
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Thành thị
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44 Chs

Rafael Accuses His Wife of Cheating

"Does an ignorant woman like you have no self-respect?"


Kirana's heart wanted to stop beating when she heard the words that just came out of Rafael's lips. Although he had often received insults from Rafael, this time the man had gone too far.

"Why did you say that to me?" Kirana is still patient and tries to hear her husband's explanation.

"You still haven't admitted it?"

"What do you mean? I do not understand. Please don't talk half-heartedly. I don't know," said Kirana.

A haughty smile appeared on Rafael's face. The man got up from his seat and stood with his back to Kirana as if he didn't want to see Kirana's face.

"Do not pretend. You're acting, right?" accused Raphael. "Just tell me honestly what you are doing behind my back. Don't put on a sweet face in front of my family, if the truth is behind your back, you're doing something wrong," he said.

"Please, don't accuse me of being that bad. I'm not that kind of woman. When I do that, I don't feel like doing that at all. I don't even have the intention. So, please don't look down on me," Kirana asked firmly.

He felt that Raphael had overestimated him like that. It's unavoidable. Kirana burst into tears. Rafael saw the tears, but he just relaxed and didn't care.

"Keep crying. You weak woman," said Rafael. "Is there no other way but to cry? Hah?"

"You were never a woman. Then you will never know that a woman has a weak heart. But you arbitrarily insulted me and said such rude things. Don't you have feelings?"

Raphael turned around. Now he looked at Kirana with a cynical look. He didn't care about Kirana's sadness.

"Yes, you are right. I have no feelings. So, you must know that I don't care about your tears. To me, you are just acting. How can you not admit your mistakes, how sad, "Raphael mocked?

"What did I do wrong? What did I do?"

"You go out with other men and make out in public. Are you still denying it?"

"What? Making out?"

"When. I never did."

"This afternoon. Forget? Amnesia?"

"Raphael. I didn't. Coming home from work, I went straight home. I'm not going anywhere. So you accuse me without proof. I am really ..."

"Enough! Stop your bullshit," Rafael snapped, glaring at Kirana who was still holding back her hurt. The tears didn't stop, they were getting heavier. It made Raphael even more annoyed.

In the debate, Helena appeared. The woman then drew closer to them.

"Get ready. Your grandmother wants to take us somewhere," said Helena.

"Do we have to come along?"

"Must!" Helena said.

Rafael couldn't refuse anymore. He was forced to stop his argument with Kirana. They get ready.


Rafael and Kirana are already with Haditama's extended family in the most luxurious tavern in the capital. Accidentally, he meets Fino's ex with his girlfriend.

Kirana was initially indifferent, then she stepped into the restroom. The woman accidentally followed Kirana to the restroom.

"Hey, bitch! Stop," the woman called. Kirana was annoyed by the call.

Kira stopped. The two face off. Hatred rose right then and there. Incidentally, the woman who became Fino's lover was Kirana's enemy now.

"Watch your words," said Kirana.

"What for. Don't you deserve to be called that? Then what is her name, the woman who interferes with someone else's fiancé?" sneered the woman.

"You're mistaken. I'm not the one chasing your fiancé. But the man was an asshole. You are only being used by him, it's a pity," Kirana insulted.

"Don't belittle my future husband. You're the one who's flirting with her," said the woman.


The slap caused the woman's face to turn to the right. Did not accept the slap from Kirana. The woman also wanted to repay him to break even. However, Kirana's hand that flew to Kirana's face was caught by Kirana. He immediately pulled the woman's hair to the right until the woman screamed in pain.

"Let me go!"

"You accuse me of being a bully. You took him from me. You are the destroyer, slut!" despicable Kira.

Then Kirana's feet quickly stepped on the woman's feet, making her scream again. After that, he pushed the woman's body so that she fell on the floor in a sitting position.

"Just die you!" cried Kira. He immediately rushed out of the place.

