
Fragments and Clues

Emilia and Dietrich lay down, panting while in a euphoric state of mind. Emili looks over at the time and quickly grabs a pair of Dietrich's shorts and a t-shirt to put on. Once dressed, she rushes out of the room, leaving a very confused Dietrich lying alone in the bed as he watches her go. 

Emilia emerges in the library and grabs every book she can find that's related to demons, werewolves, and the founding members of the Northern and Southern packs. She skims through the pages, looking for one name in particular: Hartavian. 

Fifty-two minutes later, Emilia takes a break to grab some coffee. She forgets to close the books as she walks out to the kitchen. Emilia returns with coffee in hand and finds Patrick sitting at the desk she had been using while looking very intensely at the books lying before him. She runs over and snatches the books away, hiding them behind her back.