
The burning rose

In an alternate universe, Summer lives and finds Cinder in Atlas. She decided to bring her back to Patch. Due to her traumatic past, Cinder is hesitant to trust the family, but after a close brush with death, she opens up to them and is eventually adopted by the loving family. After a few years of training, she heads off to Beacon to train to become a huntress! Created by: UnknownkingfromAO3 all rights belong to them

Sebastian0narvaez · Tranh châm biếm
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61 Chs

Chapter 31: Through eyes of Amber

In a small village surrounded by trees, a small girl sat on the ground in her school's playground, staring up at her classmates and their parents who surrounded her as tears streamed down her face.

"What's up with you?!" A boy yelled. "What kind of sick freak are you that have a semblance like that?! What?! Are you some kind of narcissist?! Monster!"

"I'm not!" The dark skinned girl sobbed, but her classmates were already chanting monster and pointing at her. And soon, even more hurtful words were being thrown at her.

"Freak! I knew you should have stayed away from you!"

"You can change people with your semblance? Monster! You should go die!"

"How dare you use that freak of an ability on my son! Get out of here! You've cursed this village! Go die you freak! Die and give me my son back!"

The small girl had her hands covering her ears, yet could still hear every word. The words of her classmates and their parents filled her head making it feel like it was going to explode! She couldn't take it!

Standing up, she pushed her way past the ring of people and ran towards a small house on the edge of the village. But even as she ran, the voice followed her, getting louder and harsher with each step she took.

By the time she reached the house, she could hear the cacophony of voices screaming at her to go and die! That it was her fault that Grimm had started to get closer. That several people had died to them because she called them closer.

"Stop being so navigate! Can't you just grow up and learn to accept responsibility?!"

"My husband died because he went out when you were being all gloomy!"

"Your parents fought in the war and now your negativity is drawing in Grimm! Have you no respect for their service?!

"You're a blight on this place! Why can't you just die already! The world would be better off without you!"

The girl threw open the door and rushed inside her home, slamming the door behind her. She ran straight into the living room and into the comforting arms of her parents.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm a curse! Please, make it stop! Please!" She begged her parents, who wrapped her in a loving embrace, smothering the voices and letting the girl rest.

"Oh dear. Are you having a hard time again?" Her mother asked, gently rubbing her back. "Don't worry, those people aren't the ones you should be listening to. Remember, it's your father's and mine are the one that matter."

"That's right." Her father chimed in, wrapping his arms around the girl too. "You don't have to answer to them. You are your mother's daughter and daddy's little girl. We're the ones you should listen to too."

The girl hugged them tighter, feeling the warmth fill her up as she was cradled in their arms. Safe and secure for the voices that bombard their home. Her parents' voices were the only ones she needed to listen to.

"And you're such a terrible daughter. Getting us killed so selfishly!"

Immediately the girl looked up to see her bounce roof being ripped off and the walls falling away. Chains shot down from the now blood red sky, wrapping tightly around her parents, ripping them through the roof screaming as their body's were torn open.

"You killed us! You horrible, wrenches girl!" Her mother screamed as her arms were ripped off and she was split open at the crotch and blood sprayed out of it. "How dare you leave us to die! I wish I never had you! Stupid ugly daughter! They were right about you! You are a curse!"

"Your mother's right! We should have never had you!" Her father bellowed as his eyes were gouged out by invisible hands. "It would have been better for everyone if you had never been born! We should have killed you when we had the chance! You are a blight on everything you touch! This is all your fault! You were a mistake! You should have never been born!"

The girl screamed as her safety was ripped away. At the same time, several shadowy figures descended for the sky. They grabbed her and pushed her to the ground, laughing gleefully as the others in the village were fed alive to the Grimm.

The child screamed and cried. Begging for the figures to stop. But they didn't listen. And as each of the people she knew disappeared, they begged her to stop it. Saying that it was her fault that this was happening, so she should be the one to stop it!

