
The caster with the highest potential

It all bagan over 300 years after day 0. Since then monsters have gradually spread over the surface of earth. In this dangerous word Sho, a teenage boy living by himself, has to fight them to grow stronger. But his simple live soon changes as he gets recruited by a big association. From now on he'll continue to fight strongervand stronger enemies. But what no one nows is the hidden danger lurking in the shadows.

Lightshadow005 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

The alarm rang, it was 8.30 am. Maybe it was because I was exhausted yesterday, that I was able to sleep through the previous two alarms.

Whatever the reason was I now had to hurry.

I jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen. After almost choking on a hastily devoured peace of bread I put on my clothes. While making sure that I carried everything I'd need on me, I left the apartment.

Or so I had planned, but right after I opened the door a tall man stood infront of me.

It was Mr Caloman. What is he doing here this early in the morning.

"Oh..., perfect timing I was just about to knock."

"Mr Caloman? What brings you here?"

I was still a bit confused about his sudden appearance. But what was bothering me even more was that, if I were to talk with him now I'd certainly be late for today's meeting. My second ever meeting. I really shouldn't be late.

"I simply wanted to check up on you. After all it's my duty to watch over you. I hope you like it here?"

"Yeah I really like my new life here and I'm super happy with my team.".

I hurriedly answered, while trying to figure out how to still make it in time.

"Ahh, by the way don't worry. I've already told Myla that you might be late because of me. And I could also drive you there in like 5 minutes so don't worry about time. Also I'll try not to hinder you too long, I promise."

"What? No no it's no problem. I have time, no worries. Ask anything."

I should've known that he planned this ahead of time. There should never have been a reason to worry in the first place. Maybe it was too early atleast my brain wasn't working well, that's for sure.

Anyways it's nice of Mr Caloman to come check up on me.

"I didn't meant to ask anything specific, but if heard of a little tumult yesterday in gym 1 and I wondered if, since your team booked that session, you might know something?"

It was clear that he knew I was part of what happened yesterday. Yet it seemed like he probably wanted to hear about it from me. And, as there was no reason for me to deny my involvement in yesterday's incident, I gave him a detailed explanation of what had happened.

"I see that's what happened. You wouldn't believe what people are saying, hahaha. But I'm glad nothing bad happened.

To be honest I'm actually rather impressed. Usually only division 3 or higher battles get that much attention, but it's no wonder after those explosions. My teammates told me they even saw them from our office. It seems to have been quite the show. Maybe we should reasign you to a higher division. What do you think?"

"No, please don't. I've had a similar discussion with Myla before. But you know I really don't feel like I belong to a higher devision. Infact it's kinda strange being so high up from the start. And most importantly I don't want to change my team. Not so early. I'm sure we'll get divided at some point in time, but I feel like this is way too soon."

Mr Caloman looked at me and suddenly started laughing. Confused by his reaction I asked if I said something wired. To which he answered with: "No no, it's just that I didn't expect your answer to be like this, haha. But," he had stopped laughing and gave me a gentle smile, "if that's the case, I'll make sure they don't assign you to another team. How does that sound?"

"Great. Thanks alot."

It was really nice of him to ask for my permission, before doing anything, I thought.

"No, problem. That's my task after all. To make sure you are doing well."

If that's the case he was doing a great job. And not just him. Everyone I've met so far, was super friendly. So friendly infact that, my previous life, in that small village, now felt like it was just a bad dream.

We kept talking for a while. Once it was around 10am Mr Caloman had to get to work, but he was kind enough to drop me of by my teams room.

Once I entered, everyone welcomed me nicely. Yhey obviously new why I was late.

After that nothing really happened. We had no missions and therefor just went training until lunch brake, where we than split up, knowing we'd see each other tomorrow. Exept for one person, whom I had plans, to meet up later, with.

When unlocking my door, I noticed a letter sticking out of my mailbox.

Intrigued by what it might be, I took it. On the front of the envelope stood in black ink : by Mr Caloman, to Sho.

I see so there was another reason why he had visited me today.

With the envelope in my left hand I unlocked the door and entered my apartment.

Inside I headed straight to my room, after I took of my shoes of course.

Than, after sitting doen, I opened the envelope.

It contained a small, folded, piece of paper and some sort of ID card. The same card I had seen the missions center employees use, yesterday.

Written on it were my name, age and other general information, like hight and elements.

However behind the later, still were empty spaces. Probably for my ranking, I guessed. The card also had a photo of me in the top right corner. It was a photo that I had given Mr Caloman, back when we were at my old place.

