
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Tranh châm biếm
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100 Chs

Chapter 197-198

Chapter 197 – I Went to Negotiate!

"While the sun hasn't come out, it's nice to see all the green."

I was eating lunch in the Alanberc dining hall.

As it was very close to the World Tree, I had a good view of the newly made fields and orchards.

While all of it was just green now, flowers and fruits would eventually grow, and I was looking forward to seeing it become colorful.

These past few days, I had been spending my time digging in the Alanberc underground.

But I only found rocks and ore, which were very common in Sheorl.

There had been sap near the World Tree, but aside from that, we didn't find anything special.

…Well, it was rock and iron that they needed the most, and we mined plenty of it.

So it was fine if we didn't get anything rare.

Still, I hoped that one day, I would be able to dig in Mappa's homeland. As I thought of such things, Alyssa approached me.

"Ah, Lord Heal."

"Alyssa. You seem to be training hard again today."

"Aye. After all, my crest is 'Sword God.' And so I must fight in the frontlines."

The day after the World Tree was revived, the Arancian people learned crest appraisal from Baris.

Alyssa had hers appraised immediately, and discovered that she had the 'Sword God' crest.

It was a crest that made you incredibly skilled with the sword.

In fact, it was well known in my home country, and was a rare crest that any noble would be jealous of.

Aside from her, the other Guardians also had good crests.

I was especially surprised that Ogus had 'Great Warrior,' just like Erevan.

However, I also had some concerns.

"So, Alyssa. Has there been any confusion at all?"

"None. Just because that is someone's crest, it doesn't mean they have to quit their job and are forced to do something else. I just told them that it is a kind of charm."

"I see…"

I did not want it to become a society like Sanfaris, where a person's crest could determine their whole life.

I had told this to Alyssa, and she understood me.

She sat down facing me and began to sip some tea that was made from the leaves of the World Tree.

"It's delicious… I would never have dreamed that such a thing could be drunk in Arancia. Everything you work on goes so smoothly, Lord Heal."

But then she paused and placed her cup back on the saucer.

"However, there is one obstacle left."

"The holy place?"

"Aye. I thought they would have compromised by now."

"Perhaps their pride does not allow it…"

"Still, surely they would at least want to negotiate Rulat's release…"

Rulat was the son of Grand Duke Bilene, who was the one with real authority in the holy place.

We had captured him during the previous attack on Alanberc. Currently, he was being made to work at the mushroom farm.

It seemed very odd that they would be silent after we took the son of their leader.

Or perhaps they had abandoned him… Rulat was not very wise, after all.

"Indeed. But what about asking them to negotiate?"

"Ah. Being the ones to ask them? The people of Alanberc would not allow that."

As Alyssa said, the grudge they held against the holy place ran deep.

Still, Alanberc was on the verge of restoration. It was not a good thing for the relationship between the two places to stay like this.

"Alyssa…let's solve this issue all at once, here and now. I will take Rulat and go to the holy place. He will be Sheorl's prisoner, not Arancia's."

"Are you certain?"

"Aye. At the very least, I don't want both sides to be enemies. Let me negotiate for you."

"Thank you, Lord Heal… I feel bad that we keep on relying on you. However, they are much more…"

"I have seen my share of arrogant nobles. It will be fine."

And like that, it was decided that I would head to the holy place with Rulat.

Shiel, Taran, and Fule came with me.

On top of the nearby walls, Ashton and Haines stood and seemed to glare at the holy place. They would watch from there in case anything unexpected happened.

Rulat had both of his hands tied with rope as he walked in front of me.

"Ah…ahhh…! Do-don't eat me!"

"Taran wouldn't eat you…you probably don't even taste good."

Fule said. Taran nodded as if to say that she was offended by the notion.

Rulat's voice shook as he said,

"Wh-who are you people? The overwhelming military power, resources and technology… Not only that, but you humans and monsters work together."

"That's normal in Sheorl. What is so strange about that?"

"…Well, nevermind. In the end, you will all return to nothing once the day of the prophecy arrives."

Rulat talked about the prophecy.

