
The Blooming Tree

The Kingdom of Ancilly was close to destruction but was saved by the unfathomable powers of the Blossoms. They became dependent on the Blossom's support. While they thrived, others suffered. Through the years they were able to maintain their dominance with the help of the Blossoms but what will happen when new threats appear and things starts to fall apart... Both visible and hidden enemies will begin to approach.

Lan_Light · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Extra Training Part 2

Aside from General Blare and the princes who had already decided on a side to support, some of the men were conflicted so they decided to cheer on both women. In their eyes, these were probably the most beautiful and powerful women in the kingdom. They seemed more like cheerleaders than soldiers.

"I shall fight on the level of a 3 Star Mage as well. I'll also only use water magic. That should be fair," said Viola.

"That's fine by me. Just make sure you don't hold back on anything else," replied General Willey.

"Of course."

With that, the match began. They carefully watched each other's movements. The wind moved between them, blowing their hair in the wind. The strands of aquamarine and silverish purple hair were gorgeous. The men ooh-ed and ah-ed at the sight of it. Neither woman was distracted by them. Viola started things off by sending a small wave of water towards General Willey at a high speed. This wave was not to be underestimated however as there were small ice shards hidden within it that started to fire at General Willey once it got closer. General Willey launched herself into the air and evaded the shards using her flexibility and acrobatic skills. The shards left marks in the wall behind General Willey before turning back to water. General Willey quickly threw dagger-like ice shards at Viola. Rather than trying to evade them, Viola used a pool of water to catch the shards and return them to General Willey. General Willey was able to evade the shards again. Once General Willey got back on her feet, she realized that the earth beneath her was no longer firm. She looked down to see her feet covered in mud. While she had been evading the ice shards Viola used some of the water to make the earth around General Willey into a muddy mess. It wasn't over for General Willey however as she covered the area of their match with ice by adding water and using the water within the earth then formed her boots into pseudo ice skates. She sped towards Viola and launched balls of water of varying sizes. Viola smiled. She added more water to the surface of the icy field and glided along it while easily dodging General Willey's attacks. Although Viola was limiting herself, she was still difficult for General Willey to deal with. They both continued to charge towards each other. General Willey was preparing another ball of water when Viola suddenly disappeared. General Willey looked around but couldn't find Viola then she looked up and saw Viola. There wasn't enough time to dodge or counter. Viola's leg came down on General Willey's shoulder like a hammer. General Willey could only try holding back Viola's leg to decrease the pressure. While she was still mid-air, General Willey launched ice shards at Viola's back. Viola disappeared once more and General Willey barely managed to escape her own attack. Before she could catch sight of Viola again there were large shards of ice pointing at the General from above and below.

"Should we keep going?" asked Viola.

Before General Willey could respond, someone else jumped in.

"Of course my Becca can keep going! You got this Rebecca!" shouted General Blare from the audience.

All the men turned to look at him. General Stacks looked at him and shook his head once again.

"Uh, he's so embarrassing… It's my loss. If you don't mind, I'd like to try this again when I've advanced," said General Willey.

"I look forward to it Rebecca," replied Viola as she dissolved and evaporated the ice shards.

General Willey blushed at the sound of her name.

"Are you okay with me addressing you like that?" Viola continued.

General Willey rushed towards Viola and grabbed hold of her hands. "Yes, of course. I'd like that!"

"Hey! No getting so close to my woman!" shouted General Blare.

"It was your woman that held her hands first," said the Crown Prince.

"Hey! What did you say?!"

"I'm sure he spoke quite clearly," added the Second Prince.

General Blare was fuming but those around him couldn't help but laugh. The next match was to start soon. General Blare would face the Crown Prince first then the Second Prince. After the area was returned to normal, General Blare rushed to General Willey.

"Are you okay?" asked General Blare tenderly.

"Just a few scratches. I'm fine," said General Willey.

"You know, you're lucky it was you. If it was anyone else they wouldn't have gotten away with hurting Rebecca," said General Blare as he looked over at Viola.

Viola stared at him blankly.

"You are aware she could easily kill you right?" advised General Willey.

"I mean, yeah I know but I still can't back down," whispered General Blare.

General Willey giggled after hearing his explanation. General Blare smiled in return.

"Are we gonna fight or what?" asked the Crown Prince who had also made his way to the area.

General Blare's lovey dovey moment was interrupted and needless to say he wasn't happy about it.

"I guess it's my turn to show what I've got. Make sure to get a good seat," said General Blare to General Willey as he went towards the Crown Prince.

