
The book that swallows you

this book is about twins that are very different and dislike each other now have to go on a journey and learn to care and trust each other. along the way

Baby_Owl_1326 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

After a short walk to the library. We see Mrs. Redmore smiling at us from the book display case next to the tan door and green knob that looked like every single door in the school

Mrs. Redmore is our librarian. Today she wore a purple dress with white polka dots, black glasses, and black tights with brown flats.

"Why hello everyone! it's great great to see you! My look how big you guys and gals are!!!"

"Yaya cutting the yapping and staring working with these little brats!" Mr. Strangel rudely said.

"Yes Mr. Strangel" said miss too nice for her own good.

"I'll be back in an hour. Be good." as Mr. Strangel walked past me, I stuck a sticky note to the back of his shirt that said " kick me, I like it." Everyone snickered

"Okay let's go check out some books!!!" said Mrs. Redmore. Everyone went to different areas of the library while Arnold stere me toward the adventure section. I looked at a book and said "I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than read a book"

"Oh come on Darin there not that bad"

"Fine, but I want a book with lots of danger"

"Are you sure?"

"YES!!! Now find me a book Arnold!"