Fule seemed curious about it, and asked him,


"Once the darkness covers the world, the world will be destroyed. However, those who gather around the king of the underground will survive…"

It was very similar to the prophecy that my father had spoken of.

The world was going to end, with the exception of the island ruled by the Cave King, who was me.

Fule muttered.

"Hmmm. I don't think Miss Alyssa or the Arancian people are aware of this prophecy."

"It is something that was supposed to be passed down through the royal Arancian line. But I…"

Fule tilted her head, but I understood.

It was Rulat's father, the grand duke, who held actual authority.

And so he would know all kinds of things about the holy country of Arancia.

I said to Fule,

"It means that they know the king's secret."

"That's right! In any case, you people won't be able to act so important for long! You treated me like an insect, and so the darkness will swallow you up like insects!"

"Wouldn't all of you be swallowed up as well?"

"We will not be swallowed by the darkness… We are holy beings. We are the people who gather around the king of the underground!"

After saying this, Rulat smiled wickedly.

He believed that they would live a long time at the side of the underground king.

Fule chuckled.

"Now that I think about it, didn't Elto claim to be the king of the underground?"

"Ahh… I think that you're right."

As Fule said, Elto, who had been imprisoned under Sheorl, had claimed to be the underground king.

"Maybe it used to be a popular thing to do? Calling yourself the underground king? Like, I am the king who will outlive the prophecy!"

"It's possible… Maybe it was to intimidate others."

I answered Fule. And then Rulat began to mutter anxiously about how they would have the real king.

Eventually, we reached the gate of the holy place.

However, the holy place was eerily quiet.

You used to be able to see soldiers on the other side of the wall, but they seemed to be gone.

"Someone! Is anyone there!?"

I called out. But there was no answer.

Rulat also looked puzzled.

"…Why? Why is no one there?"

"Is there any other way to open the gate?"

"…Tsk. Fine then."

And then Rulat started to chant some kind of spell.

However, the gate remained closed.


Rulat muttered with a pale face.

I pointed my hand at it and said,

"Then we'll try opening it by force."

"St-stop! You'll just anger the underground king! These walls have the power to absorb magical energy. It will retaliate."

I was already aware of that. There were several defense mechanisms throughout the holy place.

If you tried to go over the wall and enter the holy place, you would likely be attacked by some light beam.

I turned to Rulat.

"So we can't open the gate. We can't destroy it or enter from the sky… So we have no choice but to wait?"

"Ye-yes. However…"

"Something is clearly wrong, isn't it? Then we have to find a way to get in."

I could break it with magic.

But I had a better idea.

I took out my pickaxe.

"We can dig underground to get in."

Upon hearing me say this, Fule and the others took out their pickaxes as well.




Chapter 198 – He Changed His Mind!?

The holy place was abnormally quiet.

I wanted to go inside and confirm the situation immediately, but the holy place had some kind of defense mechanism.

And I would probably be attacked if I tried to enter on ground or sky.

Of course, blocking such attacks with magic and destroying holy place's gates and walls in order to get inside…was possible.

However, I wasn't sure what kind of effect such a thing would have on the whole place.

And so we decided to go through the underground.

I would dig a hole with my pickaxe and dig until we were right underneath the holy place.

"Things are going smoothly. If anything, the soil is softer here than in Alanberc."

"Lord Heal! Just a little farther and you'll be underneath the fences!"

I heard Fule's voice from the entrance of the hole. She was comparing my position with the surface to see where I was.

"Got it! I'll be careful and continue on!"

I answered. And then I cast Shield and swung the pickaxe.

There may be defense mechanisms underground as well…

Fule's voice immediately rang once again.

"Ah! You're under the holy place now!"

"Got it! I'll dig up in a random spot so I can get out!"

I answered. And then I dug in a gradual upwards slope.

After digging for some time, the rocks fell away in front of me and the light from outside poured in.

"Good… Woah."

When I got out of the hole, a vast, neatly kept field of grass spread out around me. It looked like some kind of palace garden.

"It has a very manmade feel to it, but it's still very pretty. Perhaps it's been affected by the World Tree as well. I feel good… Oh, Fule! I'm fine over here!"

