

Annabella, popularly known as Bella recently broke up with her fourth boyfriend Kai Jonas after he cheated on her with her archenemies Pamela Jones. The truth of their breakup wasn't brought up as Bella felt as though it would be a disturbance to the peaceful life she so desired so she let the matter rest with the conclusion that she wasn't ready for love yet. And to that, there was some truth. Bella saw love as a very hard task and she didn't want to love again because this was the fourth time in a relationship where she couldn't meet up with her partner's demands. So she thought, instead of stressing herself, with all this loving and having to lose in the end, she should stay on her own, be her own company till she was ready to throw caution to the wind again and fall in love. But as soon as that decision was made and stamped by our lovely Annabella, Justin Gray, a reserved boy in the school where she studies is paired up with her on an assignment. She finds his attitude towards people and also towards her quite strange as he says one thing and does the other. She starts getting attracted to him as though he were some puzzle she badly wanted to solve, unknown to her that her curiousity would lead to an unquenchable love affair with her once again putting her fragile heart out in the line. But will their love story be as perishable as her previous ones or will this be an affair that would finally give her the peace she so desired? And what will happen when she finds out that the boy she's about to give her heart out to once again will likely not make it to the end of the year because he has, brain cancer… She wants peace but for peace she must go through extreme measures to get

Tessa_Osi_Udotor · Thành thị
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26 Chs

We are Strangers

Bella arrived home quite late, due to the fact that Junie and Carmen's parents had overstayed their time out. They had promised to return from their dinner date before the clock strikes nine but arrived thirty minutes past nine because of private reasons.

They did increase her pay though and that had made her happy. She thought about her encounter with Justin Gray and her face turned solemn. It was always like this, once someone hurt her, it would take long to get over that person but sooner or later they would be replaced with someone better.

No explanation, no apology, absolutely nothing. Justin was indeed a huge jerk and God..., how many more jerks will she have to meet before she finds someone who can be as understanding as Miles? Miles was such a good friend and she was indeed lucky to have him but only as a friend, nothing more.

She finally arrived at her porch only to find that the living room lights were switched on. Who was home at this time? Well, she did come home late and the time said eight minutes past ten, she thought calmly as she checked her phone for the time.

Sighing, she unlocked the door and walked in, shutting the door behind her softly. She headed straight to the kitchen in soft footsteps as she could hear noises coming from the sink.

On getting there, she came face to face with a light brown haired woman who was still clothed in her office clothes and was busy doing the dishes, her Mom.

Kathy seemed to have not notice any presence in the kitchen and Bella didn't know what to say as it felt as though she hadn't seen this woman in quite a long time.

" Ahem..", she cleared her throat awkwardly and her mom suddenly turned around in shock as her right hand flew to her chest. Her eyes widened and she slowly relaxed on seeing that it was just Bella.

" You frightened me", Kathy exclaimed as she regained her stance. Bella walked towards her and stared at the sink only to see that she was busy watching the tumblers. " Maybe you were the one who frightened me, did you think of that?", she asked awkwardly and her mom simply sighed before turning away from her.

" Why are you home late Annabella?", Kathy asked in a sharp tone and Bella just stared at the woman's curvy back with a frown. She scoffed loud enough so her mom could hear her and then stomped her feet, walking away from the kitchen.

" Annabella Curtis", Kathy called before Bella could climb the staircase and she halted immediately. " I think I asked you a question just now and I need you to answer me", She said in a resolute voice as she wasn't going to let her daughter just walk out on her like that.

" Why do you care?", Bella asked in a frustrated tone causing Kathy to be slightly taken aback by that question. It was a simple question but looking at Bella's face she didn't know how to answer.

" You barely know anything about me so don't try to act all mommy on me alright. Technically, we are both strangers living in the same house so whenever I come home doesn't matter to you", Bella said not caring about how far the words would hurt. She had been hurting for long and it was time they knew.

" I am your mother, you cannot call me a stranger", Kathy said in an angry voice not expecting that her own daughter would term her a stranger. Agreed, she wasn't around that much but she was still the one who gave birth to her.