"Don't run away, face me," challenged the woman, shouting. Unfortunately, Kirana ignored the woman at all.

Outside the toilet, Kirana tidied her clothes before she returned to the dining table where her husband's extended family gathered.

"Who does he think he is, insulting me like that," he grumbled and walked sweetly to Rafael.

Arriving at the dining table. Rafael greeted him warmly and gently. Kirana also looked surprised at the sudden softness of her husband.

"Mostly because there is a grandmother, that's why she's cute," guessed Kirana. "It's so annoying," he continued.

Raphael then glanced at him. This time his gaze was very calm and comfortable. For a moment it made Kirana melt. Rafael's attitude had completely changed 180 degrees from usual.

Kirana doesn't want to be tempted by Rafael's sweet attitude at this moment. She wanted to rip the man's face because he was very excited about that attitude.

"Don't get carried away, he's acting. Don't be influenced," Kirana muttered to herself.

Five minutes later, it was Rafael's turn to go to the restroom. Fino who saw that immediately followed him. When they arrived in the restroom. They faced each other as if ready to fight again. Fino doesn't seem to have given up on making trouble with Rafael.

"Why? Want more trouble?" asked Raphael.

"I want to talk a little."

"Just say it. I don't want to see your face," said Rafael, sarcastically.

Fino instead laughed with the arrogant attitude shown by Rafael. Then he came closer and wanted to mock Rafael.

"I'll take what's mine. Even if I have to sacrifice other people, I will do it," said Fino.

"What do you mean?"

Finn chuckled again. He put on an obnoxious face.

"Your family. I will destroy them," Fino threatened, seriously.

Rafael immediately pulled Fino's shirt collar. "Don't mess with me," said Rafael.

Fino let go of Rafael's hand that was tugging at his collar. And mocked Rafael again with his haughty smile.

"Think about it, I'm not kidding," said Fino.

Fino immediately left the place. Rafael was worried about the threat. He contacted Teo, the man immediately accepted.

"Teo, don't let Fino get away from you. He beat the drums of war. Take care of him," said Rafael.

"Okay, sir."

Rafael hung up the phone unilaterally. He returned to his family. Sometime later, Rafael came home early from the place. While Kirana just got a call from her best friend, she decided not to go home with Rafael.

"Remember, don't go home late, it's dangerous. Understand!" said Raphael.

"Yeah, I'm just a moment."

After that, Rafael left in front of Kirana. He drove his car quickly to leave the place.

Three hours later, Kirana had just arrived at her apartment. He glanced at the clock in his hand.

"Crazy, it's already this hour. Raphael must be angry," he said.

In front of the door, he just looked at the door to his room. He was still hesitant to go in there immediately.

"Will he insult me? cursing me? Or even kick me out. How about this?" he muttered.

He took a deep breath. He pressed the doorknob and slowly opened the door. Then he walked in slowly. She hoped that her husband wouldn't find out about her late return.

Arriving at his bedroom door. He quickly entered his room with slow steps.


The room lights immediately turned on, making Kirana startled half to death.

"So this is how you go?"

Kirana hesitated, and she turned her body to the source of the sound. It turned out that Rafael was already in the room. He did not move, he was caught off guard.

"Rafael, I… I can clear…"

"I don't need your explanation," said Rafael. "You think you can just go home late at night alone, walk into your room like a criminal. Is that how your family taught you?" Rafael looked at Kirana sharply.

"S-sorry ..." Kirana looked soft, put on a pitiful face. His voice stuttered.

"Sorry?" Raphael chuckled, sarcastically. "You're apologizing as you wish after you broke your promise."

"It is not like that. I feel bad for my friend earlier."

"Oh, so your friend you value more than your husband. Hah?"

Kirana was getting annoyed because she was never given a chance to explain everything. But because he was wrong, he couldn't fight back and pounded with Rafael. He tried to be patient and relented.

"But I don't come home late at night, do I? It's still 11 o'clock anyway."

