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In a world where cultivating to Immortality is a norm, a young prodigy named Magnus is envied by everyone. It's not only because of his handsome looks but with his martial and academical prowess. People of his age call him a monster. At a tender age of 4 he started training martial arts and still has the time create and recite poems. At 8 he mastered all fist and movement techniques available on his family heirlom. At 9 he started to train using weapons and is only three years away from completing his academic study leaving everyone at his age behind. At 15 he can brawl with bears, tigers, and lions, even leaving victorious at some point. And at the age 24 he's martial prowess is comparable to grandmasters and surpassing few of them in some ways. But as his Master, the Patriach of their clan, give him the title 'Emperor of the West' at age 36, a day before the coronation he was murdered by his own scheming brother. Luckily, he collected enough karma and end up transmigrating in the Modern World. This world where gaming addiction is not addiction at all. Will he strive to be a successful proffesional gamer or choose a [Lifestyle Class] with very low battle prowess and a blackhole of money and time in an Advanced VRMMORPG game called ? Watch out closely in the next episode of Drag... erhm... MMORPG: Legend Acends!! Please read this novel the author is starving. Peace out.

Zen_KI · Du hí
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24 Chs

Chapter 20 - Playing everyone a fool

"There's player ahead of us!" an archer doing the reconnaissance on the mountains exclaimed.

Mad Man then pondered for a moment, he then said "Kill them they might also be searching for the Dungeon. All of the players you see, as long as they're not from our guild kill them."

"Yes!" respond thousands of players from Divine Hand guild.

All of them then marched to the mountain, the group of Can't Touch This was just first. Almost every group from the IBS guild in the border of the mountain was killed.


Meanwhile, Magnus is happily crafting his potions. This was the 5,812th potion he's crafting. He's been crafting for 2 days in-game time without stop. For the first day he was very slow but at least he can get abundant of exp from crafting a single small healing potion, he also reached Intermediate Level. Thanks to his own luck and the luck attribute from his ring his success rate was quite high. Nine out of ten potions would be a success.

Now that he reached Intermediate Level its now very hard to progress. Crafting one small potions is just worth 1-2 exp and he needs 500,000 to reached Advanced level. While Advance Level needs 2 million exp to reach Master Level. Only when he reached Master Level will he paused his progress and focus on something else. For now, he's goal is to reach 10,000 potions just for Dungeon. Only after they made a handful progress in the Dungeon would he continue his progress.

But, a problem suddenly arised. Fiery Wing reported that members of their guild was slowly getting wiped out. A guild named 'Divine Hand' is raiding the Mountain of Origins. Coincidentally, this guild is also the one who's been hunting their members.

Though the distance between both their base takes two days if traveled, not everyday their players are on it. Players usually gather in their base when taking weekly missions or when they return to the city, while their spare time would be spent for doing things outside the city. Whenever the two guilds see each other they would immediately fight. Since the killing order was out the players from IBS was frequently being hunted, IBS guild members are now afraid to wander near the Divine Hand's City.

Only when they do this would they be safe for a while. But now, Magnus wouldn't let them do as they please. Yes they can't fight them head on, but he can still foil their plans.

Magnus thought that since they brought their whole guild here they must've a plan, or an agenda at least. As for what the plan is, Magnus already know it was something about the Dungeon.

They must gotten a clue and headed here. There's no point in fighting them head on, but there's no other way. He must let them know their stand, let them taste how bitter defeat is.

Magnus then said the those who's killed to respawn to the guild, while those who's still alive to head in the altar. All of them obeyed their cool, genius, handsome Guild Master.

Then Magnus put the Small Healing Potion in the Guild Shop, shocking the players. Yes, they knew their guild master was crafting potions. But isn't crafting almost 6,000 healing potions in two days is to exaggerated? What's more there's only person that did all the job. Now all them realized that Magnus has a sky high luck, the success rate of Novice Level is too low that they would be considered lucky succeeding two out ten attempts. It was now settled, no matter what happened as long their Guild Master is in a Dungeon together with them he would be the only one who will have the right to open a reward chest.

Together with hundred players who died in the hand of the Divine's, Magnus headed to the Mountains of origins. Luckily from where their City is, it'll only take a few minutes before arriving in the altar.


As lucky as Magnus is when he arrived at the altar there's no one other than his guild mmembers are there. They don't have all day so Magnus called for his Moonlight to talk. I mean, he called for Moonlight to talk.

Fiery Wing, his executive, was leading a team to tract the Divine Hand's progress. Thus he went to talk about his plan with Moonlight. He first wanted to consult a gaming expert if the plan would executable.

Again this action of his cause a wild fire, the boys chuckled while the girls booed their disapproval. Especially Magnus' fan club, which is mainly composed of girls from their guild.

Moonlight just lowered her head with a bit of blush while approaching Magnus as he call for her. Then Magnus stated his plan. Moonlight would occasionally nod or agree with a hum.

A few while later, Magnus received a report from Fiery Wing that Divine Hand's people are heading to the altar thus he ordered them to come back. Magnus already stated his plan to all the guild members. All they need is to settle some important positioning.

Then a slow witted player suddenly asked, "What will we do when all of them arrive again?"

Magnus chuckled and said, "You just have to fight them with all you got, make sure they're the one who'll suffer the most loss. Then leave the rest to us."

And now even the slow witted ones understand what to do. They just have to make sure that they're not the one who'll suffer the losses the most. How do they do that? Simple, before they die one must take two or three of them and once they're dead no one would resurrect. To kill one or three would be simple for them as they're could be considered as elites for other guilds. Unfortunately, they're in a wrong guild thus they're all considered as 'lackeys' or 'cannon fodders'.