"Come on Viola, we should get out of here," said General Willey.

"Okay, I'll help you," advised Viola.

Viola swept General Willey off her feet and leapt towards the empty seats next to General Stacks. General Willey looked at Viola with eyes filled with admiration as she held her in her arms. The men cheered as Viola landed. Their imagination ran wild as they watched them. General Stacks gave them a menacing look so they'd restrain themselves. Once they sat down, General Willey took Viola's hand. Viola didn't mind it so she held onto General Willey's hand as well. They formed the image of a beautiful couple. Almost everyone looked at them with such thoughts. Even General Stacks had to admit that they made a lovely pair. Seeing the scene of the two caused General Blare to wonder if he might lose his girlfriend to Viola. He decided to put on a good fight. General Blare then shot a ball of fire into the air to signify the beginning of the match.

General Blare rushed towards the Crown Prince with his fists covered in flames. The Crown Prince tried to block it with a shield of fire but General Blare easily broke through it. His punches were filled with pure destructive power. He was a lot faster than the Crown Prince imagined. General Blare didn't hold back in the least. The Crown Prince somehow managed to land a kick during General Blare's barrage of punches. This created some needed distance between them for the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince sent multiple flame slashes towards Captain Blare but they proved futile. General Blare evaded them easily with his speed while also closing the gap between them. The Crown Prince knew that he was still lacking in close combat skills but the last thing he wanted was for it to show. General Blare launched another punch but this time the Crown Prince grabbed his punch and sent him back with a punch of his own. The Crown Prince decided to change his tactics. He knew he couldn't surpass General Blare's speed but if he could at least predict his movement's it would increase his chances of victory. They exchanged multiple blows but the Crown Prince was still keeping up.

"You're stronger than I thought!" exclaimed General Blare.

"I could say the same about you," retorted the Crown Prince.

They interlocked fingers and tried pushing each other back. As they did this, they started to release their flames. The temperature began to rise. Their flames encircled them and started to spread. The men in the audience began to sweat profusely. General Stacks and Willey had lower body temperatures so they weren't bothered by the heat and Viola didn't sweat so she was also unaffected.

"Vi, are you able to do something to control the heat from the flames?" asked the Second Prince.


Viola rose from her seat and outstretched her hands. She then gathered water around her hands. In a smooth and quick motion she released what seemed to be enough water to fill a river. The water put the flames out and also left General Blare and the Crown Prince soaked.

"Done," said Viola as she took her seat.

"That wasn't exactly what I meant," said the Second Prince awkwardly.

"It was effective though," said General Willey as she and General Stacks nodded their heads in unison.

The men were grateful that the fire was put out so they didn't mind as well. General Blare and the Crown Prince, who still had their fingers interlocked, looked at each, both speechless. General Blare then spat out some water. The Crown Prince broke his hold and burst into laughter. General Blare soon joined in as well. Viola made her way to them.

"I'll help you two to dry off," said Viola.

Before either of them could respond, Viola sent them spinning in the air while using her wind magic to also blow through their clothes. While they were in the air, she also dried the area. Once she was done, she gently placed them on the ground.

"Couldn't you have just absorbed the water from our clothes?!" asked General Blare.

"This method was faster," answered Viola.

General Blare couldn't find anything to say to rebut Viola's statement.

"Ah, fine. I guess we can call this match a draw. I'm ready for the next round. Let's go!" shouted General Blare.

"Let's do it!" shouted the Second Prince in agreement as he jumped down from his seat.

Before they could begin, however, General Stacks quickly appeared before them.

"Sorry guys but we need to start heading out soon. You can have your match next time," advised General Stacks.

It had already gotten dark and they still needed to clean up and close The Circle for the day.

"That sucks! I guess we'll have to exchange blows on another day," said General Blare.

"I look forward to it," said the Second Prince as he outstretched his hand.

"So will I," replied General Blare as he shook the Second Prince's hand.

Everyone helped to clean up and arrange the equipment. Afterwards, with the little time they had left, the young men and soldiers that were present interacted with Viola, General Blare and the princes. In showcasing her abilities, Viola spun the men in the air using wind magic. Their cheerful laughter filled the air. General Willey and Blare also joined in the fun. Viola spun them, separately from the group of men, and slowly. The Second Prince looked on contentedly. Despite all that was happening, they could still have this moment of happiness. The Crown Prince was also pleased with how things turned out. A few minutes later they all had to leave. The men's reluctance could be heard clearly in their whining as they left The Circle. Nevertheless, they all had to part ways but at least they could do so with happy memories.