
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Tranh châm biếm
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100 Chs

Chapter 99 – 100

Chapter 99 – A Familiar Face!!

The sound of the bell that announced the arrival of a ship. I have heard it many times now.

And yet I never get used to it.

Who on earth could have come?

A royal ship? A different one entirely? Or a monster ship…

In any case, we would have to be very careful.

When I arrived on the surface by train, I immediately looked towards the sea that spread out before us.

Yes, there was indeed a ship in the distance.

This one was on the smaller side. They were called schooners.

While they could not carry as much cargo, they were easier to control and were a popular ship for merchants who were not rich.

"A trading ship…?"

As I watched the ship, Rienna came next to me.

"Lord Heal! Preparations have already been made for the attack. What will you do?"

"I see… However, that doesn't look like a battleship."

The navy also used such ships for reconnaissance and sending messages, but not attacking.

And it was just one ship.

"Miss Kamyu said the same thing. And so we've been waiting for your orders. The General and the others are waiting by the wharf and are prepared to fight back if need be."

As Rienna said, the island's defenses were all in position.

We didn't even need to use magic. The ballista could sink that ship.

"Ships that do not have flags cannot blame anyone if it's assumed they are pirates and are attacked without warning…"

These seas were still Sanfaris territory.

It was strange that any ship here would not have a flag raised.

In that case, were they pirates?

Well, it was possible that it was a royal navy ship that had come to investigate us.

"However, what if it really is a trading ship, and they happened to have lost their flag somehow… Hmm?"

On closer inspection, I saw that a white flag was being waved from the ship.

"I guess they aren't hostile at least… In any case, we should talk to them."

And so I decided to send out a boat so they can board and inspect the ship.

Kamyu, who knew a lot about ships, would go, along with Baris and Haines.

Even if they were attacked, Kamyu and Baris would be able to use magic to escape.

With Kamyu's knowledge and Haines's sense of smell, they should be able to find anything that was suspicious.

As I waited for them on the wharf, Baris was the first to return while flying.

He landed in front of me and fell to one knee.

"Baris. What happened?"

"They are humans. From the Barleon Principality that became before. Apparently, they are merchants."

"The principality…"

Then why weren't they using their flag?

While Duke Barleon had been arrested, the country itself still remained.

I didn't know if they meant to yield or resist Sanfaris. But neither of those was related to raising a flag.

The only reason I could think of was that they had some reason to stay hidden from royal ships…I guess.

"…Did you find out why they are here?"

"They say…that they want to meet you, Your Majesty."

"…They came to see me."

So they know about me…and that I am on this island.

Perhaps they had servants from one of my brothers. But what reason could they have…

"Yes… They are already waiting in the small boat."

Baris turned to the sea.

The boat that we had sent out had already returned.

I saw that there was a human inside that wore a wide brimmed hat that covered her face.

Judging by her dress, she was a noblewoman.

"…What's her name?"

"She said she will not say until she meets you."

"…Very well. I'll meet with her."

This island's existence was already known.

So there was no need to hide the fact that I was its representative.

'As you wish,' said Baris, as he headed to the boat. It was then secured to the wharf and the woman came onto dry land.

I stood on the wharf and greeted her.

She stopped in front of me.

Who could it be… Ah.

She removed her hat and I recognized her at once.

We had not met for a very long time, but the platinum hair was difficult to forget.


"Heal. It has been a while."

Leila… Duke Barleon's daughter and my former fiance.

The woman who had gone missing when Kamyu returned.

"Why… Why are you here?"

She answered coolly.

"Why? Does it really matter? Do I need a reason to go anywhere?"

"I-I guess not… But considering what is happening to your father…"

"I know all about that. That's why I ran away. Surely you know about my ambitions?"

Yes, she had always had ambitions.

–To resurrect the empire herself.

It wasn't because she wanted to be an empress or to acquire power.

She dreamed of the Barleon Empire because it was said to be a golden age, where all of the races lived together, hand in hand.

