
The Boys: It's Hero Time

While fighting both Kevin and Vilgax at Niagara Falls both them and Ben get sucked into a portal created by the Null Void projector. Only it's not the Null Void they land. They land in a world where Superheroes are just a bunch of corporate puppets and think they can do whatever they want. But no more as it's a real Hero's Time. -)-)-))-)-)-)-))-)-)- I don’t own anything in the story and all credits goes to its respective owners. Author: AUfan62 link: https://www.fanfiction. net/s/14131419/

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39 Chs

Chapter 30: Hacking CIA!

If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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"XLR8." Butcher corrected.

"Broke in." The Director continued. "I'd agree to your demands if you gave me something solid."

"Told you we got a lead." Butcher reminds him.

"A lead isn't evidence in a court of law." The Director reminded. "We need actual shit, like Translucents statement, which you no longer have."

"Deathbed confession." Butcher counters.

"Except nobody gives a fucking shit about something they don't know and we don't either." Susan tells him, looks back at the Director.

"Sir I worked with fucker and it's like a kid with a grenade, if he doesn't blow himself up he'll blow all of us up."

"Except I got Shifter." Butcher reminds. "And he wants no casualties."

"Except you got a dead supe." Susan points out.

"That he ain't gonna know about." Butcher assures. "Why do you think I brought him here? If I really needed those files I'd have just taken 'em."

"So this was also a diversion?" The Director asks.

"Only if you say no." Butcher tells him. "With this kid we can take down Vought, and make sure it stays down. And unlike with your average supe the worst thing he'll do is stop helping us."

"How can you be sure?" Susan asks with total skepticism. After learning Ben was the Shifter she was tempted to shoot him for being near her kids.

"Here." Butcher say's pulling up footage on his phone showing Heatblast's fight with Ice Prince and Ice Princess.

Particularly the pyronite holding back because of civilians and leaving when the two Vought Supes were down. Despite having an opportunity to do more damage.

"Kid's a genuine Hero." Butcher says with a soft tone, neither of the other two heard before.

"Despite whatever crap he's gone through he still has that naïve innocence about doing the right thing because it's the right thing. Including helping me, of all people." He tells them.

"Wow." Susan say's impressed. "Did you rehearse that or does crap naturally flow from your mouth?"

Butcher ignores her and focuses. "Your choice. Yes or No. But either we're going after Vought and when we beat those cunts, you're gonna wish you were a part of it."

A moment of silence follows before the director says. "What happens when Homelander comes in. I remember your obsession with him."

"So if it was anyone else you'd say yes?" Butcher asks.

"It's a no either way." The Director tells him.

Before they can go any further Ben comes in with a soda. "Remember tell Jerry that if he doesn't take you to that parade you'll go with someone else who can." Walks to one of the chairs.

"Hey what parade are they talking about?" He asks. "Cause your gate keeper has been really frustrated about it with her husband."

"Parade?" Butcher asks.

"Something to do with Trojan." Ben adds. "What is a Trojan?"

The three then understood.

"So did they say yes?" Ben asks with a smile, thinking they said yes. But he see's the look in Butcher's eyes and realizes.

"Ah come on, we literally have one of Vought's favorite dweebs trapped like a dog."

None of them mention his death.

Ben gets up and goes up the desk. "What's it gonna take for a yes?" He asks.

The Director then averts Ben's gaze and replies. "Look you seem like a nice kid." Looks up with a weird look in his eye. "But there's factors here you don't understand-"

Ben looks at the laptop and dials an alien. "Kid!" Butcher calls, knowing what Ben might do. But before he could do anything Ben transforms into Upgrade.

"Let's see what you're hiding." Ben says as he grabs the laptop and begins hacking into it. Raynor on instinct pulls out her gun, but Ben is faster and he knocks it out of hand. "That's not nice."

As the director reaches for his gun, Butcher points one of his own. "Please go ahead." He dares.

Upgrade through the Laptop and see's nothing out of the ordinary. However he found a file on Mount Rushmore, he sent that to his phone and began searching other documents.

After a few moments he put down the laptop. "Okay looks like you're not dirty. But I still got the location of the Mallory files." Upgrade informed.

"Now what?" Susan asked, slowly reaching for her backup piece.

"Well we take them, obviously." Ben tells her plainly. "You guys take Translucent and I don't blurt to the world I broke into your files and compromised your security." Turns to the director. "FYI I changed your password to I'm a Dweeb in all caps."

"Fine." The director agreed. "But no contact after this."

"Deal." Upgrade assured. "I thought you guys would be cool. But you're just lame." Starts to walk to the door. "Smell ya later." Walks out.

Butcher gets up a moment later, but before he leaves he says. "Thanks." Then walks out.



Starlight just got out of the bathroom after getting ready and getting hounded by Ashley. After being saved by Ripjaws last night Annie woke up in a trailer for a movie set.

Turns out the crime was supposed to filmed as if it were a TV show. After changing into plain clothes she headed back to the tower, but stopped a possible rape.

Unfortunately she did it wrong. So now she has to meet Stillwell, possibly to get fired. As she was walking back to her room she heard a presence behind her thanks to her slightly enhanced hearing.

Turning around she saw a kid, around 10 years old, wearing black pants, a red zip up hoodie with black hair down to her shoulders.

"Hi." Starlight greeted. "You lost?" She asked and the girl shook her head, but smiled.

"You're Starlight." The girl simply says.

"Well..." Annie answers gesturing to her sleepwear. "Not right now."

"I'm Elena, Elena Validus." The girl introduces.

"I'm Annie January." Starlight reciprocates. "What are you doing here."

Elena answers. "I heard you joined the Seven." She answers. "You're my favorite and I wanted to meet you."

"Oh." Annie replied feeling flattered.

Before they could talk any further the girl said. "Sorry gotta go." Then took off, moments later a security guard came and asked about her whereabouts.

To which Annie pointed in the opposite direction.


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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