
Chapter 1

3rd POV

The Night was dark with stars lighting up the sky. In a Hospital room sat a man by the bed with a haggard looking woman laying on it. The man was holding onto her hand whispering apologies on and on without stopping while the woman was laying with a closed eyes as she seems to be sleeping.

" Christin, please am sorry. I tried so hard to let it go." the man says with a whisper. He chuckles as he said" I even started taking golf lessons , and I don't like golf. I did everything I could to take my mind of him….but it's impossible everywhere I look I see his face mocking me, I see him… laughing without a care in the world Christin" he said with a sigh a the end. "When I see them… I feel so much hate and anger. They don't deserve to live, they don't deserve it. They take, take and take eventually we will have nothing to give. They took Louisa and they're going take you too,It's only a matter of time." The man in a cold tone as the woman eventually opened her eyes.

Her eyes gave a off a lot emotion but the most prominent was anger. She whispered with a raspy voice and said " Don't act like you are doing this for Louisa. You've always hated them. I could always see it. Now you want to bring our dead daughter's name into your vengeance, Timothy". The room was tense as she looked into his eyes with fury. The man named Timothy looked her with the same fierce eyes as she said in an angry whisper" Just kill me already….isn't that why you're here? I always knew marrying you was a mistake, I thought you were misjudged because of your childhood but you were always a Monster. Do you know how many sleepless nights I had worrying you would just snap and kill me in my..." she was interrupted by the pain of her wrist being twisted as she let out a silent scream.

Timothy then stood up with her wrist held tightly in his hand. He released her then injected her in the arm with a black serum. As he walked out of the room he said in a cold indifferent tone " I loved you, Christine, even after all the cheating, after all the lies, after all the hurt, I loved you and never left. But what you did was unforgivable, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me as I have forgiven you. Goodbye Christi, have a wonderful night." He closed the door as if not hearing her pleas and curses.

3rd POV

In a scarcely furnished living room Timothy sat talking with a businessman opposite him. "You really have some balls coming here, Mr. Edgar." The man was Stan Edgar, CEO of Vought International and one of the powerful human men on the planet.

"So I can't visit my nephew anymore?" he ask with a slight smile.


I really don't know what am doing. So I wouldn't mind some help. Thank you for reading.

I'll try to post consistently.