I had always admired her for this ambition, and had always believed it to be quite impossible.

However, it was very likely her influence that I was raised without a hatred for monsters.

"To be honest, when I heard that you had been exiled to this place, I sent a ship to find out the truth. It was just casual interest though…"

"So, that ship that came before was…"

The ship that had appeared near our shore.

It had been sent by Leila.

That being said, who sends a ship out for such a reason… It would require a crew and a lot of money. And a place as far out as Sheorl would be especially difficult.

"Yes, I sent it. But they saw a giant tree, monsters and someone who appeared to be human. And so they returned. How could I not want to come and see when I heard about this? After all, Sheorl was supposed to be a pile of rocks."

Leila said as she glanced over to the World Tree.

"Ha-haha… I suppose."

Indeed, it was a scene that you would not see anywhere else on the continent.

Aside from sightseeing, this would look like the ideal island for someone like Leila.

"…But, you said you wanted to see me."

"Th-that…I just thought it would make things easier."

She stumbled on her words for a moment but quickly regained herself.

Perhaps her original plan had to send a ship and save me…

Leila was very kind. But a little stingy.

"Thank you…Leila."

"I-I haven't done anything to deserve your gratitude… More importantly…I was very, very surprised."

"That I was living on this island? Well, even I was…"

"No, that's surprising too… But I never thought you would revolt against the king of Sanfaris."

"Huh? No, I don't have any intention of fighting…"

Indeed. If my father knew I was living with monsters, he would probably consider it an act of rebellion.

However, I didn't want to go to war.

I just wanted to live here in peace.

But Leila sounded quite happy as she continued.

"…You are trying to create a place that embodies my ideals, aren't you? In that case, I shall help you."

Leila then opened a treasure chest that she had the goblins unload from the ship.

It reminded me of what I had recently seen underground.

A crown and a scepter.

Only these were originally from the Barleon Empire.

So to be precise, they were the crown and scepter of an Emperor.

"The sacred treasures of the Barleon Empire. If you want to call yourself an Emperor, you will need a degree of legitimacy. I think these will help you in that regard."

"Wa-wait! I don't intend to call myself Emperor!"

Leila looked astonished.

"What? …But Baris over there. He just called you His Imperial Majesty."

"Ba-Baris did?"

I immediately looked at Baris, who stood next to me.

He looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"…Baris. You must not tell jokes."

"Aye… But I have never joked in my life. Did we not decide that it would be you, Lord Heal, who would lead the Sheorl Empire as its Emperor?"


Had anyone ever told me of this?

Had I talked in my sleep and said, 'from today, I am the Emperor!'?

However, Baris replied with a very serious expression.

"The Princess is of the royal Berdan line. Ril is also a princess of the Tibris tribe. Both are as good as queens, as they are the last of their families. Since you stand above them, you cannot be king, Lord Heal… Was that not something we agreed upon?"

I did remember having a meeting with Baris and the others about the future of the island.

And they had all acted strangely when I said I didn't want to be king.

That it would be rude or unfitting to be king, given the balance of power.

I had assumed they were talking about my relationship with my father…

However, it was now clear that there was a big misunderstanding.

King was not a fitting title for me. That was because they didn't think I should be equal with Rienna and Ril. And so if I was Emperor…

"Baris… That wasn't what I meant at all. I was trying to say that everyone should be equal on this island. It should be a republic."

"Wh-what… I am terribly sorry. So that is what you were thinking… Ah! Then…"

Baris's face turned pale.

"What is it, Baris?"

"The letter that Berfalt took to the Dragon Kingdom…"

"Don't tell me you…"

When the letter reached the Dragon Kingdom… No, Berfalt himself would tell the Amolis republic all about this island.

What country it was and who ruled it.

"Yes. It would say that it's from Emperor Heal of the Sheorl Empire…"

I fainted right then and there.




Chapter 100 – I Accepted My Fate!!

