
The Bonds of Death

Kye founds himself in the middle of nowhere when he wakes up from his sleep. He don't remember anything, his name, where he came from, why is he even here? but he decides that surviving is his top priority right now! He founds a mysterious books which has information about him and another girl, he gets dreams about his past. In the process he comes across Iris who is experiencing the same things as he is, having the same dreams as he is having! He cant stop thinking that he is somehow related to her...Lets see what happens next!!

Mohammad_Ruvaifa · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

The Unexpected Encounter

He had the same dream as last night, but more descriptive, he was in a royal room of a castle with his family. Everyone seemed tensed, his father came to him and said, "Kye, whatever happens to us, you have to stay strong and support your sister" he glanced at the girl same of his age standing nearby but her images seemed to be blurry. "No matter what they do to you, what they tell you about us, remember that whatever we did was the sake of this kingdom! And it's your duty to serve this Kingdom and its people even if people are against you! You Have to Survive!!" tears rolled down his eyes, He was shouting by this point. Sounds of people moving started coming from corridor, metal rubbing against metal. "It's the Royal Guards! Open the doors or we will break in" said a loud and confident voice from outside. "It is it" his father said, his mother was weeping and hugging the other girl. The moment his father opened the door the guards rushed in, ten of them; with heavy metal armor and long swords, ready to cut apart anything on its way. One of them came forward, his eyes bloodshot and marks of war on his face. "We are here to seize Sir Leo and his wife Ayleth from the orders of king Hadrian!! We don't want to shed blood in our palace but if you resist, then we will not hesitate!!" He said in a loud and commanding voice. His father agreed to go with them without any hesitation, but his mother, Ayleth, was still weeping. Two of the guards grabbed them by arms, took them out of the room and the doors got shit before them. Although being in such a situation, his father managed to give him and the other girl a smile.

He woke up breathing heavily, his body and clothes completely wet with his sweat. His head was spinning and hand shaking, somehow he made it outside the room, and sun was rays was dazzling his vision. When he regained his senses, he saw that sun was above his head, which means it was already noon, he has been in the bed for more than 12 hours. He sat at the door, thinking about his dream; he wasn't able to understand what was happening with him, why was he having such dreams? Was it actually true or he was making up thing? Is he losing his mind? An urge to know about him and this place became to come up inside him, he decided to go deep in the dark oak forest and search for any signs of life.

He was getting dehydrated so he decided to go to the pond first in order to get some water as well as some food to eat. His shack was located on a low hill, but was high enough to keep an eye on the surroundings. Pond was about two hundred meters away from the shack and the forests started from about five hundred meters in the North West.

On his way to the pond he was strategizing and thinking how he is to investigate the forests. He came to the conclusion that the two machetes that he found in the trunk won't be enough given that he has no idea what kind of animals would be wondering in that creepy forest, he needed something more than that. Pond was surrounded by bushes and various Berry, some of them he knew was edible. He collected some stone and created a trap along the banks in order to catch fishes, and left it for a while until he bath and get fresh. When he returned to check the trap he found out that he was successful in catching two fishes. He arranged a campfire and began to cook them for his breakfast. He was still thinking what should he do to get out of this place, he knew he didn't belonged to here.

'If I have to get out of this place i Can't do it with just two machetes,

I have to come up with a plan,

I have to create myself some weapons', He thought. 'These machetes are enough for close range, but what if i come across an animal against which i can't win in a head on fight? Then my death would be certain, I need something to support me in long range at this point', He continued.

Smell of burning meat snipped him out of his thoughts, those fishes had been overcooked but he had no choice other than eating half burnt fishes. He thought of making a bow, but he had a feeling that he would not be good at aiming, testing it would be a waste of time so he decided to create a spear out of the branches he can find in the outskirts of the forests. He collected some vines and sharp stones that he found near the pond and headed towards the forests.

It was just a large plane area between the pond and the forests, full of grass. He was having a weird feeling in his stomach, he was nervous. After a while of searching in the outskirts, he found a straight, almost six feet Long Branch and cut it off from the tree using his machete and then began to carve some vertical space on one end of the branch. After it was done, he fitted the triangular shaped stone he found near the pond and tied it firmly with the help of the vines. The spear was ready, but it was not deadly, it could injure someone but stood no chance in killing a wild animal. So he spent some more time grinding and shaping the stone with the help of other large rocks in the forest until he was satisfied. Now in his hands was a spear with a sharp pointed end which can easily penetrate the skin of a wild bear. It was noon by now and was the time to go deep in the forest. He found a tall tree and started climbing it. 'Height would definitely be an advantage, I can also get the direction in which I should be going', He thought. When he reached the top of the tree he glanced in all direction. All he could see was dense trees, 'It would be impossible for me to cross these forests in a day…But I can at least go as deep as I can 'He said to himself. He planned that he would spend three hours walking and inspecting the surrounding, and will use the next three hours to return back to his shack. This way he would be back to his safe place before sunset.

Without wasting any more time he climbed down the tree and began walking, with his spear in one hand and machetes at his back. The forest was silent; he could hear his own heartbeat. After walking for a while he realized that he is making too much noise due the dried leaves which are fallen on the ground. He removed his shoes and tied it around his waist with the help of the remaining vines. 'This should prevent me from drawing attention of what not creature present in this forest', He thought. Soon he came across a small stream of water, this made his hopes rise, he thought that if he move along the stream he would definitely find something, if not, at least would not need to worry about dying of thirst. After few hours of walking he was too tired and decided to take a nap. He found out a dense tree near a stream and climbed on it. He also took his spear up to the tree in case he gets an urgent need of it.

His sleep was interrupted by the sound of breaking branches and dry leaves. He immediately stood up from his sleep, ready to attack anything he sees with a spear in his hand searching for its target.

Someone or something was coming towards him, the sounds of breaking branches was coming close with every moment. Then it stopped. 'Could be just a deer or a wolf' He thought. He tried to see who or what is making these noises but was not able to; the branches of the tree blocked his view. The forest became silent like before, not a single sound, Adrenaline rushed through his body. After few moments the sounds started again, this time louder and much closer than before. 'I can't be sitting here and doing nothing, I have to do something, If it's some deadly animal I can't save my life for long hiding here, I have to face it! If I die, I die' He thought. He climbed down to lower branch and observed for few more minutes, now the sound was coming from just below him as if someone intentionally making it to attract his prey. 'It is the time'. He thought. He jumped from the tree roaring, ready to kill whatever is down below , his spear aiming towards the direction of sound ready to tear apart anything which comes in front of him, but on reached the ground the, what he saw made him loose his senses, he froze…

He saw a bow and arrow aiming right at his head…

sorry for late updates but unfortunately schools and tests exists :/

I have tried to make this chapter more descriptive and a little more longer..

I am also working on my grammer and writing as per all your suggestions :)

Hope you like it!

Feel free to Drop a comment for suggestions and imporvements

see ya in the next chapter!

Mohammad_Ruvaifacreators' thoughts