"I see, that's what he needed it for. ...And what's this?"

I picked up the paper and unfolded it.

It was a short letter from Mr Caloman:

Dear Sho,

This is your employee ID. You can use it for all sorts of things, most of which you'll find, written inside your binder.

Here are some of it's most important features:

1. You can use it for minor transactions, incase you want to buy something. (It does have a limit tho)

2. It works just like a normal ID. So if you ever have to identify your self, just use it.

3. This card will grand you permission to most buildings inside of the cooperation grounds.

3.5. It also works as a police badge, which will have obvious advantages.

This card should be updated atleast once every three months. Appart from that you don't have to do anything.

Have a great time, yours Chris Caloman.

Ps. The limit refreshes monthly. The money you don't spend will be added to your paycheck.

After I finished reading the letter, I compared its information with the binder. The page in the binder didn't really have anything new. It mostly explained how to actually use the card and when and where one updates it. But appart from that Mr Calomans explanation was enough.

Now that I had this card many concerns were gone. But especially happy, was I with the payment feature and the additional monthly allowance. Now I wouldn't have to pay out of my own pocket ever again. That is, as long as I don't over do it.

And the golden opportunity to test the card, came knocking on my door one hour later.

It was Linda. We had decided earlier, that we'd go shopping together, since I had apparently promised her that.

As I opened the door, she greated me with her usual cheerful voice.

"Hey Sho, ready for the most amazing city tour ever?"


"Great, let's go."

I wonder, does she ever not be this energetic? Not that I mind, but I think I could never be like that for more than a hour maximum.

For a second or two I stood there thinking, before without a warning, Linda suddenly grabbed my arm and started pulling me.

"Come on, or are you glued to the floor?"

With that we started walking to the next bus stop. It was still early in the afternoon and the sun stood high in the cloudless sky. Eventhough the summer had officially ended, the summer weather stayed with us.

When the bus arrived, we showed our IDs to the driver and set down. Appart from us and the driver the bus was completely empty.

During the ride, we talked about where we should go. And after roughly ten minutes Linda got up. It was only now that I noticed her beautiful outfit. She wore a cute brownish checkered dress, with a white long-sleeved shirt underneath. Fitting to her dress, her shoes were also in a similar brown color. Over her right shoulder hung a small black purse. But the most important detail, were the glasses. Round, big glasses that perfectly matched her face and especially her eyes.

"Sho, the next stop is ours. Sho? Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wired on my face."

Panicky she looked at her reflection in the window.

"No, no there's nothing. I just noticed that you were wearing glasses."

As if she had only judt realized it herself, she grabbed them with both hands.

"They don't look wired, do they? I usually don't wear them outside, I just forgot that I put them on earlier."

"Wired? No, I think you look good with them."

I gave her a genuine smile.

"T-thanks." She suddenly got a little red. "Anyways we have to get of here." She said as the bus gradually stopped.

We got of on a small street. On either side of the road stood small thin houses. All built in an fancy old looking style that was totally different from the cooperations buildings. In contrast to them, these buildings looked full of live and detail. They strongly reminded me of the town I grew up in. Small windows with havy shutters and colorful flower baskets adorned the facades of every house. A weak scent of flowers and wood filled the air around us.

Only a few meters away from us, a group of children was playing, filling the street with occasional laughter.

"And? How is it?" Linda asked, watching the kids with a moony face. Almost as if she was caught in a dream. "You know... seeing these children so happy, gives me such an accomplished feeling. It's as though all my hard work has finally been given a reason."

I looked at her, astounded by the almost completely different person she had become just now.

"Ahh, what am I even talking about?"

Shaking her head as if she had just woken up from a dream, she turned around, to face me.

"So, do you like it here? It's my favorite street in the whole town, you know?"

"Yeah? It's really beautiful here, almost like a dream."

"Right?! And the best part is that it's really close to the downtown area."

It was true. After only about a hundred meters of walking through an alleyway, we stepped out onto a large street. The before prevailing silence, had suddenly changed to the busy noises of hundreds of people walking from shop to shop.

The alleyway we had just come out of, was located next to a small bakery. On the other side was a flower shop, selling plants I had never seen before.

With Lindas guidance we soon entered the first shop. It was a regular clothing store that sold modern fashion.

Upon entering a lady greeted us, or rather, she greeted Linda.

"Hey Linda, nice to see you again."

"Trix? Hi, haven't seen you in awhile.

