
The Capo Love

Run, tell mom and dad to come hurry. I promise to be safe, Bang bang. No, I am not going to leave you here, Raya replied , Jaxon was shaking and crying, not because he is scared to die even though he is but his crying because of his stubborn sister. Raya!! You are bleeding, Jaxon screamed, and my conscience is fading away. Don't use my body anyhow, even though it is yours now ,What are you talking about? Raya asked. Promise me to find her and avenge me, what no no no ,Promise me I promise. Beep beep beep!!!!!!.............. silence Live your life, and don't waste it avenge us in a low voice. Mom, dad , Jaxon, I promise to avenge you even if it is the last thing I do. [Soul switched] This soul is based on two things Revenge and Love. Everything is taken away, so what am to lose haha

JustFFA · Võ hiệp
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Good day ruined

He felt him and his sister being watched, unknown to him his sister also feels the same.

Strange room, It time haha ha ha ha.

Jaxon and Raya felt like they were being watched. Of course, they are supposed to know if they are being watched they are the kids of the Capo and the deadly assassin.

Am going now okay, see you tomorrow ,Ella waved goodbye' to Raya thinking it Jaxon 'Raya also waved back and said see you tomorrow and walk to where her twin brother is hiding What are you doing are you not supposed to come and tell her it a prank ,' Raya questioned ' Raya I think we are being watch I don't know but my instinct is telling me that,' I don't think it your instinct we are being watched I aslo feel the same ,Raya replied with a worried face.

Let quickly go and tell dad and mom.

In the meeting room, Boss, someone has hacked down our base, and all the cameras are shut off ,'a man announced.' What? Call all our men and go and quickly get Jaxon and Raya fast, and prepare for battle, 'the twins father said, while going to the weapon room to get ready for battle.

The twins are running while holding each other's hand, Jaxon was getting tired his breath was hazed, but he managed to pull out some words.

Raya run and tell mom and dad I promise to be safe he said between his laboured breathing,' No I won't go without you,' Ray replied with a troubled voice, ' Raya run before he could finish his words they started to hear a gunshots that was when they knew it real.

Jaxon was shaking with tears in his eyes not because he was scared to die even though he was, but he was scared because he knew her sister more than anyone she stubborn and will always do what she says she will do so he was scared.

While Jaxon was still shaking and crying, Raya quickly picked Jaxon up and carried him while running heavily.

Jaxon was quite heavy for her, but she won't leave her brother alone, Jaxon was looking at, Raya with a really happy eyes even though she is stubborn he knows she love him so much even when they are training it was ,Raya that quickly learned he believed she was supposed to be the boy instead of him she has all the characteristics and even if he was given the opportunity to switch body with her just to save her he would do it in a heart beat.

What is this boy eating? Is this how boys are heavy she was complaining in her thoughts, but she can't drop him ,' Still in her thoughts she felt something hit her and a string of pain washed over her, but she was still running that was when she heard.

Raya!! You are bleeding. Jaxon screamed on top of his lungs while sobing uncontrollably so hard ahh ahh waAa, he was crying like a baby.

Her steps slowly become slow , but she is still running with Jaxon crying like a baby in her back until she can't run again she fell down bleeding uncontrollably, Jaxon was eyes was running along with his nose with every part of his body sweating he doesn't know what to.

That when he also fell down, he had been shot in his arm the reason he fell was the shock that was in his body before.

Our job here is done. Let go of" a man in mask said to the other.