I said to Fule and the others, who were on the other side of the fence.

So far, the holy place had not shown any signs of attacking us. Shiel was also wandering around and checking to see if anything was wrong.

Upon hearing my voice, Taran and Fule brought Rulat as they came towards me.

"H-how were you able to dig such a hole?"

Rulat asked.

He didn't seem the least bit concerned that there was no one else in the area.

"I have a power that allows me to do it. It's not flashy, but it's useful… Now tell me, Rulat. What do you think about this current situation?"

I asked, and Rulat frowned.

"I don't know… Would you allow me to investigate it freely?"

"Now why would we do that, when we're here to negotiate? …Judging by your reaction, I think you do have an idea where the others have gone."

"I-I really don't…"

"I don't actually mind setting you free. Because we can follow your magic energy. Perhaps you'll take us there."


But Rulat would not open his mouth again.

"I suppose I have no choice then… I didn't want to use this thing that old Mappa made, but I'll have to now."

Said Fule. and then she took out something that looked like a toy for cats. Taran was also holding one with her two front legs.

"…Do you mean to tickle me with that?"

"Look, Rulate. We didn't come here to torment you and your people. Even now, if you are willing to cooperate, Sheorl will welcome you."


Perhaps his pride was getting in the way.

He couldn't get along with someone who he looked down on.

However, surely he could at least tell us where the others had gone.

The reason he would not tell us must be because it was a place where all the residents here did not want us to know about.

Rulat had looked a little surprised when he realized that there was no one else around.

However, it could not have been much of a surprise, as he had so quickly regained his calm. Normally, you would be a lot more distressed if everyone you knew had suddenly disappeared.

That meant this was something that he only had to think about a little to get an understanding of what it meant.

And from what he said before, it was probably…

"…Earlier, you said something about an underground king, didn't you? Is it related to that?"

"It-it is not related to that."

Rulat insisted.

The people of the holy places clearly thought of this underground king as their last hope.

The undead had now reached the holy place. While they had somehow been able to fight them off, there was no guarantee that they would be able to the next time.

The water in the lake was drying up, and while the World Tree in Alanberc had been revived, they could hardly cooperate with Alanberc after treating them so badly up until now.

And so they would have been in a desperate situation.

Which is why they are clinging to this underground king…

Was it an object, a type of magic? Perhaps it was a message they received from the gods.

In any case, I did not want them to do anything rash…

"Rulat. I don't know what kind of end you and the Arancian nobles wish to meet. However, Alanberc is being restored as we speak. One day, they may recover all the lands within their borders. Don't you want to see Arancia as a rich kingdom once again?"


Rulat was silent.

As he had been made to work in the mushroom farms in Alanberc, he would have been able to eat the fish from Sheorl.

And he would have witnessed the giant Mado Armors driving the enemy back.

And so somewhere in his heart, he would know that what I was saying was not impossible.

However, Rulat would still not talk.

Fule crossed her arms and opened her mouth.

"…Lord Heal. This is a waste of time. Let's search for them ourselves. We can leave him here or let him go… Besides, I'm sure the others will be just as uncooperative as him."

As Fule said, maybe it was futile to try and negotiate.

We had taken Rulat as a hostage so that they wouldn't attack us. But the holy place no longer had the strength to do that anyway. We had easily dug a hole into their territory. The holy place was no longer a threat.

"Very well…Rulat. We're leaving. You can do as you like."

I said, and then I untied the ropes that bound Rulat's hands.

"I can go…?"

"You do understand that we never meant to act with hostility?"

We had to fight them a few times, but we had not killed anyone.

"Yes, I see…"

Rulat had a conflicted expression. And then he turned away and walked off somewhere.

"So, what should we do, Lord Heal?"

Fule asked.

Rulat was already quite far away. But still close enough to follow his magic energy…

But then, Rulat slowly stopped walking.

And then after looking down for a while, he walked back towards us.

As he got closer, I saw that he was sweating profusely.


"…I…am anxious. You have to come with me… I do not want to die yet."

Upon hearing this, I turned to Shiel and the others.

They all looked a little pleased as they nodded at Rulat's words.