
The Boy Who Death Couldn't Take

a boy that try's to survive the dangers of a dungeon that try's desperately to kill him with death around each corner how will he survive...

Alister2512 · Kỳ huyễn
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as Alister gets pushed further down in the Serpent Alister begins to black out from the pain of the broken ribs and arms then he feels a round object touch the side of his face.

"(what the fuck is this. it feel like a handle so what do i have to lose)"said this in the head

Alister grabs the handle with his mouth and with the last of his energy slashing throw the thick inner-skin of the Serpent falling out of the Serpent with the Serpent hissing in pain as Alister jumps to a safe distance with the blade still in his mouth because his arms are broken then dashing at the Serpent with a Naruto run as the Serpent charges as well then Alister spins around the Serpent stabling the Serpent in it's side then continue to run slicing the Serpent along the side. but as Alister terns to face the Serpent the Serpent blasts him with the poison gas sends him flying across the cave smashing into the wall he hits as he sits there half dazed with his flesh melting of his body in chunks he look up in the small creator he lays in where a light blue light glows above his head.

"well shit it look like I'm passing on hah"

then as he sits there a drop of liquid lands on his face then a bright light and as if by some magic the liquid starts to all heal his injury's and begins to buff all his stats and raises his level.


[ name: Alister class: unknown ]

[ level: 49 Exp: 10,700/39,500 ]

[ MP: 10,000/10,000 ]

[ STR: 57 DEX: 71 ]

[ INT: 64 VIT: 62 ]

[ AGI: 65 SEN: 60 ]

[ skills: cold blooded(7), knife(10), ]

[ hand to hand(10), analyze(7), ]

[ great monster hunter(7), resistance(5)]

[ Experienced(1) ]


resistance all status effect get weaker depending on the skills level this skill is obtained by being under multiple high level statues effects at once to the point of near death and surviving.

Experienced this is a legendary skill obtained by getting above level 40 in under a month. this skill increases the amount of EXP gets depending on the skills level and this skill is extremely harder to level up then others.

after Alister gets fully heals Alister grabs the blade of the ground then dashes at greater speed at the Serpent where the Serpent try's to blasting him with gas so Alister starts to run in a circle around the Serpent till it charges at Alister where he jumps up to avoid the attack but jumps to high and hits the ceiling but instead of falling he pushes of the ceiling with all of his strength at the Serpent head hitting with enough force to pin the Serpent. but when Alister thought it was over the Serpent spring up with the blade sticking out of the head of the Serpent so Alister begins to circle around the Serpent that disorients it then begins to run on the wall of the cave where Alister leaps of it onto the Serpents head where he drives the blade in the Serpents head kill it.

"take that you scaly fuck"

after some time to rest Alister checks his stats


[ name: Alister class: unknown ]

[ level: 52 Exp: 20,060/41,000 ]

[ MP: 10,000/10,000 ]

[ STR: 60 DEX: 74 ]

[ INT: 67 VIT: 65 ]

[ AGI: 68 SEN: 63 ]

[ skills: cold blooded(8), knife(13), ]

[ hand to hand(12), analyze(7), ]

[ great monster hunter(7), resistance(5)]

[ Experienced(1) ]


"oh so that's why the toxic Air isn't effecting me i have level 5 resistance witch kind of annoying because it works on positive effects to like healing and other buffs also de-buffs. oh yeah what is this blade"

Alister uses the analyze skill the item glows golden as Alister properties band displays the items stats.

name: Forest Serpent Fang item type: dagger effects: paralyze, bleeding 'paralyze': when the user cuts a enemy there is a chance of paralysis

"looks like i hit the jack pot"

after analyzing the blade Alister stands and walks over to the small crater where he moves some small boulders revealing a transparent light blue sphere that emits a light blue glow that Alister recognizes.

"A fucking mana cluster I'm the luckiest man in this dungeon with this I don't need to worry about water and potions"

the mana cluster is a legendary item that produces holy water that works like normal water but has extremely powerful healing powers that only manifests in dungeons.

the next week Alister spends training his body and mind so that his stats catch up with his level Alister also practices with his new weapon.

(a week later)

Alister is training in the cave where a tremendous rumble fills the dungeon as if some large monster has awakens witch make rocks and boulders to begin to fall around Alister until a enormous boulder comes crashing down upon Alister where Alister grasps the Serpents Fang in his right hand and with one swift slash glides threw the boulder like it was butter after slicing the boulder Alister takes the chance to grab his stuff and dashes out the room into the crumbling cave which alerts the entire floor to his presence which Starts waves of monsters from all over the floor to begin to attack so Alister grasps his blade in his hand and dashes into the fray. after days of battle Alister wipes out the final few monster clearing this floor but the last thing to stand in his way is the Boss.

"well that should be the last of them"

Alister takes a sip of the holy water he had collected but as this is going on a spider the size of a double decker buss comes crashing threw the wall which gives Alister a split second to react which he uses to try to doge but Alister was to slow getting court as the giant spider blasts him with a shot of web wrapping around his legs binding him. as the spider reels him in Alister grabs his blade slashing the arachnid across its face blinging it on its left side Alister gives a grin as he frees him self from the web binding then charging at the spider in its disorientation where he lobes off tow of the spiders legs coursing it to fall to the floor by its weight where Alister climes onto the spiders back where Alister deals the final blow to the spiders head killing and as he lands the final blow the dungeon begins to rumble as a section of the wall crumbles to dust.

"well that's that, i better prepare better than next time"

Alister scavenges around the floor for recourses finding monster cores items then continues his training.