"Sire, sire, let go-" I gasped. The Prince didn't, still waiting for my answer. That was enough to cause my tears to fall.

All the indignation I felt, and all the fear that came from being thrown into the home of a pack of wolves - they spilled over and trickled down my cheeks.

"Yes. Yes, I was sent here," I gasped. The Prince froze, as though surprised by my answer.

"I am a slave bought over from Yin Shang," I breathed, wiping my tears away as I tried my best to remember my backstory.

"Lan Ying, who is the daughter of a merchant, didn't want to come into the Palace. They bought me to replace her. I was sent into the Palace by her father. Please, sire. I just want to live out my 5 years in peace. I will leave like a ghost when the years are up. Please let me stay."

The Prince's grasp on my arm loosened. His eyes flitted downwards, to the hand that had started bleeding again from how he had gripped me. I sniffled, swallowing the lump in my throat.

The Prince let out a cold snort. "Then why choose Shen Li Gong? You can live out in peace at the Princess' or the Consort's Palaces. Shen Li Gong is worse than the Cold Palace."

I got on my knees, sliding my arm out of his grip. I stared at his knees, trying to phrase the sentences better.

"I... I heard that you were in a wheelchair. My grandfather was a great warrior, but he was maimed in a battle and lost the use of his legs. It didn't make him any less of a good person. When I heard all the other servants saying awful things about Shen Li Gong -" I broke off, breathless.

This part was true. Calling Prince Zheng a degenerate simply for being paralysed from the waist down? Not only was it an insult to my grandfather, it was just untrue.

The Prince had power that radiated from him, but he only allowed it to show when it matters. The wheelchair was not an impairment to the kind of person he was.

"So you see me as your grandfather?" A tone of amusement had crept into his voice. I raised my head, shaking my head vehemently.

"Of course not! I just... I was angry... That they were talking about you like that even before serving you. Knowing who you are."

I faltered. How much did I dare to admit was true? Not just to Prince Zheng, but to myself? Have I truly begun to feel sympathy for a Prince of the Lis?

There was quiet. I could hear him breathing above me, thinking.

"Then... What is your name?"

I stiffened. That wasn't a question I was expecting. Should I be honest? Giving myself another name felt unnecessary. They wouldn't know the name of Yin Shang's General's daughter...

"Qing. Yan Qing... Thank you for saving me."

Prince Zheng shook his head and gave me the entire bottle of salve. There was sincere kindness in his eyes, which scared me the most.

"You saved yourself, Qing'er."