

On my first day to work, everything seemed primed for a smooth start. Little did I know that it would be a day brimming with drama, completely derailing my plans to be productive. I found myself confined to Benjamin's office for the remaining day until dusk approached and he gently urged me to accompany him outside.

As we sat in the car, the familiar silence enveloped us. Knowing his tendency to be uncommunicative, I didn't bother asking where we were going. I had a few things I needed to get from my house, but I couldn't find the right words to ask if he could take me there. I suppose I would have to muster the courage to express my needs and hope for the best reply.

I glanced at him, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. His distant expression hinted at a mind lost in contemplation, and I couldn't help but be curious about the thoughts that consumed him. After all, he possessed wealth, charm, and influence—what could possibly trouble a man of such stature?

"Are you alright?" I inquired, and just then, he shifted his gaze towards me, meeting my eyes.

"Don't I look alright?" he replied, his voice carrying a charming undertone.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his response. It was clear that he had no intention of sharing whatever was weighing on his mind.

"Can you drop me off at my place? I need to grab a few things, please."

"No way, I'll make sure someone sends it over. I'm not letting you out of my sight," he said firmly, completely dismissing my suggestion.

"Scared I might run away, huh? Well, I just don't get your reasoning at all," I questioned him, trying to understand his perspective.

"Scared? He let out a small sigh and said, " I don't want you out of my sight because you're always being bullied, and let's not forget that you're dumb."

His words made me frown as most of them were far from the truth. While I do experience bullying, I couldn't understand how he could label me as dumb. It just didn't make sense.

"I'm not dumb," I said with a frown, still holding onto my conviction.

"Well, suit yourself, Emila," he sighed, before glancing back out the window.

He returned to that familiar position, letting out consecutive sighs. It was evident that something was amiss, but I chose not to delve into his troubles. Perhaps it was one of those dilemmas only the well-to-do could comprehend, and I simply couldn't relate.

When we finally arrived at Benjamin's villa, the sun had already set. As soon as I stepped inside, the tantalizing scent of delectable food wafted through the air, instantly reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything. My stomach let out a loud grumble, signaling just how famished I was.

In a flash, I hurried my steps until I reached the dining table, where an array of freshly prepared dishes awaited. The maids greeted me, but I could barely respond, my focus solely on satisfying my hunger. As I settled into my seat, ready to dig in, a gentle tap caught my attention. I turned to see one of the maids, an elderly woman, extending a warm towel for me to wipe my hands.

It completely skipped my mind!

With a nod and a smile, I accepted the towel she offered. Hastily wiping my hands, I eagerly served myself a generous portion of soup. The taste was so exquisite that for a moment, Benjamin slipped from my thoughts entirely.

With two hearty bowls of rice devoured, my stomach was filled to the brim, protruding with satisfaction. I glanced over my shoulder, hoping to catch a glimpse of Benjamin in the living room but the absence of him engulfed the once bustling house in an eerie silence.

I realized it was a rare opportunity to enjoy a peaceful bath, so quickly I grabbed my bag and headed to the bedroom.

I stepped into the tranquil silence, finding no trace of Benjamin's presence. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I let my bag fall to the floor, eagerly shedding every garment that had been inconveniencing me. Left with only my pants and bra, I ran my fingers through my hair trying to soothe my scalp, when suddenly I heard the bathroom door creak open.

Letting out a startled scream, I was shocked by Benjamin's unexpected presence. Hastily, I snatched my gown and draped it over the front of my body, seeking some semblance of modesty. Meanwhile, Benjamin remained remarkably composed, his gaze fixed upon me, unmoving from his spot.

He left the room without saying a word, leaving me utterly dumbfounded. I smacked my forehead, realizing my oversight of not checking the bathroom before assuming he was not in here.

I headed towards the walk-in closet for a comfy night wear and as soon as I stepped inside, I sensed a change in the air. My eyes immediately landed on the heels rack, where I spotted a fresh addition—a new pair of low heels.

I was completely taken aback. So, he actually went out of his way to get me a new pair of heels? I never would have imagined someone like him paying attention to such small details. Benjamin's thoughtfulness despite his aloof nature made me feel a little pang of guilt for my earlier scream.

I emerged from the bathroom about twenty minutes later and crawled into bed, hoping to drift off to sleep before Benjamin returned. I felt unsure about how to face him after that incredibly awkward moment we shared earlier.

I quickly settled into a cozy position and shut my eyes tight. Just then, I heard the door open slowly.

It was definitely Benjamin, but I had no desire to face him at the moment. So, I decided to play pretend and act as if I were fast asleep, completely unaware of what was happening around me.

I didn't catch the sound of any footsteps nearing the bed, which made me wonder if it could be one of the maids. Curiosity got the better of me, so I got up and as my eyes reached the door, I was met with the gaze of a woman staring directly at me.

"Who are you?" she asked, her tone carrying a hint of hostility.

I was just as confused as her, because I had no idea who she was either.