
Stepped Too Far Across The Line

Driving home in dead silence with the rain pounding down on the car, my thoughts are taken back to what happened earlier tonight. She can make up any excuse no matter how goddamn lame; it will still not make up for the way I broke her heart.

I can honestly say that at this very present moment, I feel what is probably my heart being sliced open and ripped to shreds. The pain is suffocating; it squeezes every breath of air from my lungs. There is nothing else I want to do now but cry. 

Isabella has brought me down. 

But in all of my time as a Marine, I have never seen anyone crash and burn the way she did. It is not Isabella; it is not who she is. Let alone lose her temper the way that she has been doing.

Is this what I have done to her?

Did I completely break her?

What have I done?

What the fuck have I done to her?

But in the same breath.

What the fuck has she done to me!