
The Blooming Tree

The Kingdom of Ancilly was close to destruction but was saved by the unfathomable powers of the Blossoms. They became dependent on the Blossom's support. While they thrived, others suffered. Through the years they were able to maintain their dominance with the help of the Blossoms but what will happen when new threats appear and things starts to fall apart... Both visible and hidden enemies will begin to approach.

Lan_Light · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Tournament Day 1 Part 2

The King was looking a bit better than some days. The King cared greatly for the prestige of the royal family so it wasn't surprising for him to take care in his appearance. There was still much going on in the shadows and the Kingdom wasn't safe but the last thing he wanted to see was his people in a panic.

The principal of the Briswold Academy, Mr. Theo Snow, was a relation of the Ducal Snow family. He was a cousin of the current head and was a few years younger. He had the ability to give off a friendly yet chilling aura. It was rumored that he was a 4 Star Mage but many have said they've only seen him display the abilities of a 3 Star Mage. There were many questions surrounding him but he always kept to himself and never interfered in the kingdom's politics so he was viewed as a neutral force with little to no threat. The principal stood on a specially crafted platform that was only slightly lower than the balcony. There, he and the other judges(teachers from the Academy) would be able to have a good look at the proceedings. He started off the introduction to the day's events in a high-spirited manner. After his address, he prepared the crowd for the next speaker, the King.

As the King approached the podium on the balcony, he gave off an air of brilliance. He was dressed in an extravagant black and gold suit with a swan design on the jacket pocket. He looked down from the balcony at the participants and those in attendance. On the chosen floor of the building, where the first day's events would be held, there was a large field in the centre to accommodate the various activities that would take place and there were tiered rows of benches on both sides capable of seating up to four thousand people. There wasn't a single empty seat to be seen. Once they noticed the King, the buzzing surroundings now became silent. They waited patiently for their King to address them. The King smirked as he noticed this. It was moments like this that he loved. After he had enjoyed it enough, he addressed the participants, imparting them with words of encouragement. He encouraged friendly competition, doing one's best and putting on a good show. He also addressed the attendees, thanking them for their continued support and hoping they enjoy the tournament. He ended his rousing speech with cheers from the audience and participants. The King then waved to the audience a few times before returning to his seat.

Afterward, Principal Snow had one of the event workers (one of the Training Ground 20's soldiers) throw a large Usilit crystal towards the ceiling. Principal Snow then sent off an arrow-like form of ice towards the crystal, shattering it as soon as it made contact, then he used water magic to collect the shards. After collecting the shards, he formed it into a swan and froze the water. The ice sculptor of a swan now had the glistening crystal shards embedded in it, making it even more eye-catching. Principal Snow condensed the sculptor into a smaller form then placed it into a small clear container which he took from his jacket pocket. The faces of amazement which could be seen from the crowd seemed to be their collective expression. Principal Snow smiled then sent the container into the crowd using his water magic. He placed the container into the hands of a young boy of about eight years old. The boy's eyes lit up. He grabbed onto the container happily, his parents also couldn't contain their happiness as they looked at the container. It was a special container that could keep anything contained in it in a preserved form. The ice sculptor would never melt unless the container was opened and left open for more than one hour. The crowd cheered on Principal Snow. He then raised his hand and announced the commencement of the day's events. Everyone was overflowing with excitement, it was what they had all been waiting for.

There were over one hundred participants so they were split into five groups, A - E. These groups were created through drawing lots with different colours. Red for group A, Blue for group B, Yellow for group C, Orange for group D and White for group E. For efficiency, the participants had drawn the lots prior to the start of the days' events. Princess Cecilia, Eulis and the princess' former friends were in group C. The day's events started out with archery. The participants were provided with high-quality bows and arrows courtesy of the Briswold Academy in order for there to be no advantage or disadvantage to them for using other bows. Each group's participants would go based on the group they were in, starting with group A, and their assigned number.

