
The Boys: It's Hero Time

While fighting both Kevin and Vilgax at Niagara Falls both them and Ben get sucked into a portal created by the Null Void projector. Only it's not the Null Void they land. They land in a world where Superheroes are just a bunch of corporate puppets and think they can do whatever they want. But no more as it's a real Hero's Time. -)-)-))-)-)-)-))-)-)- I don’t own anything in the story and all credits goes to its respective owners. Author: AUfan62 link: https://www.fanfiction. net/s/14131419/

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39 Chs

Chapter 34: Invitation!

If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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Elena was running in an unknown corridor of one of Vought's floors. Security was looking for her, but no Hero's, if they were she would've been caught already.

Seeing shadows ahead of her she stopped and ran back. Only to stop shortly realizing she was trapped. Looking around she saw a steel door that had all sorts of security. 

Passcode, fingerprint and even retinal scan. Not having any other choice she knew what to do.

"Pequeño a la hora del espectáculo. (Showtime little guy)." She spoke softly holding her hand out.

Suddenly a small diamond shape bug like device began crawling on her palm. Once it was at her fingertips it flew to the security systems. 

Eyes glowing blue she asked her little friend to open the door. After a minute or two, that felt like a life time the red lights indicating it was locked glowed green. 

"Thanks." She appreciated politely as the little device came back to her.

The door was quite heavy but Elena managed to open it and immediately shielded her eyes. 

The room was white, like bright white, and it was brightly lit with a lot of lights. Putting up her hood up and putting a hand above her eyes she made out a table in the middle of the room. It had the only bit of darkness and it was occupied by something.

"Who's there?" A voice asked in a creepy voice.

"Hi." Elena greeted, closing the door and having it locked. She did not want to be caught. "I'm Elena. Who are you."

"I-I don't know." The things replied unsure. "I don't remember." It said, and despite the constant menace in his tone, he sounded sad.

"Sorry." Elena apologized, even though she did nothing. "What are you doing here?" She asked, then added. "And what's with all the lights?"

"I'm a prisoner." The replied. "These simulate sunlight, which burns me." He informs, then gives a demonstration by poking out a grey finger. A loud sizzle is then clearly heard.

"Why?" Elena asked, going closer.

"Because they see me as a threat." It answers.

"Who?" The human asks, stepping even closer.

"I don't know." The thing groans, grabbing it's head. "It's all... fuzzy. Where am I?"

"Vought." Elena answers simply.

An audible gasp is heard.


Flashback, years ago

A man wearing a lab coat, glasses was looking at something. "What a unique specimen." He comments in a German accent, exposes the top of something a sizzling sound is heard, as if eggs are being cooked or burned. 

"However a fatal flaw, and the Supermen of Vought have none." He comments, placing back the cover.

"Mr. Vought?" A new voice comes in. "Wrench is here and he is very upset."

"I'll be with him shortly." Frederick Vought, CEO and founder of Vought America said.

Flashback over


The thing rose up and Elena got a good look finally. It had the appearance of a ghost with claw-like hands, grey skin with black lines running all over him and pink eye with a black slit. "FREE ME!" He shouted terrified.

This made Elena step back in shock. "What?"

"PLEASE!" The being begged. "FREE ME!"

"Um I." Elena stuttered and sounds came from the door. Indicating someone was trying to come in. "Oh no." Elena said scared.

"LET ME OUT!" The thing urged. "And I'll help you escape." It offered, but Elena still wasn't sure. 

"I can't go back." It pleaded, it's one eye filled with fright, something Elena remembers feeling.

"How?" Elena asked.

"The lights." The ghost like being informed. "Shut them off."

Elena's eyes glowed and the chip like device flew into one of the light panels. Just then the door opened revealing two Vought Security gaurds. 

"You!" One shouted making the young girl jump.

Just then the lights came off and the small chip flew back to her. The former prisoner was the only one to see in the dark and went to the girl in question and grabbed her. 

The two then became intangible and began passing through floors, avoiding sunlit sections, and disappeared.

"Oh we're so fucked." One guard groaned turning on a flashlight.


With The Boys

As the Boys, except Ben, watched the interaction between A-Train and Popclaw Mother's Milk asked. "What the heck is Compound V?"

"Translucent said A-Train might've been carrying it." Hughie said.

"Sounds like some kind of performance enhancer." Butcher theorized.

"Like steroids for supes." Hughie compared.

"And Train was on that stuff when he ran through your firl." Mother's Milk added.

"What are you smiling for huh?" Frenchie asked the smiling Butcher.

"Oh, I don't know, mate." The Brit shrugs. "Maybe it's 'cause The Seven might just be a squad of manky 'roid heads." He adds with a smile, knowing full well that he was right.


Elsewhere in the city

Ben, as Heatblast, was fire surfing around New York when doing his patrol when he spotted a familiar figure. 

Touching down on the roof an a building he stood across Homelander. Again (que Eyeroll). "Great what do you want now?"

"Nothing." Homelander said, pacing slightly. "Just enjoying the fresh air, taking a small stroll."

"Are we gonna fight or is this another one of your stern talking to's?" The fire hero asked.

"An invitation actually." Homelander replies. "Shockwave and A-Train are having their race tomorrow. I want you to show up after it's done, so that we can be done." He clarified, expression turning serious.

This makes Heatblast bellow out in laughter, much like when they first met. "Just when I think you couldn't be more pathetic." Wipes a fired tear. 

"Then here you show up, trying to schedule our final battle." Pauses to laugh. "Like it's just some doctor's appointment."

"So you won't show?" Homelander asks, feeling insulted but keeping his cool.

"I didn't say that." Heatblast responds. "After all It's the race of the afternoon, of course I want to wait hours waiting to watch two badly named guys run in circle for a half a second." He jabs.

"You won't be so lucky next time." Homelander simply says before flying off.


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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