And after the last villager had disappeared, one of the figures rolled the girl over and grabbed her by the neck as he pulled his trousers down.

The child begged for him to stop. To kill her before he did it, but the figure just laughed and told her she deserved it. That it was her fault this had happened and she needed to be punished. And as he leered down at her as her vision started going black. She didn't want this! She had to do something!

Using all her strength, she clawed at the ground, looking for something, anything, to use to get him off her.

Then her hand clamped down on a bloody, metal cudgel.

The girl's eyes widened as she sat up. The figures were no longer standing up, but instead were among the sea of corpses that littered the place she had once called home. All around her lay death and destruction. A sea of blood that would never wash away!

And it was all her fault!

The girl fell to the ground, her stomach churning in horrible reality dawned on her. She wasn't a little girl, but a horrible monster that killed everything around her.

She fell forward, vomiting out her insides. And as her vision cleared, she saw in her reflection that she had sprouted claws and horns. Her dark skin had turned completely black and her yellow eyes had turned blood red.

The monster let out a howl as she clawed at her own skin, tearing off chunks until her own blood poured into the ocean, yet she couldn't find her human body anywhere because it had never existed.

She was a monster who should have never existed. A creature who brought death to anyone around. She was a beast who had already killed countless innocent people. It wasn't a person, especially not a little girl.

The monster let out a scream of agony as it curled up surrounded by corpses. It now wished like the others who had cursed it. It wished it had never been born.

Amber jolted up in bed. She was sweating heavily and gasping for breath, her hands clutching at her chest. After a few seconds of struggling to compose herself, she looked down at her trembling hands and saw that, while still dripping with blood only she could see, they indeed were human hands, not a monster's claw.

As she steadied her breathing, she glanced at the clock and saw it was early in the morning. Far too early for anyone to be up. She let out a sigh. She didn't feel like going back to bed, but she didn't want to wake her team either. And unfortunately, they could all be pretty light sleepers.

Rolling over in her bed, Amber stared up at the ceiling, trying to forget her dream. She shouldn't be dreaming about the past like that. She was eighteen for crying out loud! Yet that night always came back to haunt her no matter what she did.

After a bet more tossing and turning, Amber finally had enough. Carefully rising, she crept out of the room to the door, glancing over at Adam's bed several times. She knew Faunus had much sharper hearing than humans, so if anyone was going to wake up, it would be him.

Fortunately luck was on her side tonight! Or Eric's snoring had just masked her footsteps. Either way, she made it to the door and slipped out without anyone waking.

She made her way down the hallway in her nightgown. It wasn't anything fancy, but that was fine. Amber never liked fancy stuff anyway. Always so expensive and ripped at the slightest move. She pinned her amber pendant to her gown as she walked, she always found the feeling of her father's metal work comforting.

As she walked, she let her feet take her wherever they wanted and soon she found herself on the balcony of the dorms as the sun began to rise. It was beautiful. The same sunrise she had watched with her parents back in their small village. From way up here, it was far more breathtaking.

Her parents. How she wished she could show this to them. But they had died along with her village. Or rather, she had killed them.

Slowly, Amber turned her mother's words over in her mind as she had done many times before. "Smile at everyone you meet, it brightens their day. Because no matter how hard life is, you never know who might be suffering more."

Those words had become her mantra, her code. She lived everyday with the goal of making others happy. Her atonement for killing her village. She had helped so many and given so much, yet every time she looked down, she saw her hands stained in blood that no amount of good deeds could ever wash away.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Amber tried to fight off the feeling boiling in her stomach. She brought her hands to her head, ignoring how the blood stained her even more. It hurt so much! She hates it! She wanted it to stop!

Her life had been cursed ever since her semblance awoke. Back then, she had been training to become a huntress and go off on adventures and slay monsters like her parents. Even when they had left for the war, they always sent back letters with stories of their adventures. Slaying Grimm and protecting the innocent. It was like something out of her fairytales.

