

Ever since she opened her eye to the world, she had been given one rule she must live by, which is to be perfect, without a single flaw and if she does not keep to this rule, she would face dire consequences. Genevieve the rightful heiress to Phantasia Inc. one of the biggest and globally dominating companies in the world has been forced to live by this rule since birth but what happens when she meets the mysterious and cold-hearted Dane and they become rivals? ...... "What is love?". He asked with phlegmatic modulation and aspect as he glanced away from me. I couldn't answer his question immediately because I never expect such a question from him. " Love is a strong feeling of genuine affection which makes one value another person's interest and wellbeing as a top priority over their own regardless of circumstance". I replied when I finally regained my composure. "Where does it come from?". " It...it comes from the brain but it will always remain a matter of the heart". I replied almost hesitantly. Unexpectedly he turned toward me, staring straight into my eye, still with an emotionless profile. "If I choose to open your head or heart in search of this love...... would I find it". He inquired boldly. I felt the chills run down my spine, for a moment I was frightened and I couldn't breathe, I held my breath, it was until he gazed away from me that I could finally exhale. l thought of taking his words for humor to put me at ease but I couldn't shake off the lethal feeling I got from his voice and overall aspect he was never the kind of person to smile, to say he was joking would be crazy. " Love is an emotion just like pain and hate it can't be seen". There was silence between us for a while until he broke the silence. "Something that can't be seen or grasped physically does not exist.........if one has lived long enough they'll realize that just like pain and hate, love is a deception people have to fill up their vanity because in the end that is all they can ever do".

Nyx_heart · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Ominous Feeling.

Genevieve couldn't explain why she had been feeling uneasy early that morning. She wasn't a psyche but she had this ominous feeling that had put her in an anxious state. She tried to shove the feeling away, perhaps, it was just a trivial feeling associated with her aforesaid experience the night before but by the passing seconds her agitation continues to grow.

She was currently sitting on her bed while watching her handmaid Kimberly take out what was left of the broken glass.

"My lady... you should rest for a bit, I'll prepare a bath for you when I get back." Kimberly said with a voice that depicted worry as she took one last glance at her mistress who gave her a nod as permission to leave with the broken glass.

She noted the worried expression on Kimberly's face. Victoria had left a few minutes back to acquire the first-aid box

to treat her injuries because when the glass broke some of it got to her legs causing her to bleed, to her it is insignificant but Victoria still possessed the same worried attitude as Kimberly.

How they had been so worried puzzled her, why would they care so much about her when they weren't even close? She could still recall how they both kicked into protective mode when the glass broke, it was just a glass but they had been really worried, was it because they were scared of being punished because of her?

" Ah! my lady." Kimberly shrilled while covering her mouth with one of her hands and placing the other gently on her chest.

"Goodness! my lady, are you okay?" Victoria asked while rushing towards Genevieve.

"I'm fine," Genevieve replied calmly.

The instant the words left her mouth, Victoria noticed a sight of blood signaling the penetration of some particles of the glass into Genevieve's leg.

" But my lady you are bleeding, I need to get a first aid kit" Victoria declared."let us help you to the bed."

Victoria and Kimberly assisted Genevieve to the bed after which Victoria dashed out of the room. Kimberly, on the other hand, was still in shock but recover from it.

"I'll te..nd to the broken glass my lady" Kimberly uttered.

On Genevieve's part, she believed they were being dramatic, for goodness sake, it was just slight cuts involving only a few particles of glass that was there to make a big deal of the matter, if Victoria hadn't said anything she probably wouldn't have noticed, she had gone through worse this was nothing to her.


"Miss where would you like to have your breakfast?". Kimberly asked when she has come back from taking out the glass.

"I'll have it in my room".

Genevieve had just finished bathing after being treated by Victoria and was preparing for breakfast with her family when a maid came to inform her that there wasn't going to be a family breakfast as her family usually did every morning, and the reason being that her father had left for a meeting and wouldn't be back until the evening. somehow that made her satisfied.

Her wounds from the previous night still hurt but she had to give a straight face it was part of the duties of a Corleone. She had sent Victoria away on an errand so she could bathe with solely Kimberly as her aid.