"…Are you alright…Lord Heal."


When I opened my eyes, I saw that Rienna was looking at me.

Apparently, I had fainted for a second.

Rienna had put my head on her lap like a pillow.

"Ah-ahh… Sorry, Rienna."

I quickly got back to my feet.

And then Rienna looked at me apologetically.

"Lord Heal…I'm sorry. We did not understand what you were trying to say."

"No, it's my fault for not being more clear… Still, what should I do now…"

It had already been declared. This place was an empire.

And I was its emperor.

"Damn it…"

However, my former fiance, Leila, said,

"I don't see why it is a problem. You can still run things like a republic, even though there is an emperor. In the first place, the Barleon Empire was a republic during its golden age. There is no need for you to be a dictator."

"I wasn't going to be a dictator no matter what happened… I'm not worried about how things will run here. I'm worried about how my father will react…"

"I see. Well, he will likely see this as treason."

"…I know."

…So what should I do?

It was too late to go after Berfalt.

The Amolis Republic was a mercantile nation.

Information about this island would spread between all the merchants of the country, and they might start visiting us…

Sanfaris merchants and diplomats would be in Amolis as well.

And they would also come into contact with other ships at sea.

So it would not be surprising if they bumped into royal ships.

It was just a matter of time before news of this reached the king's ears.

Then Rienna opened her mouth.

"Why don't you just tell your father that it was a mistake?"

"But I already declared myself once… It would look suspicious if I sent letters to other countries as an Emperor but then claimed I wasn't to the king."

I was just using the title when dealing with outsiders, but I wasn't really taking on the role…

No, he would not believe that.

"…In any case, this island's existence will be out in the open soon."

And so Sanfaris will likely want to come and investigate.

And if I sunk the ship, they would just send another one. And if that didn't work, the royal navy would be next.

…Perhaps I should go and negotiate with my father directly?

No, no one would ever accept that this was an island of monsters.

Even if I yielded to him or offered my own life, it wouldn't make a difference…

"…Then we'll have to fight."

I looked at the two imperial crowns and decided.


During this time, at the royal port in the capital of Sanfaris, a certain high speed ship had just arrived.

It carried information from the royal navy that they had acquired after inspecting a merchant ship of the Amolis Republic.

The man who came out of the ship immediately went to the palace on horseback and thrust a document into the hands of the chamberlain.

The chamberlain immediately took it to the throne room.

"I have a report! It is from Captain Roberto who guards the eastern seas!"

"Read it."

The king muttered. And so the chamberlain read the report.

"Aye! According to information they heard from an Amolis vessel they were inspecting, Prince Heal is alive and well on the Sheorl Reef!"

Upon hearing these words, the princes and other nobles began to mutter.

They were all surprised that Heal was still alive.

However, the king noticed that the chamberlain's hands were shaking as he held the paper.

"What is it? Did Roberto really send out a ship with such great haste, just to tell me something so insignificant?"

"N-no…there is more…however, I…"

"Tell me."

The king said sternly.

The chamberlain bowed deeply and read the rest of the report.

"Prince Heal…has assumed the title of Emperor of Sheorl…"

The chamberlain continued to relay the information that had come from Berfalt.

How the island had developed greatly and that monsters were living together.

The others in the room could barely understand what they were hearing.

However, after a moment of silence, many of them became very red faced.

"Em-Emperor? And he's living with monsters?! …This is treason!!"

"That bastard! Does he mean to lead these monsters and get his revenge!?"

Shouts of outrage rose in the air.

Among them, there were some who calmly insisted that there was no way that Heal could have survived on those reefs.

Surely this talk of monsters and a World Tree were just lies.

However, Roberto was a man that could be trusted. And it was argued that he only ever sent information that was reliable.

Others suggested that Heal declaring himself to be Emperor meant little. He could not possibly be a threat to them.

And like this, the argument continued in the throne room.

However, amidst all of this, the king alone seemed to be smiling with pleasure.