When she had finally awoken her semblance, at first she had been ecstatic. Out of all the kids in her village, she had been the first. And her's had been so powerful and easy to use. But her favorite part was that it cost next to no aura. Naturally she had gone to tell her best friend at the time and he immediately had come up with a bunch of ways to use it. And then of course, she had gone and fucked everything up.

Looking back out at the sunrise, she felt her stomach fill with frustration. It was so beautiful! So perfect! The sun rose every morning and set every night. So simple, so perfect. Why had she been born a human? Why couldn't she have been a dog or something. Then she would have such a simple life. And so many people would still be alive. They didn't deserve to die, but she had killed them! Why did the brothers allow a stupid creature like her to exist?! Why did she have to be born!?

"Quite a sight." A voice said behind, causing the girl to spin around in alarm. Fang was walking towards her from the door, completely oblivious to what thoughts he had broken her from.

"You know, I've seen the sunrise from all over Remnant, but nothing really beats this view. Or maybe that's just because I don't need to worry about putting food on the table for once." He joked as he leaned against the railing, still looking out to the horizon. "So, what brings you out this early?"

"I could ask you the same." Amber said with her usual fake smile. "My story isn't anything impressive. Woke up, couldn't get back to sleep. And seeing as I room with a Faunus, I didn't want to get dressed and run the risk of waking him up."

Fang let out a chuckle. "That's rough." He said calmly, not noticing a thing. "During my travels, I actually ran roomed with a bunny Faunus. Needless to say, they had incredible hearing. They'd get all angry when I woke them up. That wasn't pleasant for anyone."

He laughed at the joke and Amber made herself join in. Then they both went back to looking out at the sky. Although Amber got the impression he had something he wanted to talk about.

But after several minutes of silence, she found herself becoming unable to bear the wait any longer.

"Fang, if you want to say something, can you just say it? I don't mean to sound rude, but I can't shake the feeling this wasn't just a random meeting." Amber said, turning to face him. "You can't relax, I'm not Cinder. I won't blow up over a simple conversation."

Fang let out a chuckle. "First Cinder, now you. Team AACE is really something." He said with a dry chuckle. Then he turned to face her. "I'll be blunt with you, I know you told Cinder about my past. And I'm going to ask you not to tell anyone else."

Amber gave a start at the actuation. She hadn't expected for him to call her out like this. Yet as she studied his face, she didn't see any signs of anger or displeasure. So that was good.

"I'm sure you know what people think of those whose families held loyalty to the crown. I'd prefer my history to not get me into any conflict." Fang explained. "I'm not afraid to show my name, but if people didn't know my history, I'd prefer it that way. I've done a lot of things I'm ashamed of and I'd prefer people not digging it up. So please, can you keep it to yourself?"

"Of course!" Amber said quickly. She hadn't meant to tell Cinder and she certainly didn't want to cause more trouble. Especially for someone as nice as Fang. She actually really liked him. And while she was curious about what he had done, she wasn't going to pry or judge. After all, with what she had done, she was in no position too.

A part of her wanted to confess to him. Tell him everything that was in her head. If nothing else then to hear him tell her it wasn't her fault. Even just the thought of that sweet lie made her crave comfort, support. Anything beyond her own self-loathing!

But she said none of it.

"Your secret is safe with me, so don't worry about a thing! My lips are sealed." Amber said instead, forcing her happy voice, placing her fist above her heart. "Besides I'm not one to talk. Got a couple of skeletons in my closet as well. Mostly revolving around my poor fashion sense, but I'll die before revealing that!"

Fang laughed at her joke as he stood up.

"Thank you, Amber." He said with a smile. "You really are a kind person. I'm glad it was you who knew. Good to have someone who is willing to help a guy out when he really needs it. Now let's get back before our teams destroy something in our absence."

Amber returned his smile, but still shook her head. "You go on ahead. I still haven't gotten my fill of this sunrise. But don't worry, I'll get back before Cinder hunts you down to go off spelunking or whatever you two do when you disappear together."

