
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs


Gazing at her whilst she put down her third bowl whilst I happened to finish my first, I heard her exhale a sigh of astonishment at how good the food was. Putting my foot on the ground, I stepped off the stool, saying to Momo "Thank you for the food, and I am sorry I can't pay for this myself"

"Oh, no, don't worry, you found me some good food besides, I lost a bet and this is what you do" I wasn't going to say anything to break the misunderstanding about me having no money, but I did find it funny she was about to order another bowl.

Reaching out to stop her arm from making the order and said as I leaned into her ear to whisper "I think we should move on with the date, don't you" I said, seeing a shiver run down her and pulling away to get a better look at her.

Watching her frantically get out her money to pay for our meals and shooting up from her stool, forgetting to pick up her bag in the excitement to which I stepped closer. Startling her into taking a step back whilst I put my hand on the table to reach towards the floor to pick up the bag.

Lifting it from the floor and said, "Don't worry, I was making sure you don't forget your bag" seeing her face shot a shade of embarrassment for thinking I was going in for a kiss, I merely smirk and handed her the bag as I walked into the street and to wait.

After a brief moment, she left the ramen stall saying goodbye to the chief and walked over to me to which I asked "Where would you like to go, the cinema or take a walk around the park" to be honest, I would so much prefer to go to the park as I would get to stay out in the sun for longer but alas.

Waiting in great anticipation for her answer, which was when she answered, "Is this still hooked onto your bet?" I plainly looked at her with a baffled expression and responded, "No, this is our date"

Meekly I saw her head nod and as much as I would like to stay out in the sun I think the movies would be best at the moment. Still observing her, I said, "Let's go watch a movie, I would like to see this country's movies"

Momo looked at me funny before she responded, "Why did you use country?" looking at her dumbfounded, "Oh, I come from a different country" as I looked at her seriously which hopefully sold the lie.

With that being said, I looked at her to request, "Do you happen to know the way to the cinema?" to which she responded with "Yes" after that brief exchange of words I began to follow her, soon making our way to the movies.

God, it was embarrassing having her pay for everything, and luckily she was too excited to question why I didn't put forward my wallet. We found our seats at around the middle of the room and as we watched through the film that was the typical love story in which the girl has powers and the boy doesn't.

Well, it was enjoyable, but it had to end sometime, so we left only holding a half-eaten bag of popcorn into the dark of night only lit by street lights and the moon's glow. I was the first to talk, "I just want to say thank you again for the movie" Momo simply brushed it off "Oh, no don't worry about it, I had fun"

I took in a breath through my nose, feeling the now cold air hit the back of my throat to then ask, "Momo would you like me to walk you home?" she looked at me a bit perplexed and asked, "Why?" I just gave her a smile, "What date isn't complete where the man walks the women home"

She simply waved it off saying "It's ok Dylan my parent asked me where I was and now that it's late, they're coming to pick me up" I went along and nodded to that and replied "Well then I will wait with you"

I didn't have to wait very long until a beefy black car rolled up in front of the walkway, and then to see Momo running towards it, to which she sent me off with a wave and some words of goodbye, whilst I gave a smile back and a little wave as they drove off.

Good, now that she was gone, I happened upon a thought, but first needed to look at something, so I pulled up my system.

[NAME-Jake, Dylan, Kieran, Mark, Blake, Ryan, Sauron] Current = Zook-To

[Times Reincarnated - 8]

[Age- 15 Years]

[Cosmic Power - 2487]

[Current Biology- Kryptonian + ?????]

[Current Power]

-Photonucleic Effect- active- Under Moon Light

-States boosted permanently by 13% every minute

[Unlocked]-[Innat]-(Super strength)-(Invulnerability)-(Stamina)-(Healing factor)-(Eidetic memory)

[Unlocked-[Level 1]-(X-ray)-(Telescopic)-(Microscopic vision)-(Super speed)-(Super hearing)




[Main Objective]

[Conquer this planet]

I was deeply intrigued by what I read, this has to be the first time I was actually awake to see that I still collect solar energy that is being reflected off the moon. However, what was also dishearting, is the fact that most of the powers I have I hadn't used nor understood.

For instance, I haven't even used superspeed yet and, on the other hand, I don't even know how it worked. Do I press a go-faster button, but all jokes aside, that way of thinking might actually work, but I probably need to think along the lines of slowing everything down whilst I go faster.

As I was walking down the streets, thinking about ways I could make it work when a thought hit me, pulling out a rubber I stashed into my pocket I quickly moved into an alley and lifted it at arm's length away from me and dropped it.

Watching it fall straight down didn't surprise me, but I continued to do that motion of dropping it and catching it.

After a while of trying different ways of focusing on the falling rubber, I soon dropped it and out of habit that's when my hand raced down beneath it and I waited and waited, but I never felt the rubber hit the palm of my hand.

Quickly glancing around on the floor just in case I happened to miss it, but not being able to find it, and so I started looking around, maybe it happened to roll away farther than I thought but as I was walking around I felt something touch my shoulder.

Looking down at my shoulder, I saw a rubber very slowly moving away from me, probably just because I had walked into it, but I also happened to notice that it was travelling in an arc almost like it was gradually falling, but it just looked frozen there.

Reaching out to pluck it from the air, and gripped it hard, knowing what this meant and throw it to the side walking out into the street, observing how the street lamps flickered on and when they did that I could see the street in all its glory.

Which was when I decided to walk around, taking in the sights, travelling past cars, passing by people and that's then when the lights went off except for any LED signs, but nonetheless, it was pitch black now everyone and everything was shrouded in darkness.

I got border seeing everything under darkness, but I was having more fun just walking around at super speeds. With it now working, I needed to know how fast I was and looked off into the distance planting my feet, smiling.

Darting off, I felt the air press against my body gradually get harder and harder to push through, eventually, it got so hard to push through the air I simply drew my speed back till my body didn't feel as much pressure.

Subsequently, when I glanced up, I was astonished to see just how far I had run and stopped to turn around to see the city sitting on the horizon just as its lights flicked back on, and that's when I did an evil laugh.

Catching the evil laugh before it started to irritate me, I looked away from the city, thinking about getting in my first kill in this world, so I picked a direction and bolted, feeling the wind pass through my clothes.

IT didn't take me long at all to get to the next city, running over water, across land and jumping across hills, made me feel pretty dumb for not trying it out sooner, but you live you learn.

Besides, now being inside another city rather fun and knowing I was about to kill was going to be fun, and finally I was going to get my revenge. Now, who was I going to kill?