
The Killings

"Moma! I'm so hungry" I cried my soft young hands reached out for her.

"shush! you're gonna get use killed, stay quite" she said calmly before returning into a slightly tilted poster her eyes slanted.

"We found one!" I heard a strange voice say, moma looked scared. "Go! run! never come back!" she screamed throwing me out of the alley I called home. I started to cry, babys see when things are off. I then her my mom scream out of the ally, 2 larger people where looming over her still body. then I saw it, the thing they always told us to fear.

clock heads, they say that the race of them took over a balance humans and clocks had. I heard the only king now is the strong radio who runs it all. I stepped back my small body almost falling. I screamed off, triping and thinking of the feeling that would surely hit my face not.

"Im not letting them get you, poor guy. im sorry." I opened my eyes to be in a older boys hands, my body about quarter his size. "mo-ma? what ha-ppen?" I asked not knowing what death was.

"shes gone.." the older boy sharply but sadly said.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

milk_togercreators' thoughts