They hugged each other. Than Trix looked over to me.

"So who's accompanying you, today? When I usually see you, you come alone but today... ouo could it be your--"

"He's just my new team member!" Linda suddenly interrupted her. "Right Sho?"

"Huh, uhm yes, I just joined the team yesterday. My name is Sho. Nice to meet you."

"I see~~" She winked at Linda, with a mysterious smirk on her face. "I'm Trix, I'm the owner of this shop. I guess you came here to get some new clothes, right? In that case you came to the right place."

Trix welcomed us inside with a small gesture.

Roughly thirty minutes later they sent me to the changing room, with what felt like every piece that could be the right size.

It took me another half an hour to go through the huge pile of clothes. Whenever I had changed, both of them inspected the outfit for minutes, making sure that it fit perfectly.

This fashion show went on until Linda decided to go and find a new 'cute, as she called it, dress.

In the end I bought about half of what I had tried on. Insanely enough my allowance even made it through there. Linda on the other hand side couldn't afford her dress. Atleast not today, but since the new month starts soon, she'll probably come back to get it.

After leaving the store we continued our city tour, stopping by a few more shops.

We had just left a shoe shop when Linda asked me: "Should we take a break from shopping and go get some food?"

To be honest I've been wanting to eat for the last hour. Without even giving it a second thought I answered: "Yes". Maybe I was a little too enthusiastic.

"Great, I know a great restaurant. It's right around the corner."

It seemed like Linda was just as hungry as me. With fast steps she guided me around a corner into a smaller, less buisy, street. And after passing a few small shops we stood infront a small restaurant.

When we entered the pleasant smell of many different spices welcomed us.

Behind the counter, or rather in the kitchen, stood a tall man with a frying pan in his hand.

Right as we sat down a bright flame shot out of his free hand.

From the other side of the room, a young waitress shouted something inaudible, before coming over to us to hand us two menus.

In the end both Linda and I ordered a simple steak dish. Which, as promised by the waitress, was amazing. For more than two hours we stayed in there, chatting with the cook and local customers. Within no time a group of then plus people including us had formed. Within said group was an elderly couple who told me tons of fun and interesting stories about the town.

When we left I was almost a bit sad leaving the nice atmosphere behind.

"That was great. The people are so nice here..."

"Yeah right?! But sadly these people aren't the only ones..."

"Really? Since I've come here, I only met friendly and kind people. Unlike, back when I lived in that village, nobody gets excluded here."

It's almost frightening how different everything is when compared to my old place. Everyone has probably gotten used to all the strong hunters, because the association headquarters are located right across town.

"That's not true. You just haven't been here for long enough, but there are infact lots of people that hate us hunters. Only two months ago, a group of middle aged men tried to attack two hunters, on the streets."

"What, really? What happened to them?"

"Nothing. They were in division 3 or so and therefore were able to easily overwhelm the attackers. However one of the attackers used an earth spell that broke through a wall, injuring an old lady in the process. Fortunately she recovered quickly."

"Ouh...I see."

I was a little taken aback by her story. It's true that I experienced a ton of insults and minor attacks myself, but I didn't expect anyone to ever be dumb or brave enough to attack random hunters. Especially not here, where everything feels so peaceful.

"And appart from that incident, there is a while group protesting against the association."

"But why tho. Don't they know that it protects them?"

Even if some people are stupid, this exceeds the limit. One should atleast be able to differentiate between friend and foe.

"I don't know. They probably think that we, as hunters are also a potential threat to them. How stupid... after all that we do."

I see. It's the same as back home. The weak fear the strong, even if they mean no harm. As someone once said a long time ago; anger stems from fear, conscious or unconscious... It's a principle that seems to apply everywhere.

"But, you know the majority is thankful for the hunters", Linda said, interrupting my thoughts.

She was right we shouldn't get hung up on a few people's bad option. It's about the people we help, not about their opinions.

We kept talking about it for some time, before taking the bus back home. And only a short bus ride later, we stood infront of the dorms.

"It's been fun, hasn't it? Let's go shopping some time again, alright?"

"Sure why not. Maybe next month, if you didn't spend all your money again." I said teasingly. But Linda straight up overheard it.

"Cool, let's go next month. I'll see you tomorrow, Shoo." She said while running of.

"See you!" I shouted, while seeing her off.

Before she entered the women's dorm, that is right across the street, she turned around and waved at me. After waving back I entered and made my way up to my room.

Inside, I took a quick shower and went to bed, exhausted from today's activities.