
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 16

Scorch woke up in a cold and damp cell, "what in the winds of life" he rubbed his skull.

"You're awake" a startled gard with dark green eyes said.

"What! let me out!" Scorch tugged on the chains.

"Hey, hey! calm down!" the gard smacked the bars with his armor and Scorches ears rang.

Scorch stopped and looked around, he noticed that the armor looks different from the other gards. "Why is your armor so different?" he almost snarled.

"Are you serious?" he hissed in a deep voice, "do you really do not know who I am?".

"No" Scorch sniffed him.

"Well I'm Poisonroot" he had a rather meh expression.

"I don't know you" Scorch tilted his head.

"Most know me as the king or you can recognise me as BushThorns father" he hufft.

"Oh so your the one who gave her the final push to leave!" Scorch almost screamed.

"What!" Petles voice screeched down the hall and then she dashed down the hall. "What did I just hear!?" she demanded with a smoky hiss.

"You don't know, she left after Poisonroot insulted her and made her feel useless" Scorch explained, knowing that Petle isn't the kind of dragon who accepts dragons who courses betral.

"Oh I know that, I thought you ment that he convinced her to leave" Petle calmed down. 'Ok didn't expect that' Scorch sat down. "So what are going to do with me?" Scorch asked in a serious tone.

"Well, well, ain't you just like your brother" Petle eyed him up and down, he saw that Poisonroot had a rather jealous expression.

'Does she like Frostbite or something?' Scorch narrowed his eyes and hissed to tell her to back of. This brung up some old memories from when he was a young, fresh to the world, juvenile. Many dragons found him and his brother attractive and he had to hiss at anyone who tried anything.

"Don't be so defensive, I'm just saying you two are almost the same" she winked.

"So what are you going to do?" Scorch raised his voice a bit.

"You'll see" she had a strangely sweet tone.

"That isn't an answer!" he snapped.

"Feisty" she grind, "well I don't truly know what I'm going to do with you yet" she shrugged then walked out.

"You're going to need to keep a leash on that one" he growed at Poisonroot.

"I try but she's usually like this with Frostbite" he growed back.

"She needs to control herself" Scorch hissed then layed down on the moss bed. "How do you actually feel about her?" Scorch asked.

"I love her, she has been my mate even before she became queen, not many dragons know that" Poisonroot said without stuttering.

"Do you know how she feels about you?" Scorch asked as he saw something strange in them.

"To be honest I don't know, she use to do things that screamed that she loves me but once she took the thrown she hasn't done anything that says that she loves me back but she clearly doesn't want me gone" Poisonroot shrugged.

"Well her flirting with other dragons isn't a good sine, but yet I've been gone for a while so maby things has changed" Scorch mentioned.

"No it's not and I must ask what was dragons, more importantly tulons, like back then?" Poisonroot asked.

"Well tulons hasn't changed much, the biggest difference is that the horns on your cheeks has shrunk" Scorch answered.

"Anything else?" Poisonroot had a demanding tone.

"All of them were friendly but now there's a phycotic queen, angry king and soft princess" Scorch shot at him.

"Yes I agree she is soft, I was planning to take her with me so she can learn how to fight affectively" Poisonroot crocked.

"She is strong naturally though" Scorch observed.

"I know but she hasn't had the training and I wanted to give her that, no daughter of mine is gonna be that soft" Poisonroot snarled.

"You do know that she hates you, right?" Scorch mentioned.

"Oh I'm aware that she hates me, I know that she doesn't see me as her father and sees Frostbite as her father instead" he clenched his jaw and smoke rose from his nostrils.

"You do not like my brother" Scorch observed.

"No! I wish he never existed" Poisonroot snarled with his teeth barred.

"He wasn't always like that, I miss the old Frostbite" Scorch flicked the moss thinking about how he changed.

"Oh so what was he like?" Poisonroot challenged.

"He never left my side, if anything happened he was there to help me and he did have a way with girls though" Scorch described his main details.

"So he always flirted with other dragons, how about someone he knows already has a mate?" Poisonroot asked and his dark green eyes glared at him.

"He would never but I'm not to sure about now, he has changed" Scorch scratched the back of his skull.

"So we know that you have him captured" Poisonroot pointed out.

"Yes he's... been better" Scorch twitched his tail.

"I'm glad you took him, finally he's away from MY mate" Poisonroot glared at him, "you better not have any ideas".

"Oh if the winds of life told me to get with her, I wouldn't, she hurt QuiverWing!" Scorch snarled.

"What's the winds of life?" Poisonroot asked.

"That's... complicated" Scorch explained.

"But what's this about QuiverWing? I know that the myth of sky keepers and chameleon dragons are related is not true" Poisonroot asked.

"Nothing you need to worry your self over" Scorch stomped his front claw.

"Alright then but you need to be asleep now so good night" Poisonroot then shoot a dart at him and Scorch passed out.