
Discourse on Free Usage of Magic

"These are the people here to help you, Lillian," Vaille said, walking around with Gin just beside her. As soon as she said that, she was gone again. 

In front of Lillian stood at least thirty men and ten women, all really buff and slightly intimidating. 

"Saintess." Fawn appeared again, wearing everything that she got her only the day before. "Good nothing." 

"Good morning." She wished her as well, turning back to the people in front of her. "These are the people that will be helping me in making the ... structures. May I know all your names?" 

One by one, they introduced themselves as Lillian looked at each one of them, trying to memories their names and faces but it was no use as she already forgot them once she moved to the next person. 

"Well, that was utterly pointless." She murmured under her breath. 

"Something wrong, fairy godmother?" Roman asked, whispering in her ears.