
The caster with the highest potential

It all bagan over 300 years after day 0. Since then monsters have gradually spread over the surface of earth. In this dangerous word Sho, a teenage boy living by himself, has to fight them to grow stronger. But his simple live soon changes as he gets recruited by a big association. From now on he'll continue to fight strongervand stronger enemies. But what no one nows is the hidden danger lurking in the shadows.

Lightshadow005 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
7 Chs

Chapter 1

Bellow me the setting sun paints the treetops golden and exept of a few birds, that rise up from the woods, everything is silent. The cloudless sky fades into an orange colour while slowly getting darker. The night came and with it danger aproaches.

Thats right, my peaceful surroundings almost made me forget the reason I was floating above this endless forest. I am here to hunt. Getting distracted for only a second could mean my death.

I slowly scanned my surroundings. Behind me i could barely see thin black smoke clouds, that come from the nearest village. How often did I wish to sit at home and let others fight? Well sadly things were never that simple for me. When I was born i was a simple wind caster. However once I startet Training at 14 i gained a lot of mana capacity and on top of that my progress didnt slow down. Thus, when i turned 15 i learned fire casting. Since then people avoided me. So I decided to use my strength to protect the people that couldn't fight form themselves.

Or thats what I'd like to say. In reality i fight because i couldnt find other jobs and therefore had to fight in order to eat and afford a home. But I can't complain. Fighting a few times a week earned me big time, plus i gradually gain more power aswell. Soon I might be able to control another element. I wonder. What will it be.

While finishing my thoughts I picked up some crackeling below me. I narrowed my eyes to a sit in order to find the source of the sounds. And while following the sound I managed to see it. It is a tree crature that we call: 'KIGELIA'.

These creatures are rather weak and slow, but they're somewhat hard to spot since they blend in perfectly with the forest. Because their weakness is fire i figured i might aswell use a new spell i created recently. The spell works just like a basic fire arrow spell but i reenforce it with wind magic in order to speed it up. As I started casting the KIGELIA suddenly noticed me. It started dashing forward full force just to stop right below where I hover. Just as it looked up to me a shinig arrow pierced trough its wooden head.

I slowly decent towars the corpse while checking my surroundings. Since i noticed nothing out of the ordinary i landed next to the dead KIGELIA. The only reason why i risk being on the ground is to collect the magic core. Magic cores are like money. How valuable the core is depends on its color. Green being the least valuable than blue red and black. Cores can be found in nature and in monsters. The stronger a monster is the better the core it possesses will be. As i was searching for the core I noticed a wired presence behind me. I instinctively took a few steps forward while pretending not to have noticed. Once there was enough distance between us, I casted a basic fire spell to create a fire arrow, that i could freely control. The fire arrow than shot into the direction where i last felt the presence.

However I made sure not to hit it incase it was friendly. When I turned around i was met with jet another KIGELIA. Compared to the other one

this one was way smaller.

Holding it at gun point i slowly decreased the distance between us.

For what ever reason something felt of. Why didnt it attack. Usually thes guys would

attack right away. But this one tryed to sneak up on me and can even sense the danger of the fire arrow.

While wondering just what might be different I looked into the KIGELIAs face. For

some reason it felt like it was smiling.

With every passing second the smile seemed to grow wider and wider, when suddenly, I felt

a sharp pain in my left shoulder. Before I could even understand what had happened my body was launched into the forest.

While i was struggling to stand up i noticed two more KIGELIA s standing right where i

used to stand just a second ago. Without hesitation i jumped high in the sky leaving a

small crater on the floor. But even before I could land in a nearby tree the small KIGELIA closed the distance and started attacking me by extending its arms an swinging wild punches at me.

Whilst trying to doge as good as i made sure to not lose sight of the other two. Luckily i managed to hurt one of them using the fire arrow

that I used to threaten the small one before. Thanks to that one of my enemies was

atleast somewhat unable to fight. Since these monsters are literall chunks of wood I'd

just have to set them on fire, I thought. Well easier said than done.

While dodging my enemies ilI finally sensed an opening. The KIGELIÁ I set on fire earlier

got slower and slower while the other two seemed to lose faith in their strategy.

Finall the tides were turning. Right as two of them were coming at me the third one

collapsed. Using the moment of confusion i shot two huge flames out of my body that

immediately evaporated the remaining two KIGELIAS.

With all of the enemies dead I used the rest of my strength to extinguish small fires that where slowly trying to spread through the area.

Than my vision started fading into darkness and shortly after I blacked out.

Today its two days after that incident. I spent the better of both days recovering from

my injurys and my exhaustion.

Though i wonder how could such basic monsters even come up with a plan and especially KIGELIÁs who usually hunt alone. Something inside me tells me that there's more to it than just bad luck and that small monster must've played a role in it.

Well unfortunately I just had to reduce it to literall ashes so i couldn't go back for some

investigation. Nope just had to do it.


Anyways no helping it now, I just hope it was just a coincidence and my gutt feeling is wrong.