
Chapter 4

After they signed the contract, I was taken to see their daughter to check her power. I took her power and said she had superhuman strength.

While the people at Vought and the father of the baby didn't have any problem, the mother was still completely against the idea of her daughter having a superpower.

I didn't want to get too involved in their personal stuff the first day itself. So, I let her do what she wants while I returned back to my new home, which looked way better on the outside.

On the inside, there were stinky clothes everywhere, wrappers, food crumbs, beer cans and plates with some stinky leftover food. I was happy that the room I was staying in, was cleaned up by the people from Vought that came with me.

I went to my bed since I had nothing else to do here. I then got bored in a while and opened the window.

I turned invisible and flew out of the window. I was interested in seeing the neighborhood and search for someone or something interesting to do till I get comfortable with this 'Shaw' family.

I floated out and looked at the view of the town from above. It was different from the views from pictures. I was only allowed to fly in a confined space, so I didn't get to fly fast, or high, or get to see a view like this.

It was an amazing view. I then slowly moved in a direction while slowly increasing my altitude, as I had a fear of heights in my previous life. I wasn't someone who could enjoy the adventurous and deadly sports in my previous life. I did get rid of a lot of fears after dying and reincarnation, but fears aren't something that immediately disappear. It is a weird thing to say after risking my life and stealing the diamond body superpower, but I know I am weird.

As I started increasing my speed, the wind hardly affected my vision and the feeling of going fast was slowly starting to get better.

Before I knew it, I was going faster than a sports car except, I was flying. "Woo-hoo..." I screamed as I kept going faster.

I looked down and although I was going fast, I could process everything I was seeing. It was an amazing view of different buildings and houses.

Seeing down, I got distracted and before I even looked up, I ran straight into a hill. I crashed into a huge rock, breaking through easily and crashing into another rock.

It took a few huge rocks before I stopped. From the rumble, I got up and looked at my body. There was not even a single scratch on me and it didn't even hurt. It felt like I was going through a very thin paper. I only felt the rock, but no resistance.

I smiled at my powers and immediately flew to the skies and looked at the view again. I took a deep breathe and launched myself up. I wanted to know how high I could go.

I kept going up, above the clouds and to heights where it was starting to feel a little cold. I guess it is much colder for others. As I kept going, the oxygen kept getting thin, but I was not feeling too uch uncomfortable.

I kept going till I was able to see the sky get dark and something weird pull my body outwards. My blood had a slow rise in temperature, by a degree or two.

I didn't focus much on that, as I was lost in the stunning view of the earth and the space. I don't know if Astronauts get to see the same thing, but if you showed this to kids, they all would become astronauts in the future.

I got to enjoy the view completely and even though I wanted to enjoy more of this, but I was running out of oxygen and I had to get back to the atmosphere.

Even though I didn't want to, I headed back towards the earth's surface and when I got close enough to earth, I just let gravity do it's job. I was shooting down at great speeds, but it hardly affected me. My clothes weren't as durable as me and burnt away.

Although I am flying around like this, I wasn't afraid of anyone detecting me with any radars. Since waves depend upon reflected waves to detect objects, I just absorb the signals and radiation to stay in invisible to radars.

It is all thanks to a superpower that lets me absorb, release and store radiation. I was really lucky I found this, as the previous owner didn't have much durability and absorbed a lot of radiation, dying in the end. I was lucky to steal it before he died.

Back to my flight, I realised that I still had a problem, that I never practiced in these speeds and have zero control over my body. Before I know it, the land was way closer, and I crashed into the ground.

The nearby area shook due to the impact. Luckily I decided to land far from civilization. I let the dust cloud disappear and climbed out of the crater, which was around 30 feet deep. It might have been deeper if I didn't try and slow down a little.

I then levelled the crater with my superpower that lets me control soil and mud. It is actually sand that I could control, but soil and mud are also similar to sand and rocks, so with a little practice, I could control mud.

This superpower is all thanks to a superhero named Sandlord, who was a runaway superhero I killed.

Although the flight wasn't that successful, I had seen pretty crazy things and I enjoyed it a lot. I also got rid of the little fear I had in life, which is now completely gone.

I then flew around the whole globe, passing through many famous locations of the world. This time I was going in ridiculous speeds. I might be as fast as A-train of the show, except that I was in the skies.

I also tried lifting weights while flying and I had no problem lifting up an abandoned truck. As for a plane, I don't think I can get to know for now.

I enjoyed the day completely and returned back to my room, only to find that stinky fat man named Hank Shaw, sleeping on my bed with empty beer cans on the floor.

A few cans had some leftover beer inside, which spilt on the floor and made the whole room stinky. I only met him two times and I am already hating this man.

I lifted him by the collar of his t-shirt and dragged him out of the room. He had passed out drunk and didn't even know what was happening to him.