Fang smiled at her again before disappearing back out the door, leaving Amber looking back down at the ground below her.

What had she been thinking? She didn't deserve relief or comfort. All this pain and guilt was her punishment. And she was to suffer for her crimes. She would be forced to endure this torture for the rest of her life.

That was the only fitting punishment for something like her.

"This is unacceptable!"

The normally calm classroom of Professor Goodwitch was shattered as said teacher yelled at the members of team AACE. The rest of the class whispered to each other as another student was carried off on a stretcher, a deep gash in his chest.

Today was a team training excuse. Meaning whole teams would fight each other. This had been a well practiced example of teamwork and everything was going fine. Right up until team AACE got to fight. Or more specifically, one member of the team got to fight.

"Mrs. Rose! I don't know what you were thinking and frankly, I don't care! But if you want to stay at this school, I expect you to behave yourself! And after seriously injuring one of your classmates, I have half a mind to expel you right here and now!"

Cinder let out a huff as the angry teacher bared down on her. The dark haired girl crossed her arms and glared at the students being carried off with a look of irritation.

"I got carried away, okay? Not my fault the loser stinks at using his aura to protect himself." She said, Though, if she was trying to annoy her teacher or legitimately thought that was a good defense, nobody knew. Or dared to ask.

"Mrs. Rose! Endangering the lives of your classmates is not something to scoff at!" The teacher said, striking her desk with her crop. "And this is hardly your first offense! Ever since the first week of school, you've been incredibly aggressive during your battles, but you've crossed a line today! Just the act of drawing blood would normally get you thrown out immediately! In fact, the only reason I'm even talking to you about it is because Mrs. Alsprings has been practically begging to hear your side of the story!"

Cinder let out another huff, turning to glare at the floor as the boy had disappeared from her sight. "I'm sorry, alright? I didn't think his aura would break that easily. I got carried away. It won't happen again."

"It better not." Goodwitch said harshly. "But given the fact in your first three weeks of school, that's the apology you've always used, you'll have to forgive me for it being convicted." Turning from her students, the professor walked to the blackboard and began writing something on it.

"I could give you detention, but given that it doesn't seem to penetrate that head of yours, I clear need a different method of discipline." She drew back, revealing Cinder's schedule confusing the students. How was this punishment?

"Seeing as you like to talk about your abilities, this will be your punishment. As you all know, next week you will all be sent out on professional missions. And seeing as Mrs Rose happens to enjoy being the top of class, she and her team will be sent out this weekend." Professor Goodwitch had told them this last week. There was still a huge shortage of huntsmen, they were desperately needed right now. "And while most of these missions are an eight to five style shift, team AACE will get an active mission. Which means they will be camping instead of returning to school grounds for the night."

"What!?" Cinder yelled.

"You heard me, Mrs. Rose. I won't take any back talk. You brought this on yourself. You want your abilities to carry you through the school year, well now they will. Class dismissed!"

As she called, the other students raced to pack up and go. Nobody wanted to be around when Cinder blew up.

"But Professor, my family had an appointment that week!" She protested as calmly as she could. "I need to be there! I'm sorry, okay! I'll make sure it doesn't happen again! I mean it this time! Please don't take this away from me! I'll do anything! Just please let me have this weekend off!"

Amber noticed the desperate tone of the girl's voice. She had never heard her sound like this before. Was there something more to this weekend then she was letting on? Maybe it had something to do with that night when Cinder had snapped at her for making an ideal conversation.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Rose, but my decision is final. I have no reason to believe you are being sincere and you've used that excuse so many times already, I'm not going to sweep this under the rug." Professor Goodwitch spoke calmly as she began preparing some papers for her next class. "Now, if that's all, I must request you to leave. Perhaps after this, you'll be more considerate of your attitude towards your classmates."


"Mrs. Rose! I will not ask you again." Goodwitch's tone changed to a more threading one making Cinder's protest died on her lips. "You have the rest of the day off, so I suggest you use it to inform your family about the change to your plans instead of begging me. I will not change my mind, so your time is better used elsewhere."