Participants had two choices for gaining points in archery. They could either choose the standard option which had three stationary targets that would be spaced 18 metres away from them, these targets would gradually start to move randomly left to right after 5 minutes, participants would gain points based on how close the shot got to the centre of the targets(1-10 points), or the advanced option which included three moving targets about 20 metres away, being carried by animals as well as a target behind a Usilit crystal. If participants chose the advanced option, they could gain twice as many points but were not allowed to injure the animal carrying the target. If the animal were to be injured, they would receive zero points even if they avoided hurting the other two animals, and they could only gain single points(points which are not doubled) from going after the target behind the Usilit crystal. Due to these conditions, choosing the advanced option was uncommon.

Participants of groups A and B all choose the standard option. Some participants gained up to twenty-six points, while some gained less than fifteen due to not being able to hit the targets after the 5 minute mark. Regardless of the points gained, however, the crowd cheered for each participant.

It was now on to group C. After a few participants, it was Eulis' turn. Many in the crowd were excited to see what show he would put on. After picking up his bow and arrows, he went to the judge who was overseeing them. Many were curious to know what was happening. The judge had a look of shock on his face for a moment then his mouth curved into a smile. The judge announced that they would be changing the layout to accommodate the advanced option. There were a range of different expressions which could be seen. Some were doubtful, excited, worried and much more.

The King looked closer at the young man then checked his information. His interest was being piqued. The Crown Prince looked at the young man and wondered if he could really do it or if he was just getting ahead of himself.

After they made the necessary adjustments, it was almost time for Eulis to shoot. The three animals which carried targets were a Beirchin hare, known for its speed, a Blue-Back mole and a Teal Tail bird. The Beirchin hare and blue back mole would be released first then the Teal Tail bird. To avoid the Blue-Back mole from remaining underground for too long, they would use wind magic to force it from underground every few minutes. Although the Blue-Back mole was able to go underground, it wouldn't go through the building's floors as they reinforced each floor and only created a small layer of soil for it to move around in. The target with the Usilit crystal before it was placed in the centre. Everything was now ready and the animals were released. Everyone's eyes were glued onto Eulis.

Eulis calmed himself, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He then slowly raised his bow and arrow then opened his eyes. Everyone waited with bated breath. Just what was he going to do? The Beirchin hare would remain still for a few seconds then run around haphazardly, the Teal Tail bird remained in the sky and the Blue-Back mole was nowhere to be seen. Without notice, Eulis sent off his first arrow. It was being further propelled by wind magic! The arrow first went through the centre of the target, which was facing upwards on the Beirchin hare's back, then made its way towards the Teal Tail bird. The Teal Tail bird easily avoided the arrow but there was already another arrow on its way. The Teal Tail bird shook the target from its back and avoided the second arrow. Eulis quickly prepared another arrow for the now falling target. This time the arrow didn't go through the target but instead propelled the arrow towards the target at the centre. The arrow then went through the first target, pierced through the Usilit crystal and hit dead center on the other target. The cheers from the crowd grew louder and louder. Duke Arthur Snow smiled and Marquess Stefan Snow also couldn't help but smirk.

Eulis now had one target left, the Blue-Back mole and its target was on its stomach. Hitting the target without harming the Blue-Back mole would require precision and a delicate touch. Eulis readied his bow and arrow, and waited until the Blue-Back mole was pushed from below. The Blue-Back mole was now mid-air. In a quick motion, Eulis shot the arrow, separating the target, which was in place using ropes, from the Blue-Back mole's stomach. Before the target could hit the ground, Eulis used wind magic to redirect his previous arrow. The arrow pinned the target to the ground right through the centre. As Eulis walked off and returned his bow and arrows there was some silence. It was as if the audience was still processing what had happened. Then all of a sudden, the floor erupted with loud cheers. Those who purchased banners to support Eulis waved them proudly. Eulis smiled shyly as he returned to the other group of participants. Many were amazed by Eulis but there were also some children of nobles that looked away, filled with jealousy and disbelief. Many of the generals looked at Eulis as a good prospect. There were very few that were able to successfully complete the advanced option with a perfect score. Including the Crown Prince, General Blare and the newly added Eulis, there were seven who were successful in the younger generation.

