
The Rules of Blood Tag

1. Outsiders are never to know of the game.

2. The first heir to draw blood begins the game as "It"

3. Points are kept by tokens, which may be used to buy immunity it other rounds. Meaning until another "It" is selected.

4. You may not immediately seek blood once you are "It". Your blood must be drawn from a calculated plan as you will be evaluated.

5. The task of "It" is to last no longer than 4 weeks, or The Blood Elders may step in and punish all heirs as see fit.

6. Refusing to play a round is a result in a punishment from all players chosen by the reigning Blood King/Queen.

7. As age of heirs progress, so shall the form of which blood can be taken.

8. There is to be no killing until sanctioned by The Blood Elders.