
The Book of Avalose

My life was boring. Always. I never expected that one day, I would meet an annoying creature. A blood-sucking, at that. "Do I know you?" The wind blew, making me shiver. But the person in front of me wasn't even affected. He just stood there, looking, watching me closely. "What do you want?" I asked bravely, half of me wanted to run and hide. Anywhere, just to be away with this guy. "You..." he called. He reached out his hands. He was about to touch my cheek when I took a step back. Not wanting to have a little physical contact with him. His eyes widened, before covering his face with his hands. "You don't remember me," he said before smiling. Out of instinct, I stepped back. My eyes watering and my body shivering. "What do you want from me....?" "To end what we've begun?"

Charlaine_Jayde · Kỳ huyễn
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The Book of Avalose

Have you ever felt like you are trapped?

Like you are not free?

Everything you do is absolute and like you were being controlled?

Have you ever felt like you wanna die but just can't? No, rather, not allowed?

Like, everything you do is monitored?

Like it's all a show and you are just an actor?

"I can help you..."

"Shut up, I don't need your help, you bloodsucking monster." I spat before walking away leaving him in that dark alley.

But who am I to decide when or when I can get away from him? I almost forgot that I am dealing with a vampire, what an annoying creature.

With a 'swoosh' of the wind, he's now in front of me and holding my shoulders making sure I can't escape.

"You can't face them head-on," he warned.

I smirked. Is this vampire worried about his reserved meal? Oh, how sweet. So sweet that I want to punch him in the face.

Why does he have to stop me? Is he my father? If yes, I would gladly do everything he asked me to. Unfortunately, or fortunately, he is not. He is just the annoying creature that preys on me.

Damned predator.

"Dear," I called before slapping his hands away from me. "Who said I'm gonna do that?" I asked.

"I am not going to attack their base and do some shits," I looked straight into his eyes. "I'm gonna play the part I am given. And slowly destroy their lovely play. Let's see who gonna win... would it be them?" I smiled meaningfully. "Or would it be me?"