After things calmed down a bit, they continued with the other participants. There were mostly average results but it was still interesting to watch. After a while, it was finally Princess Cecilia's turn. To say everyone was curious about how she would perform would be an understatement. The kingdom's beautiful, delicate princess who failed to awaken her nature magic. Things became quiet quickly. Many didn't know how to act, she was still their princess after all. Princess Cecilia could feel their eyes on her. She couldn't choose the advanced option like Eulis but she still felt that she could prove herself. As she reached for a bow, she hesitated. She couldn't understand why she would. They were all the same. As if telling herself to get a grip, she pinched her arm then picked up a bow and arrows. As she walked towards the shooting line she heard a voice tickle her ear.

"Just do what you usually do," said Viola in a dream-like whisper.

At first Cecilia was shocked but she soon wore a bright smile. She gripped the bow in her hand and walked confidently towards her position.

Alexander noticed that Viola seemed to blow something.

"Is everything okay?" asked Alexander.

"It is now."

Alexander decided not to dig any further and instead turned to watch Princess Cecilia.

Princess Cecilia got into her stance and once she was ready, she didn't hold back. She was a vision of grace, beauty and strength. In quick succession, she hit each target. While her arrows may not have gone through them, they were firmly embedded. After shooting the final arrow, she slowly lowered her bow. She pushed back a few hairs that were out of place then walked back. As she did, the crowd cheered loudly for her. Eulis was also clapping among the group of participants. This was a new feeling for her and she didn't want to lose it, she decided not to lose it.

Many of the generals praised the Princess' performance. The King just seemed relieved that she hadn't embarrassed the royal family and the Queen had missed it because she was speaking with one of her ladies-in-waiting. The Crown Prince and the Second Prince, however, were proud of their younger sister. Viola smiled and gently nodded her head.

The other groups continued shooting, some participants shot in groups due to time. There were many that were outstanding and others that did well. After the archery portion ended, the event workers started to prepare for the next event. After each event there was an intermission, that way the participants could also prepare and the audience members could get something to eat, go to the restrooms, etc.

The single and team races went smoothly. Many were able to gain more points and some were able to make up for their disappointing results in the first event. Princess Cecilia continued to shine during these events, coming first in her individual race and helping her team place second in the team(relay) race.

After a one hour break from the end of the last set of team races, the final event of the day, the obstacle course would take place. The obstacle course started off with columns of small circular step-like stands that participants had to run across, then jump over a small body of water, after jumping across the water, they would then crawl underneath thorned wire, once they passed that step they would use a rope to help them climb over a wall, after getting over the wall, they would need to dodge and get through a barrage of coloured water balls being aimed at them, after passing this stage they must then walk on their hands towards the finish line without falling. For this course, those that possessed nature magic were permitted to use their abilities but to a minimal extent. The more they used their nature magic, the less points they'd gain. Due to this rule, some preferred to stop at some parts of the obstacle course instead of risking using their magic and having their points slashed. For many others, however, the obstacle course seemed to be bliss.

Eulis and many other participants went through the course easily. It even seemed as though they were having fun. The same could not be said for Jemma and Krissy who started to struggle once they got to the third portion of the obstacle course. Krissy detested the thought of crawling in the dirt. Jemma tried to convince Krissy to do it but Krissy refused. As she started to walk away she tripped and hit the ground. She seemed to trip over air. Jemma quickly rushed to help her up. Some tried to stifle their laugh, while others laughed at her loudly without a care.

Princess Cecilia couldn't help teasing her as she passed by. "Need some help?"

