
The Burned Ghost

The once was a girl who everyone disliked . But they only disliked her because of her hair.She would get bullied and go home to cry to her mother saying '' mother mother ! why cant i just have a normal life ?" And her mother... her mother always replies with " one day they will pay ".

Next 2 weeks past by and they decided to pull a prank on her and act like they were gonna set her on fire... but the problem was they burned her to death. After they reaalised what they did then they they all screamed in horror and pleaded for the chance to be given mercy .She Denied.

In the blink of an eye she made everyone in that family commit suicide . When it came down to the people who bullied her she slashed every organ out of them and gave them to the people who needed them. She burned their bodies And when to the underworld thinking that's where she belonged but she didnt realise that she forgot 2 twins that were born the day before their family were killed.

She swore on her soul that she would find the children and kill them with her bare hands. But.... how was she supposed to do that she didnt have a clue . She decided she find that out herself.

5 years later....

She felt that the time have come that she was capable to kill the twins....right? Now the twins are currently 6 years old . She hopes that they dont have enough sense to ignore and get rid of her . She thought wrong ... those twins were the perfects pair . One had the brain and power of heaven ( the girl ), the boy was brave and had the power of HELL . TOGETHER, 99% they would die but they would become gods and create a new world . Looking back on the ghost she went on her journey to find them and .... after 1 month of searching she found them .... on a plane to move so she possesed the girls bear. Traveling with them.

10 years past and she never did anything to them until one day as the kids went to the store ... they crossed paths with a baby and as the baby looked at them it began to cry and never stopped until the kids left .They got confused and did research , to be surprised on what they found