
The card I created is very fierce

"Why is this [Summon Card: Goblin] wearing a black mask?" "Because he's a bandit goblin." "Then what's he good for?" "He can steal your opponent's wallet." “I@#¥%, who※※※※ taught you that?” ********* You can be creative in making cards, but you can't kill people. --Excerpt from a victim's memoir

xiao_shi · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

Durkan ready for debut

The center of the academy.

It is also located in the center, surrounded by the four large departments.

There is a huge building there.

Its style is something special.

Compared to other school buildings that have a campus atmosphere, this place looks more like a military fortress.

The building is surrounded by high barriers and is guarded by knights of the kingdom.

This is because there is a "door" in this building that leads to the shadow world.

In the kingdom of Norton, where Durkan is located, there are three connections to the shadow world, one of which is in the Magic Academy of Hevenlit.

As soon as one enters the "door", the shadow world automatically begins to connect the conqueror to a suitable existing shadow world, and it often does not take long for the connection to be established.

The lower the level of the conqueror, the easier it is to make a successful connection, as the low-level shadow world appears frequently and there are many conqueror.

The high-level shadow world, on the other hand, appears less frequently, and even if someone is willing to conquer, sometimes there is no copy for them.

When a level 7 or higher shadow world appears, many kingdom enter into negotiations and send the strongest candidates or teams.

The higher the level of the shadow world, the worse the catastrophe caused by failure.

If the failure of the shadow world above level 7 is a true natural disaster of major proportions.

Every country will be very careful

There are two ways to form a team. Level 7 and 8 conqueror will generally be grouped together due to the small number of people and the small number of high-level Shadow Worlds when they conquer at the same time.

Another option is to carry a "team card".

[Team card]

[Category: Spell card]

[Class: White Common]

[Class: 1]

[Passive Effect: conquer in the same Shadow World with companions carrying the same numbered team card]

[Note: Number 948957812]

Durkan and Cornelia have the same team card, so they will definitely go to the same shadow world.

The cost is that you need to waste a little bit of the number of cards you can carry.


Durkan and Cornelia arrived at the building early, twenty minutes before the agreed time.

They both seemed to be the type who did not want to keep each other waiting.

Durkan: "Are you ready?"

Conelia: "Okay."

Since you are here so early, let us go in early.

The two looked each other in the eye and did not need to say anything more.

Just as they were about to pass through security .


A dry voice sounded behind them.

They looked back and spotted an old man walking hurriedly towards them.

The two of them looked at the old man with a little doubt.

He was wearing the yellow clothes of the alchemy academy and looked like a professor of the alchemy academy.

"Student Durkan, student Cornelia, I am Professor Murgut who is in charge of the Alchemy Academy's transmission room. If possible, I hope you can accept this card!"

Professor Murgut walked up to the two of them, took out two cards from the briefcase in his hand and handed them to them.

The surface of the cards glowed with a faint purple light, and it did not look like an ordinary thing.

"What's this?"

Durkan did not take the card hastily, but asked with a little doubt.

"Shadow World Observation Program, a first level magic map, purple quality because it's an ultra-high resolution ."

Explained Professor Murgut.

Similar to a team card, a magic card with passive effects.

When worn, the Alchemy Academy can receive the image of Durkan, which conqueror the Shadow World in real time, even when entering a non-artificial Shadow World.

The most important technology of the last decade is the "artificial shadow world" and the "shadow world observation program".

The artificial shadow world can create a harmless world to enable a training mode.

The shadow world observation program can help logistics personnel outside the battlefield to gather information in the shadow world more efficiently.

For example, the information gained in some Shadow Worlds can be used in other Shadow Worlds!

Therefore, reconnaissance in other worlds has become a popular topic.

The development of magical technology has also further advanced the conquest of the shadow world.

"This will take up the number of cards I can carry."

Durkan does not like the feeling of being watched.

"It will indeed affect your combat efficiency somewhat. The exact contract is here. It's up to you whether you accept it, do not be nervous."

Professor Murgut smiled gently and handed Durkan the two documents in the briefcase.

Conilia symbolically leafed through the documents and then looked at Durkan.

She did not understand, she listened to Durkan.

Durkan hesitated for a moment, accepted the two observation programs, but returned the contract to Professor Murgut.

"Professor Murgut, this time we will bring the observation program to the venue without any compensation. How about we discuss the exact contract after we conquer the shadow world this time?"

Although the share ratio was very generous, Durkan did not decide to sign the contract immediately.

If the conquest of the shadow world is very successful this time, perhaps they can get better contract terms when they return.

Besides, Durkan wants to go home after the end of the shadow world and check if these two [Shadow World Viewing Programs] have hidden dangers.

So it's not the best decision to sign the contract now because the interest rates are so tempting.

It's better to think of it as a collaboration to confirm each other's value.

Since the profiteer has taught him a lesson, he has become extremely cautious in his dealings.

"No problem, no problem."

Professor Murgut agreed cheerfully.

After they had exchanged a few pleasantries, Professor Murgut left.

While Durkan explained the situation to Cornelia, he and she passed through security.

They went to the deepest part of the corridor and entered a hall that radiated azure light.

In the center of the hall, several giant magical machines protected an empty gate.

It was somewhat similar to the scene I had seen in the entrance exam, except that this "gate" was dozens of times larger than the gate in the artificial representation.

It cannot prevent people from feeling a sense of fear of the mysterious realm.

However, we are still far from this huge natural gate of emptiness, which is a buffer zone and a resting place for conquerors.

"Take it."

Durkan handed Cornelia a stack of cards.

It contained three identical blue equipment cards, one purple equipment card, several blue and white cards, and the spectator card from earlier.

"No, no!"

Conelia recognized the quality of these cards and waved her hand to refuse.

She could not afford such an expensive card for the time being.

"I will not charge you anything."


"I will lend it to you."

"I will break it..."

Conelia was worried that she would break the weapon Durkan had given her.

"I can fix it, do not worry. Your fighting power is the most important thing in the shadow world. Just think of it as protection for me, you need to get stronger."

Durkan's words made Cornelia hesitate for a moment, then she took the stack of cards away.

Since Durkan had said it, she could not refuse anything.


She gratefully untied all the previous equipment cards and placed them on the counter, then tied all the cards Durkan gave her together.

There are not many warriors who can repair their own equipment cards.

It seems that Durkan is more versatile than she thought.