Cinder glared at the floor as her trembling hands clenched into fists. Steam rising from them as she activated her semblance out of sheer fury. For a second, Amber was worried Cinder might attack the Professor!

But then she wordlessly turned and walked quickly to the door, throwing it open with a loud bang. And with one final seething glare at her Professor, Cinder stormed out of the room.

"Well, that was fun, but let's not do it again." Eric said, immediately following his raging teammate out. Adam and Amber both made to leave as well, but stopped when Professor Goodwitch called out to them.

"A word, Mrs. Alsprings."

The two exchanged a confused look before said girl walked to the desk to see what her Professor wanted as the boy quickly left.

"Mrs. Alsprings, I'm sure you know this, but after three weeks of training, your team is at the bottom of the class for teamwork." Goodwitch said calmly. "This is a problem that mainly stems from your partner, but even so, I still need to hold you partly accountable. You lack control."

Amber hung her head at the statement. She was well aware that she failed to command her teammates on a regular basis. Cinder almost never listened and when she did, it was only because she had the same idea.

Adam and Eric were better than Cinder, but their problem was that Adam would often come up with his own ideas and would carry them out with no regard for what Amber had planned. Oftentimes he would even ignore her orders to do what he wanted. And Eric viewed him as the better leader and chose to take his side.

As it stands right now, Amber had the least control over her team out of all her class. And it was blatantly obvious. Their team was carried by the fact that the skills of the individuals outclassed almost everyone else in the entire class.

"I'm aware how hard it is getting difficult people to fall in line. But remember, as a leader, you have a duty to take charge." Professor Goodwitch's head dropped slightly as she paused for a second before continuing. "Even if it means sometimes using more extreme methods. Unfortunately, some people don't learn any other way."

Amber looked at the ground with a hard glare. "People like Cinder, you mean." She said stiffly, trying to keep her voice level. She hated it when people spoke like discipline was the only option to teach others. She had seen people beat their children to death following this twisted logic.

Her teacher must have heard the anger in her voice as Goodwitch got up and walked around the desk, placing a hand on Amber's shoulder.

"I don't like it either." She said quietly, yet firmly. "But I've seen a good number of people like Cinder. Many, and I mean many, don't learn their lesson until they make a fatal mistake on the battlefield, costing them their life, or the life of another. And until Cinder can finally see what she's doing isn't a game, she's extremely likely to get herself killed."

Amber bit her lip and said nothing. She could see where the Professor was coming from and that she had good intentions, but Amber couldn't bring herself to agree.

After all, Cinder had suffered enough abuse long before she ever met Amber.

Amber wandered around the streets of Vale looking for her dark haired teammate. Apparently she had left to go see her family to inform them about the change in schedule. And while she normally didn't pry into other's lives, today was an exception. She wanted to talk to Cinder and try to get her to understand the situation before something bad happened.

But she knew in reality her plan was stupid. Not only was Cinder not the best listener, but Amber didn't even know what she was going to say. It's not like she could just say "hey, you need to start listening to my orders in battle because our Professor said so!" That would only start a fight with the hot head.

"Sigh, why do people have to be so complicated?" She said in a melancholy tone.

Amber let out a sigh as she hung her head. She had always been terrible with people and now she was a leader chosen by Ozpin. He had said she had potential, but she still couldn't help feeling like he made a mistake. Cinder was easily the better leader. Sure, she was as morally stable as most, but she was a quick thinker, she had a loud voice and she could make people fall in line. Compared to her, Amber just couldn't compete.

"Why was it that the strongest people always had to get an ego?" She thought to herself. If only Cinder could have learned to think with logic and tactics rather than her fists and her pride, then she wouldn't be in the position.

The dark skinned girl was so preoccupied with her thoughts, she hadn't noticed two men following her. And as she turned a corner, she ran head first into another.

