
Marriage (3)

Prussia, July 28th 1803

10:02 AM

Lukas smiled while seeing the carriage arrive. Almost all the crowd that was sitting on the pew chairs looked over at the carriage.

Not everyone knew where that carriage was from, but all the members of the Santen house immediately recognized it.

Soon, Konrad left the carriage, and walked around it in order to open the door for his daughter, who waited patiently for him.

As soon as Konrad opened the door, Nathalie could be seen sitting on the carriage, however, she was still not very visible to Lukas, since she was too far away.

Nathalie calmly left the carriage while smiling. She tried to perform all her movements with as much elegance as she could, so she could improve the reputation she had among most members of the Santen house.