How many days would it take her to heal completely? she wasn't sure but one thing was for sure, and it was the fact that it wouldn't be the same with an average human. She had a special gift that was passed down from her mother and it allowed her to do a lot of things one of those being to heal rapidly not many knew about the gift, it was only her father, her mother, and her brother who knew about it.

Genevieve looked out through the window and watched the servants in the villa, she still had a dire feeling but what could she do? she could only try to suppress it, she was barely able to eat with her loss of appetite. What was she doing? her brother was coming back home, back to her, her other half and in a way the better half, she should be overjoyed but she could hardly be considered to be lively if only the feeling would go away she couldn't wait to see her twin brother again, to embrace him, to listen to him tell her of all his adventures and most of all to explain to her the reason he left for so many years and never keeping in touch with her, a tear unwillingly trickled down her eye but she quickly wiped it away as if hiding the tears from anyone that may be present in the room even when she knew she was the only one there.

She reminded herself that it was a happy day, not a day to cry, she wasn't going to allow anything to ruin her mood.

Genevieve was swiftly interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"The designer is here Miss," Victoria explained.


Surprisingly to Genevieve, the day went by a lot faster than she imagined.

After her breakfast, she had to meet with the designer to choose a dress for the party. She wanted to make the process as quick as possible but with the instigation of the designer she tried out a lot of dresses which were, of course, her preference, she wasn't a pushover but for some reason, she wanted to look her best today, she was careful to choose dresses that were not too exposing because of two reasons, firstly because she wasn't the type to dress provocatively and secondly to hide her wounds.

By the end of the day, she was already stressed from the experience.

" You are going to be turning heads tonight" Victoria stated after helping Genevieve to adjust her dress with Kimberly nodding in agreement.

Genevieve walked towards the mirror to gaze at her reflection. The white color of the dress enhance her beauty like it was customized and blended with her beautiful golden locks and fair skin so perfectly that it gave her an angelic look and her usual dull green eye gave off a vibrant glow, they were like gems.

Her maids were happy with the liveliness they could see in their mistress's eye, it had been a long time since they saw them so animated, it could only be for one reason which is the return of the young lord.

"We have to leave quickly Miss or you are going to be late." Victoria voiced.

Genevieve walked out of her room gracefully with only one thought on her mind, she was going to be seeing her brother today.

The people invited were entirely people related to the Corleone name. it was after all a family gathering.

The Corleone household is indeed a big one, consisting of relatives dwelling in different parts of the world, who are rich and powerful.

The name Corleone would make almost every person quiver. yes, they were rich and powerful having numerous heads for generations with Vincenzo Corleone known to be the cruelest head the Corleone had ever had in history.

The position as head of the Corleone is one that many have wished to covet, on the outside it may look like a celebration of the return of a successor but truthfully it is just an illustration or rather a battle of strength, to judge whether indeed he is worthy as not everyone would agree to such an arrangement.

The funny thing about the matter was the fact that her brother never wanted to be head of the Corleone, but perhaps he might have changed his mind, Genevieve reasoned.

Genevieve took a deep breath as the herald announced her name.

" Presenting the Young mistress of the house Genevieve Nadia Corleone."

Genevieve descended the stairs and all eyes moved to her as they watched intently, she could see a lot of emotions in their eye, some admiration, some distaste, some lust, and others were just passive. She moved her eye away from their faces and gazed forward, wishing everything would be over quickly, she disliked being the center of attention.

After descending the stairs she was quickly pulled to the side by a figure.

"wow you look, great girl, I was starting to think you wouldn't put in an effort for once I'm glad that I'm wrong."

Genevieve moved her eye to acknowledge the figure with the familiar voice.

" Freya," Genevieve muttered.

"The one and only" Freya declared." Surprised to see me?"

Genevieve didn't say anything as Freya pulled her to the side, Freya is her cousin and in a way her childhood friend.

"It doesn't matter if you missed me or not but you'll be seeing me a lot as of now."

Subconsciously a simple crept across Genevieve's face.

" I came with my dad as soon as I heard the news, I really can't believe your brother is finally coming home. Freya said in excitement" I bet he would be very handsome and manly by now".

Someone watched from the shadows with gritted teeth and angry stares as Freya pulled Genevieve to get a drink.