"Oof!" She cried as she took a step back, trying to put distance between herself and the person she had walked into. But one of the men following her stepped forward, grabbed her wrists and threw her against a nearby wall.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." One said as they surrounded the girl. "You're cute. What a chick like you doing all the way out here by your lonesome? Did you get separated from your boyfriend?"

Amber didn't react when one slammed his hand next to her face, trapping her with a dull thud. He grinned down at her as he pressed in, trying to appear threatening. But at this range the dark skinned girl could sense that he didn't have an aura, none of them did, meaning they weren't huntsmen.

She let out a tired sigh. She didn't have the energy for this. Why did they have to bother her today of all days?

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested." She said plainly, not reacting as the others moved in closer. "I'm looking for my friend, and while I normally ask if you've seen her, the fact you're still walking tells me you haven't. So I'll be on my way. Thank you for your time."

She tried to move around him, but one of the others stepped into her path, blocking her with an evil smirk.

"Aww, don't be like that." He purred, reaching out for her face only to have his hand pushed away. "We were just concerned. No need to get your pants in a twist. How about we buy you some drinks, then we can be friends instead of whoever you're looking for. Bet we'll make better friends than him anyway!"

Before she could respond, the third thug grabbed her arm and pulled it away from her body, eyeing her chest as he did.

"Come on, don't make us beg. Just three hours and you'll want more." He said, reaching out with his other hand for her hair. "Believe me, we don't disappoint in size or stamina. And a pretty little thing like you shouldn't wait until you've lost your youth to-."

"Leave her alone!"

All four looked up to see a ten year old kid running towards them. She had dark hair and a red cape flowing behind her. A pair of sharp silver eyes glared daggers at the thugs surrounding Amber.

"Who are you, brat?" One of them asked. "Who cares!? Get lost, kid! We're about to have adult fun here and you're getting in the way!" Another chimed in.

"No! She doesn't want to! Let her go and go away, meanies!" The child yelled back. Amber had to admit, the girl had courage to stand up to three morons who were probably ten years older. Either that or she had some incredible training.

"Stupid kid." A thug grunted, reaching into his pockets and taking out a knife. "Let's just get rid of her ourselves and be done! I want to plow this tan beauty! And even more than that, I hate brats!" Immediately he made to throw the blade at the child as her eyes went wide. The girl took a staggering step back, almost tripping over her cape as he wound up for the throw. Yet despite her obvious fear, the girl didn't turn or run, she just threw up her arms to protect her face.

But before he could throw his weapon, Amber's arm shot out and grabbed his wrist. She effortlessly spun him around into the one in front of her as her leg lashed out, slamming the one holding her other arm in the stomach, knocking him back where he fell onto his butt.

"Gah!" They all cried in confusion and pain as the 'helpless' girl sent them crashing to the floor and immediately stepped between them and the child.

"Are you okay?" Amber asked as she knelt to girl's level. She noticed the girl had strange colored eyes as she stared wide eyed up at her. "You were very brave just now, like a little hero. Your parents must be proud to have someone like you as a daughter."

At her words, the girl's expression changed from surprise to excitement. "Really?!" She cried happily. "I was like a hero?! You really mean that?"

Amber smiled and nodded. "Yep, like one out of a fairytale. A hero defending a maiden from an evil band of bandits! But if it's okay with you, I'd like a spot in the line light. So can you wait over there for me to finish with-?"

Before she could finish, an arrow flew over her head, slamming into the wall next to the head of one of the thugs, causing the man to scream in surprise and pain as his hair was burnt off in a single line across the top of his head.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing, Ruby!?" A loud voice yelled as someone approached. Someone both girls were very familiar with. "We're supposed to be getting ready to meet mom's old friend!"

"Cinder?!" They both said simultaneously, causing the dark haired girl to turn and look at them in confusion.

"Amber? What are you doing here? With Ruby?"


Well, that's a wrap for this chapter. As you can probably guess, there's more to Amber's semblance then she originally let on. Don't worry, everything will be explained in the next arc.

Hope you enjoyed and to see you next chapter. Bye!