" No, you're not my mom alright", Bella said yelling back. It wasn't like her to talk back to her Mom or Dad but they lost that respect a long time ago.

Kathy just stood in the dining room quite shocked that Bella would yell at her and even say such words to her face.

" You are just Katherine Curtis, the wife of Joey Curtis and a working woman, that's all I see you as and that, technically defines you as a stranger to me not family", she said softly this time with tears in her eyes because the truth was hurting a lot.

Sniffing her nose and wiping her face, she smiled a bitter smile at Kathy who's eyes were already watering. The door suddenly opened and they both turned to check who was coming in.

Just immediately, Joey Curtis walked in with his brown suitcase obviously back from his business trip. He didn't seem to notice the tension in the house as Kathy was all the way in the dining room and Bella was at the stair case.

He dropped his suit case and was about sitting down comfortably on the couch when he suddenly heard his wife's voice.

" I am no longer Joey Curtis's wife, I'm Katherine. Your Dad and I are getting a divorce", she said and watched as Joey turned to both of them abruptly. He stared back at forth between them as if wondering what was going on.

That news was like a shock to Bella herself. She stared at the two of them with her mouth parted. " You.... you.... both are.... getting.... divorced?", she asked a bit out of words and Joey quickly shut his eyes as if not wanting this to happen.

" Why?", was all Bella could ask. Surely she never once thought about them divorcing. She was so used to them arguing but divorce was so far from any of her thoughts.

She immediately turned around and ran up the stairs. The corridor was still fucking dark and she cursed as she kicked a stool hard on purpose.

On hearing the noise, her Mom and Dad simultaneously rushed up the stairs as well to see if she had hurt herself but on their arrival, all they heard was a loud thud showing she had slammed her door hard.

" Annabella you are no longer a kid, why are you behaving like this?", her mom asked in an irritated yet worried tone as Joey cursed in frustration. He tried opening the door but he couldn't, she had obviously locked herself in.

" I thought we agreed we would both tell her together, why did you then tell her?", Joey asked glaring daggers at Kathy who he thought was the reason all this was happening.

" I know I told her alright but I was just feeling so suffocated and I wanted to let it out", she said in a sad tone and he quickly toned down his anger.

They both turned at the sudden opening of the door which caused light to shine into the hallway. Bella walked slowly to the center of the corridor and they both watched her, wanting to say something but didn't know how to start.

She dragged the same stool she had kicked out of anger to the center of the corridor and stood on it. They both rushed to her quite scared that she would fall.

" Anna darling, what are you doing?", her Dad asked slightly worried that she would actually fall and hurt herself so he stood next to her protectively.

She suddenly revealed the bulb in her hand as she fixed it and light immediately lit up in the corridor including all the lights on the walls.

She got down from the stool and pushed it aside, then she stared at both of them with clear eyes.

" I know that you're not happy about the divorce Bell, but your mom and I are not happy in this relationship anymore that's why we think it's better if we separate", her dad said staring at her with his warm grey eyes that she could have sworn he had never shown that side of him in a long time.

Bella stared at the both of them with cold grey eyes which were slightly red as she had cried a minimum when she was by herself in her room. It was time for her to be more mature regarding their divorce.

" I don't have a Mom or a Dad and I've been living by myself since I was fifteen, so I don't really see how you both divorcing has anything to do with me", she said decisively, staring at both of them as though she had not just said something unpleasing to the ears.

Her Dad stared at her wide eyed and her mom looked pitiable. Clearly, watching your marriage fall apart and then watching your daughter deny you your rights as a mother was heart breaking.

" If you don't mind I need to sleep, I have school tomorrow and I'm sure you don't even know that I'm still schooling or that I'm in senior year", she said softly as she walked away from both of them shutting the door behind her softly this time.

When she knew she was finally alone. She lay on her bed and cried herself to sleep, too tired to hit the showers.


Authors note:

Thankyou so much for sticking by TBIL. I hope you show your support for this story. There will be an update tomorrow by 9:00pm so hold on to your seat belts, have a good night/day.