
The Blooming Tree

The Kingdom of Ancilly was close to destruction but was saved by the unfathomable powers of the Blossoms. They became dependent on the Blossom's support. While they thrived, others suffered. Through the years they were able to maintain their dominance with the help of the Blossoms but what will happen when new threats appear and things starts to fall apart... Both visible and hidden enemies will begin to approach.

Lan_Light · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

The Next Move

After leaving the courtyard, Alexander and the others accompanied his mother to her room. Her room was in a corner of the castle furthest from the King and Queen's quarters. The room was only a bit larger than a servant's room and was plainly decorated. In addition, due to the room's size, there was no space for a fireplace and only a few low-grade fire stones were provided for warmth. Although the kingdom had become more prosperous due to the Blossoms' aid, resources were not shared equally. The Queen was in-charge of managing the castle and would provide only the bare minimum to Amelia and her son. In some cases, they would receive even less as a result of what the Queen's ladies in waiting or maids decided to deliver. Amelia would often suffer during the winter season but never raised a complaint. If not for the fact that she had the King's child, she would've had an even harder time in the castle.

After getting settled, Alexander had the guard that accompanied them wait outside while he told his mother what happened. They all sat in simply designed wooden chairs. They didn't look that strong but were reliable.

"I'm sure now the Queen wishes she never sent you away," said Amelia as she chuckled.

"I thought she'd try to kill us for sure," responded Alexander.

"Knowing her, she may try to," said Amelia as she sighed loudly. "We both need to be very careful."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you and if I can't, Vi can. They would be crazy to try something now."

"Just because it would be crazy doesn't make it impossible. After all, in their eyes we're the outsiders that keep trying to take from them."

Amelia's words made a deep impression on her son. He could never think of relying on his father. With the King's indifference, the threat lied with the Queen.The Queen never directly tried to harm them but they both knew she was not on their side. Whether it be by her own hands or someone close to her they needed to be more vigilant. After today's events, the tiger may start to bare its teeth.

Amelia, realizing they had left Viola out, turned to face her. She gently held her hands.

"So you're Viola, that name suits you beautifully," said Amelia as she smiled. Amelia was in her late 30's yet retained a youthful appearance.

"Thank you, Alexander gave me this name. If you'd like, you can call me Vi," replied Viola.

"Okay, Vi."

Amelia placed her hand against Viola's cheek.

"How should I address you? As Amelia? Or perhaps Mother?" asked Viola.

"W-wait, that's not, not really how it works-" stuttered Alexander.

"I'm fine with that. You can call me mother," Amelia interjected. At first she was surprised by what Viola said but afterwards she felt happy.

Viola felt strangely as she said the word. She knew it was normal for mortals to have partners and call their partner's parents in the same way they would their own but something about it felt foreign. As she looked at Amelia she noticed her green eyes. They were like jade. Her eyes were clear and although Alexander had the same eye colour, hers seemed different somehow.

Banging at the door suddenly drew their attention. Alexander went to check. As he opened the door he saw one of the Queen's ladies in waiting and the guard that was stationed by the door was being restrained by another. Her name was Gretchen Baulm but she was a member of the Rosenn family. She was taken in by the family after her parents died. Her father was a close friend of Duke Rosenn so he felt obligated to raise her in his stead. Gretchen had dusty orange hair and a plain appearance. As a child, she would often be described as lacking in comparison to Elizabeth. If not for her connection to the family she wouldn't be at such a high place. Of all the ladies in waiting she was the worst. She would bully Amelia the most.

She barged her way into the room. Alexander tried his best to remain calm. He closed the door and looked over at his mother. She was still sitting relaxed with Viola.

"What a lovely room," sneered Gretchen.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" asked Alexander impatiently.

As Viola was about to get up Amelia held her back and shook her head. Viola decided to remain seated.

"Now, now… Relax, I was just about to get to that… The Queen sent me to get the night lilies you were supposed to retrieve," replied Gretchen.

Luckily, Alexander had already taken the container with him. He pulled it from his pocket and handed it to Gretchen.

"You should know how to open it. Anything else?"

Gretchen faked a smile.

"The Queen also wanted me to remind you, that you and the Blossom are to attend the banquet. After all, it was an order from the King," said Gretchen as she wrapped the storage container in a handkerchief. She looked around the room once more then left, leaving the door open. Gretchen left with the guard who had accompanied her.

Alexander heard coughing and noticed the other guard still on the floor. He helped the guard to his feet. Alexander noticed a slight bruise around his neck. He tried to get the guard to have himself looked at but as he didn't have any serious injuries, he decided to stay. Alexander was worried but still grateful.

Alexander went back into the room and closed the door.

"I guess I should get ready now but what will Vi wear?" wondered Alexander. As Alexander looked at Viola she also looked down at her attire.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she gets ready. I have the perfect dress in mind for her," advised Amelia as she touched Viola's hair.

"That's great, thanks mom! Vi, stay here. My mom will help you get ready and then I'll be back to take you to the banquet in about 30 minutes," said Alexander. He kissed his mother on the cheek then rushed out to get ready.

Amelia smiled as she touched her cheek. Viola then mimicked Alexander by kissing Amelia on the cheek. Amelia laughed. Without realizing it, Viola smiled.

"You look even more stunning when you smile," said Amelia.

"Thank you, Mother," said Viola as she placed her hand on Amelia's cheek.

"Come on Vi, it's time for you to get ready!" said Amelia as she got to her feet and held Viola's hand. Viola gently held her hand as she nodded in agreement.