I used my x-ray vision and found Mariana down in the kitchen. I dragged him down and asked her "This idiot was sleeping in my room. Where is his room?"

She just looked at me once and went back to her work, cleaning the kitchen. She said as she cleaned "The room you are staying in, is actually his. As you can see, we don't have a huge house."

"So, what am I supposed to do with this fucking fat man?" I asked and she looked at me surprised for a moment before going back to her annoyed state.

She replied "Just throw him on the couch. Did he leave a mess?" she asked and I replied "Yes"

She said "Great, if you are going to live here, you are going to have to follow a few rules. And amongst those, there is one that says yoy have to clean your own room." and went back to work.

I sighed and flung the drunk man onto the couch from the kitchen and surprisingly, she didn't react at all and just shrugged her soldiers as if saying "I don't care about that old man."

I went back to my room and burnt all the empty cans and used my water controlling power to clean the stains.

I didn't actually have the ability to control water. I could only produce and control ice by freezing the water vapour in the air. I use this with my heating superpower to turn it into water and control it with telekinesis.

The only reason I didn't use telekinesis for carrying that dirty man was just because I didn't want them to know that I had multiple superpowers and I was way stronger than the rest of the superheroes.

If they knew, they would treat me differently and the only thing I would be able to see in their eyes is fear, or fake love for benefits. They would also freak out when they learn that a near omnipotent being is staying in their house.

Although I don't crave love and affection like Homelander, I still need people around me, as loneliness isn't a pleasant experience. I still wouldn't go out of my way to make them like me.

So, I lay on the bed, thinking about what to do in this boring house. I was starting to miss Homelander and the time we would play together. He was coming to kill me, or atleast defeat me, but it was nothing more than playing with a kid.

I just passed time playing around with my powers and before I knew, it was dark and Mariana brought dinner to my room.

It was good, way better than the bland food served to me in the lab. In the laboratory, all they focused on were healthy meals rather than tasty meals. I enjoyed the simple soup and chicken before going to bed.

I had nothing much to do in the house and I was trying various ways to kill time and 4 weeks pass by, which felt more like three years.

the only entertaining thing I could do was, test out my powers without worrying about space. I would select a plain ground and try combining different superpowers to make new ones.

Homelander's power was the best thing I ever stole. I would go crazy with my experiments and nothing would happen to me.

I made three new powers by combining powers. The first one is the ability to create and control light by using the stored radiation in me to produce light and control it with the heat beams of Homelander.

Another ability is the ability to make and turn into fire by using the electric power and the gases in the air.

The last ability is the ability to stay energised with only radiation, like the light or the signals transmitted by antennas. It will help me draw out any power in any situation.

The last one is quite useless since I only have to eat once in two months. I only eat because I like food.

As for the Shaw family, Hank is pathetic and all he does is watch sports and superhero stuff while drinking all day.

As for Mariana, she still gives me the cold shoulder, but she does talk when I talk to her. She never starts a conversation with me.

Adding more drama to the already dramatic environment in the house, they daughter, Margaret, was dispatched from the hospital and Mariana was having a hard time with her.

Since her daughter had superhuman strength, Mariana was literally getting a beating everytime she tried to feed her or change her diaper.

I would occassionally help her and that's how our relationship was slowly going from complete hate to mild dislike. She would talk one or two sentences on her own without me having to start the conversation.

Currently, Mariana was bathing Margaret while I was holding her down to prevent her from breaking the tub or Mariana's hands.

Mariana looks at Margaret and says in a low voice "Margaret, if I was a capable mother, I could have prevented this from happening. Sorry for all the things you are going to face in the future."

"Why are you acting like you are going to die? Just learn to look at the bright side of everything." I said and although it didn't help cool her down, it made her turn to me and say "I guess I treated you harshly even though you did nothing wrong. If only everyone were kind as you."

Kind?! Me?! I don't think she even observed me this past four weeks. I am anything but kind when I am dealing with her husband. I literally throw him around, and get him more beers to knock him out and turn off the tv, which constantly plays the songs and movies of Soldier Boy and the Paybacks.

Still, I was getting a feeling that Mariana was different from usual. After Margaret's bath, she went back to her room and I had been observing her the whole time.

She took Margaret to bed, did the dishes and went to her room. She went to a drawer and took out a paper cutter. She looked at the cutter and her hand with a nervous look. I could already tell what she was going to do.

I could easily go and save her, but I wanted to see if she was really brave enough to suicide. If she cut her hand, I would go to her room and heal her. If she doesn't, I don't have to intervene and just confront her about this in the future when she is ready to speak about it.

She closed her eyes and actually made a cut at her wrist. I went to her room and broke open the locked door.

Mariana was surprised to see me. I immediately held her head and gave her a superpower to heal. Almost all superpowers come with a level of healing ability and I just gave her her daughter's superpower, superhuman strength.

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