Alex gets reincarnated In The Boys as a child in the same facility as Homelander and turns the World upside down. This is a villain story. There won't be any grey morals or anti hero shenanigans. :) Also I definitely do not own The Boys.
Year of 1999-8 years since Alex's debut
Alex's penthouse
In an all white training room, two 18 year old men could be seen standing apart. One had all white hair and bright blue eyes, standing at 6 foot 3 inches while the other had blonde hair and stood at 6 foot.
"Are you ready to start John?" Alex took a running position as black and white lightning trailed his body.
John grinned while his eyes glowed red,"I'll be taking the lead today, just wait."
Alex didn't hesitate anymore as he watched the world slow down and begun his sprint.
Soon he arrived Infront of his brother but noticed that Johns eyes were tracking his movements.
"Heh, you may be able see me but can your body keep up."
With that Alex delivered a left hook to John's chin that visibly hurt, however Johns smile widened as his hand grabbed onto Alex's clothes and proceeded to use his advantage to bring Alex closer and headbutt him cleanly.
The force of the blow sent Alex flying back into the far wall as cracks formed along it's surface and smoke obscured his body.
While Alex was currently the fastest man on the planet his strength wasn't on the same level as his brother. That didn't mean he was weak though.
Johns vision allowed him to see through the smoke and noticed his brother's grin.
"Seems like your getting serious now huh."
"I'll admit you caught me off gaurd, but it won't happen again." Alex answered as he got up and began to visibly distort.
After a second two other figures that looked identical to Alex formed. This ability was actually to use afterimages to make it appear like an opponent was fighting more than one of him.
John didn't wait for Alex to take the initiative and rushed forward towards the middle clone. His fist collided with empty air as the clone disappeared and the real Alex used this moment to strike the side of Johns head leaving him momentarily stunned.
John quickly recovered however and again attempted to hit the Alex that had struck him. Unfortunately it was too late as he had already switched positions leaving John to once again watch his hand pass through the afterimage.
Johns hearing picked up a sound behind him, causing him to turn around and use his eyes to laser Alex who was attempting to deal a blow to the back of his head.
Johns eyes stopped firing as his pupils constricted. His laser had past cleanly through another afterimage.
A voice came from above him.
A foot struck the top of Johns head as he fell to the floor in a daze, imobalized.
Alex had used his speed to run up a wall and temporarily walk onto the roof above his brother to land a perfect kick to his head.
Spitting out some blood, Alex looked at his brother as he got back up,"You've improved since last time John."
"It's still not enough, I've got my debut tomorrow and I'm still not ready." John stood up straight and responded.
"Your more than ready brother, show them why your the best." Alex's smiled as he spoke to comfort his brother.
John also returned a genuine smile as he prepared to leave. Alex was one of the only two people he respected in the world while the other was soldier boy. Although he appeared quite friendly to Alex he could be a nightmare for both other supes and regular people.
"I appreciate it Alex, I'll wont disappoint you." John quickly left the room.
Alex also left to go to go to Vought tower.
As he walked through the streets of New York the crowds of people around him appeared to be barely moving in his perception. Advertising on the skyscrapers around him played various products of his own design.
One was of a prosthetic arm, another of a social media app and even a mechanical heart replacement. His fame was known all over the world for his genius so much so that even Vought had to cater to most of his whims.
Alex took note of a final display showing his face next to a date for tomorrow.
He was hosting the debut of Homelander with Stan and vice chairman Madeleine Stillwell.
Before long he arrived at Vought towers entrance.
"Alex, I can't believe your here!" a woman's voice excitedly rang out.
"Ahh, it's none other than...who are you again?" He scratched his head at the hooded figure rushing up to him.
"Ohh...we haven't met before but you might have seen me on television," The woman pulled down her hood to reveal her bronze hair ,"Im the sevens newest member Queen Meave, but you can call me Maggie!"
Meave had just recently graduated from voughts Govakin university and hadn't yet seen what Vought was really like. However in her eyes Alex was like a celebrity crush that you could never meet in a lifetime. When she was still fantastasising about being a hero as a child, Alex had already revolutionised medical technology and saved many lives.
Alex jogged his memory quickly before responding ,"So your Meave, congratulations on your new position,"
As he spoke they arrived at the elevator,
"So how are you liking life as a superhero?"
They both stepped into the elevator as it started moving up.
"To be honest, I haven't had the chance to do anything yet with all the events and promotions I've had to attend," Meave looked slightly disappointed as she spoke,
"But I'm sure I'll be able to start soon right?"
"Pfff....Ahem, yea I'm sure you will," Alex tried to suppress his laughter, "Anyways, I've got a meeting with the chairman so I'll be on my way."
"Well maybe we could talk lat-" She stopped as the elevator door opened and Alex disappeared with a flash of lightning, "sigh...Or not." Meave also stepped out to find Noir.
Meanwhile in Stan Edgar room.
"Sir, you can't seriously think you can control him!" Madeline slammed images of Alex's experiments on the table, "He's insane, if even half the crimes hes commited got out we'd be finished!"
Stan calmly looked back at Madeline," I suggest you don't let your jealousy get to your head," picking up a glass of whiskey he continued, "Besides, both him and Vought benefit from eachover."
Madeline was currently main candidate for chairman after Stan retires from his position. However if Alex was to show any interest in competing with her then Madeleine wouldn't stand a chance of winning.
"Alexander has been a great asset to the company, and since when has Vought cared about ethics?" Stan was genuinely disappointed at her desperate attempt to discredit her opponent.
"Fine," Madeline gave up but quickly found another subject, "But what about his brother, I can control him ."
"I actually agree, I'm sure your charm could keep anyone in line."
Alex finally revealed his presence as he leaned against a wall of the office. He had fazed through the wall and listened to the whole conversation.
So the timeline might not be entirely consistent but it's basically impossible to find a consistent source for when Meave and homelander joined the seven so I'm just gonna do what I can.
This wasn't my best chapter but I e been havintsome major brain fog so I apologise.
Please comment if you have any feedback or ideas.