Krissy screamed in frustration. She decided to go as far as she could. She was already dirty, so she thought she might as well try to catch up with the Princess and make her pay. This was for naught however, as after she got over the wall, largely due to using Jemma as a stepping stool she got hit with many coloured water balls. She tried to use Jemma as a shield at first but she couldn't block all the hits. The two, unintentionally, became a source for the crowd's laughter.

Princess Cecilia and many others completed the course without an issue. After the final event of the day, it became clear who were the ones to watch. The principal and the other judges completed the calculations then announced the rankings based on the points received. Eulis was ranked first and Princess Cecilia was ranked fourth. Neither Jemma nor Krissy even made it to the top ten, much to Princess Cecilia's delight. With the confirmation of the day's events coming to an end, everyone gradually started to leave. Many of the attendees talked happily about the day's events.

Later that day back at the castle…

Lady Baulm guzzled down some wine before getting to her feet. She walked over to the bed where the whip lay and grabbed the handle. She walked over to the servant who was still kneeling. Lady Baulm crouched down next to the female servant and traced her whip against the servant's cheeks. "That little bitch did really well today… You should know what that means for you."

The servant trembled as the cold rough wipe touched her skin. "P-please, don't… I haven't done anything wrong, p-please spare me, my lady!"

As the female servant faced Lady Baulm, her cheeks covered with bruises and tears, Lady Baulm's disgust for the servant increased. Even in such a situation, the servant's appearance was superior. Lady Baulm grit her teeth and stood up. She took a few slow steps from the servant before turning and smiling as she started to straighten the whip. The servant didn't dare move. The silence and waiting made things even worse in the dimly lit room. Although the room was not too large and definitely not small, each time she entered it, she felt like she was being locked in a box with no room to even stretch.

In a quick movement Lady Baulm swung the whip. The force applied ripped through the servant's already tattered clothes. She cried out in pain but quickly covered her mouth. If she was too loud, she would be beaten even more. She straightened her back and tried to bear it. The whip tore into her skin. Just a few more, just a few more was all she thought about with each strike of the whip. Lady Baulm kept going until her arm got tired. The servant was relieved, believing it was finally over. She didn't even have the strength to raise herself from the floor. The pain and smell of blood were the only things she was conscious of. She tried to close her eyes, thinking that Lady Baulm would get some guards to take her out again if she thought she lost consciousness but she was wrong. Another sharp pain dug into her side. Lady Baulm repeatedly plunged her heel into the servant. She threw the whip across the room.

"You disgusting thing! Look at my shoes! They're covered in your filthy blood! Clean it!" demanded Lady Baulm as she pulled at the servant's hair, pulling out a few strands.

The servant, barely capable of moving, used what little strength she had to pull herself towards Lady Baulm's shoes. She knew what was expected of her. Tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision, as she opened her mouth. She began licking the blood from Lady Baulm's shoes. When she moved too slowly Lady Baulm would hit her across the head. Over and over, it continued until the servant could no longer keep herself awake. Lady Baulm tried to wake her but it was no use. She called for two of the guards that usually did her bidding and they took the girl back to her room. After they left, she kicked off her shoes and jumped onto her bed. She didn't even bother changing. It was already about two in the morning.

"That worthless thing can't even take a few hits," grumbled Lady Baulm as she buried her face into her pillow.

Lady Baulm tossed and turned for some time until she drifted off into slumber.

[Princess Cecilia's Room.]

Cecilia stared at the ceiling as she lay on her bed. She had her hands by her sides and legs slightly apart. She remained like that for a moment then she started wildly swinging her arms and legs up and down until she got up and jumped on her bed a few times. Thinking of the day's events filled her with an immense joy that she had never experienced before. She smiled widely and ruffled her raven hair. She then plopped down on the bed. She grabbed one of her pillows and covered her face, suppressing her scream. She got a taste of being recognized and wouldn't let it go. While she was brimming with energy, she convinced herself that she needed to get some rest. Cecilia went to bed happily with thoughts of what she could do for the next event.