
Chapter 12

While deciding Qinyang's name I also decided on her nickname, Tanya.

When Tanya slept in Snow's bosom after a full meal we carefully used our all to investigate her body carefully.

Eventually, we had to accept that what we learned the first time was true.

Tanya was born with an Autarch's body.

It seemed a great blessing, having the body equivalent to the end of the cultivation journey.

However it was instead a curse.

An Autrach's body wasn't a simple thing.

We, as Autarchs are a complete universe. We have complete Laws and Daos that maintain the universe. We have the strength and ability to control our universe.

Tanya, had neither strength nor ability. Her universe contained laws from both mine and Snow's universe but they weren't arranged properly resulting in chaos.

What it meant, is that her body was uncontrollable and would kill her if unsealed.

Another bad news, but thankfully not as bad, was that she would be unable to cultivate.

At least, until her body fully finished growing and her control was enough to handle a little of her universe.

It's a byproduct of an Autarch's body.

We cannot cultivate with the energy that surrounds us. Autarch's receive energy from our universes, they generate all the energy we need to cultivate and do whatever the hell we want to.

What we do with the energy that already exists around us is we control them, with our immortal wills. We don't actually use them to do anything.

It's something like borrowing a tool, we have to return it.

Cultivating with the energy around us is the same as stealing from the environment.

Tanya would have to learn to release energy from her universe and control it so it was enough for her to cultivate with and not kill her.

The one good news of all of this, was that she was basically unkillable under the Dao Immortal realm.

Her body is in the end an Autarch's body, her physical strength alone as a baby was already enough to kill mortals with a touch.

As I helped Snow with taking care of Tanya, I thought to the future where she had grown a little.

I'm sure the little bugger would run around and cause many many troubles. I need a way to be able to contact her whenever and wherever.

Of course, such a convenient tool didn't totally exist in this world. The closest was a glorified cup phone, instead of cups and strings it was crystals and ki.

So obviously I had to bring phones into this world, I had tried bringing some things from my previous life into this world with limited success.

Maybe phones would work this time.

My main body stayed with my family and instead used an Avatar to find a friend of mine.

The one I made the Mountain Cleaving Sword and many other treasures with, Ian.