Soon all them assembled, Magnus and the Elites surrounding the unlit Dungeon Gate while the others surrounding them.

This fight is completely unnecessary, since they the have activation stone they could have entered the Dungeon now. But Magnus decided not to, for one reason. Magnus doesn't like to be played, he want enemies to take him seriously.

What he hates the most is when his enemies hold back against him. Its too humiliating. Thus he wants to show his enemy that playing with him is like playing with fire, not only it has no benefits whatsoever they could even get hurt.

Unfortunately, his power is nowhere enough to deal with them properly. But every actions have its first step and Magnus first step is to play them fool.

Soon enough, the armies of players faced each other. Without even greeting each other they immediately lashed out their weapons, with intention annihilate each other. Swords slashing to shields, arrows raining through the sky, and fireballs soared to their faces.

"Mystic Warrior! Your puny guild is no much to us. Surrender and we shall keep your losses to minimum." Mad Man shouted, not paying any attention to the fight. He's just standing on the backlines, his blonde hair flopping. His face is quite unique cause the more you look at it the more you feel hate towards him. Its a face of a scumbag!

"You really think so?" Magnus replied, calmly. Sizing up Mad Man from a far.

"You arrogant sh*t, don't worry I can still take it. I'll give you another chance, Guild Master Mystic will you surrender?" he said before laughing like a maniac.

"I won't." said Magnus as he shrugged.

Mad Man just paid no heed to Magnus. He's very disappointed, as Guild Master himself he would immediately surrender for the 'sake' of his guild members when they face a stronger force.

Mad Man then ordered everyone to not hold back and just give it their all. Immediately everyone used their Ultimate Skills that has long cooldown. Ultimate Skills can be learned when one reaches Level 35 by inquiring a mentor.

Thieves used a skill called Poison Jab, dealing continuous damage. Warriors uses Fury to increase their damage output. Archers used Penetrating Arrow to ignore everyone's defense. Knights, the Main Tanks, used Armor Dash that made their Defense higher while they charge immune to any abnormal status while they cast it. Mages on the other hand has different kinds of Ultimate depending on the element they selected. Earthquake, Blizard, Rain of Fire, Violent Wave, Wind Whirpool (which is basically a tornado), and etc. Pugilist used Irom Fist stunning enemies every hits.

As Magnus saw this, instead of being sad he was instead joyful. He then ordered his comrades to use their Ultimates, thus resulted to huge fireworks display and their immediate deaths.

Only ten minutes has passed and the Divine Guild was halfed while all the members of IBS was wiped out, Magnus and the Elites excluded. As no one from the IBS respawned, once one of them died it would take them to a much even more advantage in terms of man power. Unlike the members of Divine Hand no one from the IBS resurrected.

"Now now Guild Master Mystic, why don't you surrender?" Mad Man then counted them and continued, "You only have 12 members left, the others won't even resurrect. You're in a much more disadvantage. Just surrender". A smile of on his face that shows a hint of both arrogance and confidence was left.

"Who said we're in a disadvantage?" Magnus reply with a smug. He then dashed to 5,000 man army for a single reason of fighting them. The Flower Trio then casted buffs on him, while the others protect them. Moonlight and the other long range started to also fire their attacks.

Infuriated, Mad Man ordered all of the members to attack Magnus. He wouldn't let him off.

As hails of attack poured down to Magnus, in just a second he was dead. He wasn't even a meter away from the arc he was already dead. Soon the 12 of them all died, Mad Man laughed like a mad man he is and said while wiping tears from his eyes "Hahaha see! You arrogant little sh*t! You can't even match us, much more winning? Hahahahaha..."

"Get your corpses out of here if you don't want to be spawn camped." he said as he arrogantly kicked Magnus' corpse.

The other members of Divine Hand then started to chat leisurely not even bothered by the corpses. The others has long resurrected, so the secretary made a poll on how much everyone's losses in total.

After a while a tally of losses was created. Everything from experience deduction, repairs of weapons, weapons that dropped, and materials that was used was tallied. There's a grand total of 50,000 Gold Coins. Some them died more than thrice, especially the front lines. Then they calculated their gains from the weapons they picked, which only amounts to 120+ Gold Coins. Pretty big loss.

Mad Man compensated them by rewarding them Guild Points, which made everyone happy. Followed by an order to patrol the area.

He then approached the stone stand and touched it while ignoring Magnus and company's corpses. Instantly he received a quest to find an Activation stone.

He was very happy for his success that he started gloating Magnus, together with dozens of Elites they started laughing at Magnus' fortune for encountering their guild. Only fifty or so of them was left because the 5000+ other members started their patrols.

Suddenly, as Mad Man was to move aside the stone altar glowed and a stone appeared on the slot. The arc the glowed and finally the Dungeon gate opened. This shocked every members of Divine Hand on the area. Then a handsome thief appeared from Mad Man's back with a name Fiery Wing.

Fiery Wing then used Backstab and activated a combo killing Mad Man on the spot. Mad Jester then appeared and killed the closes one to the gate while Magnus resurrected and run inside the gate. Everyone from the IBS resurrected, as Magnus run inside and said before he entered the gate, "


Good Day! Author here, what do you guys think about story? Comment it down below!

Eyyy! 20th chapter! Hooray! If not for your support, forget about chapter 20 even when it was still chapter 10 I would've long dropped this. Thank you beautiful people for the continues feedback. I appreciate it.

Huge PP everyone!

Zen_KIcreators' thoughts