

After eating with her friends they bid her goodbyes

"You know the password alright?" Jasmine reminded her

"Yup" Diana assure her and went to her car and go back to the entertainment company with an ice americano on her hand

She reach the practice room and starts the music again and again, moving her body with the same steps, making it better and better

After 2 and a half hours she stop and drank the rest of her iced americano where it's ice already melted and stood up breathe heavily and started singing any words that comes to her mind with her own voice and recording it to recall it everytime she forgets her own tone

She look at her watch and saw that it's already 10pm, she drank warm water and write a rap song full of rhymes and rap it for only 20 minutes as she's worried she might lose her voice from using it too much and begin dancing again until the dance became smooth and powerful.

She look at the watch again it's 11:38pm, she lie down the color wooded floor and was about to fall asleep when the door suddenly shriek open that made her sit up

It was Logan

"Sorry, I thought it was empty I kind of go back to this practice room sometimes just to you know, be reminded of the memories. I- I'll go back next time" Logan awkwardly turn around to leave when Diana spoke

"You can stay, I'm about to leave in a few minutes"

Logan smiled cheerfully looking like a kid with his white shirt and black jogging pants and sat a little farther to her

"Why are you still here? Isn't your first day?" He ask hoping to start a conversation

"Practicing, and yep it is my first day"Diana responded

"You're passionate" Logan compliment her

Diana smirk "Not as passionate as Mr. Z.K" she said sarcastically remembering Z.K's habit of boasting

Logan burst into laughter "Hahaha that was so unexpected of you"

Diana chuckled "Why what did you expect?"

"Like the other girl trainees being shy and modest but you just jokingly teased a senior the moment we first talked" Logan explained briefly

"This isn't our first talk, it's our 3rd talk" Diana corrected him "You're my senior too, Mr. Logan" suddenly adding honorifics

"Okay, I'm fine with Logan, and casual talk" Logan gushed out

Diana look at her watch and almost cursed when she saw it's almost midnight "I'll go home now, it's already midnight" She said to Logan

"Why di you have a curfew?" Logan ask calmly

"Well no, I need to wake up before 7am and I won't be getting much sleep if I stay a little bit more" Diana spell out as she fix her things inside her bag

"Oh okay, do you need a ride home or anything?" Logan stood up waiting for an answer

"Nah, I have a car and I can drive. See you around Logan" Diana smiled at her and walk out of the door

"She's cool" Logan uttered and lie down the practice room while he smile without him knowing

"Good Morning Everyone!" Diana greeted her members while she's making them they're favorite beverages

Sarah greeted her with a hug while her eyes are still shut "Mmorning Big Sis" she mumbled

"Morning pumpkin you hot mocha is ready" Diana said softly and kisses her head

"What about me?" Wendy and Jasmine complain in unison

"All done" Diana responded sweetly

"What time did you go home yesterday Yana?" Jasmine ask cutely while yawning and scrubbing her one eye

"12:20am? I left the building almost 12am" She answered

"Yanny, I should call you Big Sis too don't you think? How can you still prepare breakfast for us when you only have less than 6 hours of sleep? You're like a mom" Wendy said admiringly

Diana wink at her "It's because I have a soft heart like a mom!" She tease her as they all sat down the table to eat "All of these foods are full of protein, except for rice so eat up!"

They had a sweet breakfast and went to the building together

Sarah is tying her black hair in a ponytail living her bangs in front and started stretching

While Wendy is in cobra pose with her hair lay down with Jasmine and Diana whose hair's are in a bun

Ms. Venus opened the door authoritatively

"Good Morning trainees, I hope you girls are ready as I will start the music in 20 second remember your bodies must be one! One like your group! Synchronized! UNDERSTOOD?" She screamed

"YES MA'AM!" The 4 girls respond like they're in a military training

Not long after, the music starts and the serious faces of the 4 girls became bright to match the song's beat, swaying here and there together, changing positions without mistakes is not a problem.

Ms.Venus can't help but smile but quickly change it back to a poker face

"Okay, that is all right. I think one more week of practice, and you will need to record a song and practice and memorize the choreo and eventually doing both at the same time, I believe you all have practice your breathing by that except you Diana. But I know you can learn that, seeing you already master what the other girls have been doing ever since they trained" Ms. Venus cleared her throat and said her last remarks before leaving

"Well that's it, good luck and you may proceed practicing and don't slack off!"

The girls rejoice happily and continue to do their schedules

At lunch time, the girls decided to eat at the practice room

"Hmm, I am so hungry and this food make me more hungry!!" Wendy crowed in delight

"Yana have you met some seniors here?" Jasmine ask while munching veggies in her mouth like a goat

"Mm? Ah yeah some members of MET" Diana

nonchalantly said

"Ah Peter and Logan those we met the day we first met?" Wendy ask confirming

"Yeah and Alex, Nathan, Sam, Kyle and um I forgot the other senior but I bump into them st the parking lot the day I'm signing the contract" Diana responded

"Ohh, do you have a crush on them?" Sarah question her teasingly

"What? No" Diana denied "Why do one of you have a crush on them?" throwing back the question on them

The three girls blushes at her question that make Diana smile with teasing look "Oh my gosh! You all have a crush on them!" Diana trumpeted

"Shh!!" Three friends warn her

Diana just giggled and curiously ask "So who are they?"

"Actually we like the older MET boys, than the younger ones. And those are the one you still haven't met" Wendy proclaim

"So who are they?" Diana ask again

"Mine is Felix 2 years older than me he's 21" Wendy replied

"I like Alex actually, he's in the same age as me and he's cute" Sarah said shyly

"Like you" Diana beamed at her

"Well I kinda have a crush on Harry he's smart" Jasmine revealed

"Ah that's right! He's the one I forgot" Diana expressed

"Whose yours?" Sarah queried

"Mine? I just met them, how am I supposed to have a crush" Diana utter

"Make sense, well what about just a little bit even just the face? Or maybe you'll like him not now but someday?" Wendy speculated

"Yeah, like there's a possibility you might like him" Jasmine added

"Umm, Logan maybe?" Diana hesitated but then nodded and said "Yep, Logan it is"

"Ohhh, why him?" The girls interrogate her in unison while reacting at her chillness

"Well he's the first one I met, then we met at the parking lot again and we met again last night, and talk a little" Diana explained briefly and starts digging at her salad

Everyone stopped eating and look at her with suspicious eyes

"Last night?" Jasmine ask her for another explanation

Diana burst out laughing "It's not what you think! He came here thinking there's no one and I was just about leave, we talked a little and then I left"

"Ah, what did the two of you talk about then?" Wendy continue to interrogate her

Diana rolled her eyes and responded

"Mr. Z.K"