
Dear Jane Letter

I am lying in bed early morning; the sun has just started to trickle over the horizon. The fresh breeze from the open window is lying cool against my skin. Yet, the bed remains warm, only on the side where I sleep. The rest of the spaces are empty as it has been for the past three days.

I have not heard of less even seen Isabella. Yes, I am somewhat nervous and worried about where she finds herself, but I know that she would have gotten someone to phone if she was in trouble.

I do not even have an idea where she is.

Does this bug me?

Well, of course, it does, yet it is not going to change a thing that I am still furious with her. I rather only but shake my head to get the images and words out of my mind. I do not wish for it to linger. The less I see her at present, the better.

But see is not the problem, for next, I see a call coming through as my phone lights up.

It is Isabella.