

The life of Detective Flinch is faced by the greatest mystery of his career. His pursue for a serial killer leaves more questions than answers and with each new day, a new twist. will he survive? can he outsmart the already too smart criminal? How does this change his life?

Godwin_Kirimi · Võ hiệp
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7 Chs

The tavern hunter

Staring in interest across from the counter, sipping a beer was one tall and strongly built gentleman. He observed the girl seated in his favorite spot, at disdain first followed by more scrunity and interest.

His mates around the pub had nicknamed him the tavern hunter, since he spent most of his evenings here hunting for potential prey and he had just earmarked his victim for the night,

a chocolate beauty sitting in his spot and drinking dry gin without flinching even a little bit.

He picked up his half bottle and walked towards her table ,"do you mind if I sat with you?" he asked the lady.

She did not flinch nor reply, ignoring him instead. He pulled the chair beside her seat, sitting and assuming her full body evaluation of him with her eyes. He had gotten used to that.

They drank quietly for a few more minutes before he finally said , "Am Joshua by the way. You seemed to be in pain, mind sharing whats up."

Millie smirked at him, before finally saying ," so you the pubs therapist who can tell those who are heart broken and going through shit? saviour?."

Joshua kept quiet for sometime, realizing there was more to this. He shuffled in thd seat, took a swig at his beer before replying,

" First of i did not mention heart break and secondly the way you taking swigs of dry gin alone is an indication something is going on and you should not be drinking alone."

Millie listened to his evaluation and was impressed. She extended her hand to him before finally saying ," Millie Johnson, pleasure to meet you."

Millie listened to Joshua tell her different stories about himself as they drank. She enjoyed listening to him and her mind for the moment forgot about little Norah.

He watched Joshua's stature in interest, the huge firm lips, brown shaggy hair and rough texture.

He had a body builders body, she noted. He however informed her that he was an artist. A freelance painter who did contract work.

A wild thought overcame Millie Johnson as she watched the hungry desire play out in Joshua's eyes.

She gave him a moment to finish what he was saying before chirping in a sort of challenge note, "want to leave this shit hole for some place fun or maybe your apartment?". "I thought you were the one against having anything to do with a stranger?", he replied.

A waiter walked to their table, refreshing their drinks. Joshua waited, hearing the silence drain on for longer than he anticipated before finally adding ," I just live around the corner, if you don't mind seeing a few of my pieces."

Millie bought the obvious bait knowing what that meant. She grabbed her bottle of, left some dollars and the tip on the table before finally staggering out into the street as Joshua led the way.

True to his word, his apartment was a few blocks from the tavern in a corner. It was a medium sized wooden apartment with a hint of traditional theme.

As Joshua pressed on the wall socket lighting up his studio apartment, Millie flinched her eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden bright light.

She moved her gaze around the room, admiring the beautifully coloured master pieces in the room.

She fixed her gaze to one particular huge piece, mouth open and dropped the bottle of gin in her hands.

Staring back to her, crystal blue eyes, small, sharp, erect nipples and frail chocolate curves was a beautiful coloured piece of art.

Joshua noticed her interest in the particular piece, joined her behind before explaining,

" the piece is one of my favourites too, belongs to a certain stripper in the down town casino. She strips there once in a while during the weekend. Quiete a beautiful and flexible little thing."

Millie turned her gaze to him, tears streaming down her eyes. In the picture he had painted and was now explaining about, was little Norah. Anyone who had seen or met her could have told without the slightest of doubts that she was the one in the painting.

Joshua, confused at what was going on, hugged Millie and hushed her like a baby as she broke down.

Millie could not comprehend that besides betraying her in such a way, little Norah kept more secrets from her and worse, was a part time stripper in some luxurious city pub and never had told her about this. She wondered how many more secrets little Norah had kept from her.

Joshua, knew where to draw the line and despite Millie's fragile state and emotional breakdown making her easy prey, he knew that would be scooping too low even for him.

He sat with her by the seat in the studio. Embracing her in a warm cuddle as he listened her rant and curse about the girl in the painting.

For the first time in the tavern hunters evening hunts, he would have returned with a hunt but would not be showing his exquisite masterly of the sexual acts.

He however was feeling good about himself and that was not such a bad feeling in itself.

They lay asleep in a heap in the warm cuddle by the studio, having continued their drinking spree late to the night.

Millie woke up an hour past minute, first in confusion of where she was before recognition hit her and she decided it was time to leave.

As Millie headed home, memories of little Noral slowly obsessed her. A story of thrill & life of pity. A memory that started when they had met that fateful summer morning 6months ago, still vivid as follows